Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dreams and the meaning of them...

What are the meanings of dreams???

I believe dreams tell you and try to learn you things about life...

I have difficulties remembering my dreams though... but I had one strange dream this morning...

here it goes..

I was wandering... together with atleast one person couldve been mroe... we were in a jungle or a forest.. I knew where I was headed, there was this place which I dont know the name of but I knew about it from earlier...

to go to this place I had to walk in this forest and climb a small cliff.. so it was not really so far away..
so I got there quite quickly....

When I was there I was standing alone... I was watching the landskape around me... and it was tombstones everywhere I looked.. whereever I turned my eyes... this I new already.. I even knew it before I got there....
and next to me there was this big house I think it was made of light-brown colored stones and was quite similiar to a small fortification.. there was a door on it I remember but I did not watch it much as I simply did not care for it... Still I had this strange feelign about this house.. I do not know if it was good or bad but I would bet more against the bad direction...

That's about what I remember...

I wonder if anyone have any idea of waht this dream might have to do with...?


I did have some thoughts about it...

*I am going through this forest/jungle and small cliffs and I'm there fast
(there is not hard to get there, so it's a place near me...)

*I know about this place, where I was standing alone...
(It's obvious to me that I'll stay alone if I stay negative)

*I know about this house which I got this bad feeling about but I do not care for it, I just ignore it and watch the tombstones...
(maybe the house represents my negative self, and that I know of it, but I am ignoring it.. the tombstones reprecent all the people that arent there with me.. and of course they are not there.. I am alone.. because I'm negative.)

*I was alone when I got there, on the way there I was not...
(I will be alone if I stay at this place. Of negativity.. nobody wants to go there with me)

I also recall him saying something when we were climbing up the small cliff and I was not paying attention to the guy..

*this place was an open landscape...
(the place was very clear to me... I could see everything which means that I know about this place already or that I "know that I will end up alone if I continue to ignore this house that is next to me"..)

*the house was like a small fortification, but stil had a door which I also did not walk into.. I was watching the landscape instead...
(the negativity was the house, and I imagine it being so hard to get rid of this house.. (to siege this little fortification) But still I havent tried the easy way... to open the door... and I didn't even want to open it..)


I also recall they guy I was climbing with was saying something when we were climbing up the small cliff and I was not paying attention to the guy at all really.....?......

Lonliness is something very feared by me...
and I've been an very alone person (outsider) in my past life to be honest.....

I bet all of this are ingredients in the story...

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Comment by David on January 13, 2009 at 10:43am
great observation manifesto... you gave me a thinker there....
and you are right.. I have difficulties trusting people which has destroyed many relationships that I have.. with both friends and all kinds of relationships in my life...
Comment by Andy (UK) on January 13, 2009 at 7:00am
dreams are all just mumbo jumbo, bits and pieces, you then put them all together yourself, what you think you remember will not be what you dreamt

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