His Serene Holiness Joseph XV (of whom we have just heard and send greetings), and any Royalty, State or Military interested in Peace and the generation of Wealth;
The Global Settlement Foundation (GSF) stands ready to provide the fresh new start. [ https://image.rayservers.com/ssl/Rayservers-Application-2.1.pdf ]
Dear Mr. Bellringer,
Here is a list of the members of the committee of 300. They are hereby put on formal notice. They and their families will be purged from this planet if they do not immediately change their ways. I urge all readers of the internet to locate these people. There is nowhere on this planet for them to hide any more. The Yakuza and Triads will also be given this list of names.
In response to OBAMA'S threats against World Leaders, The World Court and each of us last week the Military, including the Provost, was to assist in getting deliveries done today, Sunday. This is why WE have maintained silence the last 48 hours.
The D.C. Police Comissioner and his men, now having accepted several bribes from OBAMA, LAST NIGHT TOOK SEVERAL MILITARY FAMILIES HOSTAGE in order to stop deliveries scheduled today. They… Continue
Added by jose v on May 10, 2009 at 9:51pm —
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In the coming months all will be sorted according to the light. This is the light coming from the ships of the armada, the light coming from the galaxy, the light generated by each individual human, and the light of the Creator. Those humans of the highest light, light workers, and those who resonate with them, will be called to move with Earth, as a moth is attracted to the light of an electric bulb. Those who resonate at a much, much slower frequency, that which is dictated by fear, will not… Continue
Added by jose v on May 10, 2009 at 12:11pm —
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His Serene Holiness Joseph XV, (法王)
( His Most Royal and Sacred Highness Prince Randall of the Dal Riatans),(皇太子)
The Sovereign Holy Dalriadan Desposynic Abbatial-Principate, (日本語にない肩書き)
Archpriest of the Sacred Kindred in the Cele De of the Holy Dalriadan Ecclesia,
Presiding Lord Archbishop of the Holy Episcopal Church Worldwide,
大司教 (だいしきょう)
Royal Scion of The High Queen Igerna of Avallon del Acqs and
The High King Aedan Pendragon of… Continue
Added by jose v on May 9, 2009 at 12:26pm —
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In the wee hours this morning the D.C. Police Department returned the packs to Treasury.
Bank Examiners, acting "on a tip", have been into all the major Banks this morning and have found pallets of shrink wrapped COUNTERFEIT CURRENCY. The statement was made that it appears that every bank in America's reserve currency is COUNTERFEIT.
More when possible,
casper 5-08-09 #1
Added by jose v on May 9, 2009 at 1:43am —
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----- Original Message -----
From: R
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 2:03 PM
Subject: Amber
One question do you really believe that ships are going to desend and transport us to a ship through a beam of light? I did read the strangest story today and i have to tell you it really makes you think about what the Truth really is.
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: May 8,… Continue
----- Original Message -----
From: SC
To: bellringer@fourwinds10.com
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 2:21 PM
Subject: Status of Things
Dear Patrick,
Good morning. I hope you and Anne are doing well today.
Casper's latest update sounds good. Now, I still wonder about the 'politics' involved in all of this. There have been Urgent Global messeges recently to Obama. What has happened in response to them? Are we dependent upon politicians to… Continue
Added by jose v on May 8, 2009 at 4:13pm —
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The Chinese want Bill Gates as world president? This must be an inside joke!
The report from Caspar (who I believe to be a pseudonym for Defense Secretary Robert Gates) on fourwinds10.com says the Chinese are proposing Bill Gates (no relation) as World President under a revived Ming dynasty.
My first reaction was fury and disbelief. Let us think about Bill Gates. His father was a close associate of the Watsons of IBM, a notorious group of Nazi supporting… Continue
Added by jose v on May 8, 2009 at 5:51am —
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The information at these two websites is connected to the "packages" that Casper writes about.
$250 Billion Treasury Note Cloaked in Mystery ? Evades Public Scrutiny
May 5-6, 2009 - SPECIAL REPORT. The Bush clan and a seized $250 billion Treasury Note.
According to WMR's sources, the FBI and London police are working together on a case… Continue
Added by jose v on May 8, 2009 at 4:34am —
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Last night ALL WAS WELL. WE went to bed happy and excited.
WE awake this morning to all hell breaking loose in D.C.--AGAIN.
At 9:30 a.m. this morning people working for we the people/recipients, armed with World Court Warrants, went to the D.C. Police Department for assistance serving the Warrants on Treasury and the Supreme Court to obtain packages sequestered there.
The D.C. Police Department refused assistance so the Warrants were taken… Continue
The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the "Crown," which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A., this is a different "Crown" and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the… Continue
Added by jose v on May 7, 2009 at 8:09pm —
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Barack Obama, Timothy Geithner and Barbara Bush reported to be obstructing international justice and perpetrating international financial terrorism
US money center banks acting as custodians of the farm claims and international prosperity funds have failed to allow the Trustees into whose accounts the funds were paid, to access them. The banks involved include JPMorganChase, Deutsche Bank, Citibank, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo. These institutions now stand in gross, criminal breach of… Continue
Added by jose v on May 7, 2009 at 8:05pm —
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Message to the clan leaders of the Han
The Chinese people have been betrayed and will be headed for a future of horrific slavery.
Your leaders are in way over their head when dealing with these people. They think that, by getting US military secrets, they have been handed the world. It is the opposite. China can only rule the world with soft power. Remember, the Chinese are only one out of five people. If they start threatening the other four people, they will only make enemies,… Continue
Added by jose v on May 7, 2009 at 12:41am —
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People trying to find out what is really happening with the ongoing financial war appear to be confused these days. That is because even at the very top of the world pecking order there is confusion. What my direct sources -as opposed to internet sources like Casper, Heneghan, Poof, Story, Rense, etc.-(my NSA sources tell me they are all reliable but do get fed disinformation from time to time.) tell me is that a new… Continue
Added by jose v on May 6, 2009 at 12:00am —
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BUSH, CLINTON and OBAMA have handed over to RED CHINA the United States most important weapons technology.
This includes SONAR, RADAR, BALLISTIC MISSILE TECHNOLOGY, LASER TECHNOLOGY and STEALTH TECHNOLOGY including the locations and numbers of all such U.S. assets.
This is how the CHINESE SUB managed to "pop up" in the middle of a U.S. Naval Fleet last year.
CHINA is now using this technology against the U.S. and the other Countries as a threat to get their money and our… Continue