Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Jose v's Blog (1,989)

David Icke - Project Avalon - Humans get off your knees

it was 1990, and then suddenly it's the end of May 2010.

Project Avalon's Bill Ryan interviews David Icke about his new book HUMANS GET OFF YOUR KNEES and what's the first thing they talk about?

I've covered POISONED PLANET, TIME'S GOING BY SO FAST in February 2010 as one of my idle thoughts on this blog but here,…


Added by jose v on May 26, 2010 at 3:03am — No Comments


Richard Hoagland just forwarded this link to me...

Does anyone have a clue as to what…


Added by jose v on May 25, 2010 at 6:45pm — 4 Comments

Gentlemen and gentle ladies- this is going to be one mind blowing week.

The following appeared on Walter Francis Pitzpatrick, III's Jaghunter website:

Helen Tansey with a tease…Monday, 24 May 2010

SOETORO-OBAMA just fired former Navy Admiral Dennis Blair from his post as National Security Adviser (er…that is…I mean Blair resigned)

Gentlemen and gentle ladies- this is going to be one mind blowing week. fasten your seat belts because America is getting ready to go for one helluva ride. I am privy to a series of stories coming out of…


Added by jose v on May 25, 2010 at 6:00pm — No Comments

benjamin fulford :France, Germany and Holland are planning new currency to follow the demise of the Euro

May 24, 2010

The collapse of the Euro is now inevitable and as a result the French Rothschilds, who control France, Holland and Belgium (via the Freemason Grand Lodge de L’orient) and the German Freemasons are planning a new currency. Meanwhile the owners of the Federal Reserve Board have been caught trying to cash bogus financial instruments on three different continents in a desperate last minute push to save themselves. The new financial system should…


Added by jose v on May 24, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments


Elvis Presley My Way Lyric

Songwriters: Revaux, Jacques;Anka, Paul (Eng Lyr);Thibaut, Gilles;Francois, Claude

And now, the end is near;

And so I face the final curtain.

My friend, I’ll say it clear,

I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.

I’ve lived a life that’s full.

I’ve traveled each and ev’ry highway;

And more, much more than this,

I did it my way.

Regrets, I’ve had a few;

But then again, too few to mention.

I did what…


Added by jose v on May 23, 2010 at 8:08pm — No Comments

Let it be known by all of humanity that the: UNITED STATES has DECLARED PEACE

The International Postal Treaty For The Americas, 2010 stems from a Claim On Abandonment that has been received and accepted at the absolute highest levels wherein the Abandonment of all creditor claims against the UNITED STATES was documented (dilectual default) as well as the abandonment of all sovereign rights, power and authority of the general post office commonly known as the UNITED STATES and the relinquishment of the 'pledge' or the release of all pledged property of the sovereign…


Added by jose v on May 23, 2010 at 7:42pm — No Comments


Greetings from TheTrustee911 and Legal Registries,

The new Treaty is complete and is at the printers as we speak.

I apologize for the long delay, but, I can tell you that it was worth the wait. The need arose for some additional foundational work to be put in place before this treaty could be completed. That foundational work…

Added by jose v on May 20, 2010 at 10:56pm — 1 Comment


As of March 21, 2005, Dan B.C. Burisch has assumed emeritus status with MJ-12. Dr. Burisch has gone on the record and sworn that he was formally associated with Majestic 12 since 1986, and was professionally dissociated from Majestic 12 under emeritus status on March 21, 2005. He also swore that he was a party to negotiations of the Tau-9 Treaty and had physical interaction with an extraterrestrial.

Dr. Burisch found out that he was lied to by Majestic. They…


Added by jose v on May 19, 2010 at 10:39pm — No Comments

Exerpt from Scott Mandelker - Author of From Elsewhere Being ET in America

The subculture of those who claim to be of non-earthly origins.

Wanderers and Planetary Initiation

As I discuss in my book, FROM ELSEWHERE: BEING ET IN AMERICA (Birch Lane Press, 1995), there's been a tremendous influx of extraterrestrial (ET) souls incarnating on Earth in the last 50 years. To identify them, I use the terms "Walk-ins", "Wanderers", and "Star People", and their stories are common in the writings of Brad Steiger and Ruth Montgomery. However, no matter how… Continue

Added by jose v on May 18, 2010 at 11:33pm — No Comments

Drug Lord's home after being Raided

Their money can buy the best politicians, the best cops, the best judges, whatever they need they just throw down stacks of cash and it is theirs!

I wonder how the house of a politician will look like mmm..?

Added by jose v on May 18, 2010 at 7:27pm — 1 Comment

Medical News Commentaries - Still Alive and Well - Confirmed Bicarbonate Cancer Cure

Medical News Commentaries - Still Alive and Well - Confirmed Bicarbonate Cancer Cure…


Added by jose v on May 18, 2010 at 1:55am — 6 Comments

BenjaminFulford :The Feds buy time (but not much) by calling in their last reserves

May 17, 2010

The Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate called in their last reserves last week in a desperate Battle of the Bulge maneuver to stave off their inevitable collapse. Their servants in the Bank of Japan and their partners in the European Central Bank and the BIS all promised to squeeze another $1 trillion out of their slave peoples in order to preserve and expand their empire. However, the effort is doomed for the same reason the Battle of the…


Added by jose v on May 18, 2010 at 1:33am — No Comments

Poofness 5_16_10 We There Yet?

-------- Original Message --------



Subject: We There Yet, Daddy?

Date: Sun, 16 May 2010 19:55:25 -0400

Lena… Continue

Added by jose v on May 16, 2010 at 11:49pm — No Comments

Some links


Added by jose v on May 16, 2010 at 2:01pm — 4 Comments

Weatherman Admits Military is Spraying Our Skies

Weatherman: The Military is Spraying Our Skies

By Amy de Miceli, on 05-11-2010 23:52

Published in : Agenda, Weather Modification

Views : 7080

The video below features a weatherman talking about the military using aircraft to spray "chaff". The video has been getting cheers from those of us who look up and notice the spraying of our skies, but it is less likely a rogue weatherman uncovering the big chemtrail mystery and is more likely a script to pacify the…


Added by jose v on May 16, 2010 at 12:40pm — No Comments

David Icke - Polish plane crash - Haiti earthquake

you hear Alex Jones firing off specific intel

you hear Jane Burgermeister firing off slightly different intel

but only one man can bring all the disparate threads together in such a convincing manner - the fearless, David Icke.



Added by jose v on May 16, 2010 at 11:24am — No Comments

Benjamin Fulford - List Of Bankster Senators

List of Bankster Senators who voted to protect big, criminal financial institutes. Please make sure to spread this around and if they are your Senator, please contact their office and tell them what you think.



Added by jose v on May 16, 2010 at 12:18am — No Comments Obama trial starts tomorrow. This video was recorded earlier today.

The Obama trial starts tomorrow. This video was recorded earlier today. Please help make this go viral.

Added by jose v on May 13, 2010 at 4:59pm — 3 Comments

Voyager 2 hijacked by aliens?

Date: Thursday, 13-May-2010 14:30:58



Pasadena - NASA's Voyager 2, which is touring the outer reaches of our galaxy, suddenly began to send back messages to Earth that scientists cannot interpret. A German researcher believes those sounds may…

Added by jose v on May 13, 2010 at 4:58pm — 1 Comment

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