Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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A Vision for a Genderless God

The Vision Alignment Project

Today's Vision comes to you from Mary Maciasz in Louisiana. Thank you, Mary! We truly appreciate your Vision and are honored to Align with it!

I see a universe where "God" is found in every living thing, in every breath taken. I believe that the need to define "God" has been… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:41pm — No Comments

What All Lightworkers are Working Towards

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

We are always very interested in what is happening there on planet Earth because you are growing so very fast and exploring so much of consciousness. We invite you to take a look at yourselves and recognize just how far you have come. We invite you to do… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

What All Lightworkers are Working Towards

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

We are always very interested in what is happening there on planet Earth because you are growing so very fast and exploring so much of consciousness. We invite you to take a look at yourselves and recognize just how far you have come. We invite you to do… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Changing of the Guard

Message from Sananda

Channel: James McConnell

I am Sananda. And I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing changing times.

I am going to call this now the ‘changing of the guard.’ For that is indeed what is happening. You are experiencing a changing of the guard, changing of the old ways, the old 3-D illusionary… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:19pm — No Comments

Your divinely Inspired Awakening

By Tania Gabrielle

Welcome the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere – Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere!

The solstice is awakened on June 21 at 10:58 am EDT, 7:58 am PDT and 3:58 pm Universal Time in London.

This year the astro-numerology code is… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Your divinely Inspired Awakening

By Tania Gabrielle

Welcome the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere – Winter Solstice in the Southern hemisphere!

The solstice is awakened on June 21 at 10:58 am EDT, 7:58 am PDT and 3:58 pm Universal Time in London.

This year the astro-numerology code is… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Remember that You Are a Reincarnating Soul

Hakann trough A. S.

My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

First of all, I want to acknowledge that life on Earth right now is often brutal, unfair, crazy, harsh, lonely and painful. Yes, I know that many of you are… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 23, 2023 at 3:04pm — No Comments


One Who Serves and Shoshanna

Channel: James McConnell

Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum. Greetings to you! One Who Serves here. Shoshanna is here.

And One Who Serves is back. We are back from the last time, which we were not here in your last time together, as Yeshua was the one who gave the answers to your questions. But we are back. We hope that we can be as appealing and as efficient as Yeshua was for you. But we are here to serve,… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 11:05pm — No Comments

Thought.. Though..


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Do you feel like a victim of your thought streams?

Do you Identify with your thoughts?


We share Energy and HOLD space for You.


Thought streams can be oppressive

Giving you no break, thought to thought to thought.

Exhausting they… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Canada Attends First-of-Its-Kind UFO Briefing at the Pentagon


Amid extraordinary new claims, U.S. office delivers its first briefing to allied nations.

The Canadian government has confirmed its participation in a first-of-its kind international meeting on unidentified flying objects hosted at United States military headquarters.

The… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 10:51pm — No Comments

In the Audience, Watching the Newsreel

By Steve Beckow

I write this on the longest day of the year, June 21, 2023.

We’re like a movie audience, seated in the theater and watching all the previews, waiting for the main attraction.

Oh, hey. Here comes a newsreel on what the Company of Heaven has been doing for the last two years,… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 10:39pm — No Comments

You Create…

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Here is a question for you; how much drama do you, personally, create in a day?

Whether it be complaining about a co-worker or friend, bringing up resentments from the past or believe your life could be different ‘if only…”?

This is your lightbulb moment for today…you create! You can… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 10:25pm — No Comments

Knowledge, Maturity and Spirituality

Samuel of Panoptia and Aaron of Urantia

are the teachers

Received by George Barnard

Samuel: “This is Samuel and Aaron is here with me to serve as an example of how new experiences continue to educate us here on the Mansion Worlds and how in the final analysis we both become more useful to the… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Love, Compassion, and Understanding

The Creator Writings

Channel: Jennifer Farley

Upon your arrival, you were given many gifts and tools.

Some you knew how to use from the very start and others required some practice.

Three at the top of the list are love, compassion and understanding.

Even without prior… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 9:49pm — No Comments

Experience a Sense of Unity

Ophelius is the teacher

Received by Chris Maurus

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like for you to experience a sense of shared unity with the Creator Father. How can such imperfect beings, such as humans, have a unifying experience with a perfect Creator? You can experience unity in many forms and because you are human… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 9:38pm — No Comments

The Breakthrough Arrives

By Peter B Meyer

All Ruling Powers Removed

Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroad in civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have caused great damage to our planet, society, industry, culture, etc. Now, they begin to panic as… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Ascension Timeline Rebellion

Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida

By Lisa Renee

We are living through a great transition and ascension process, from a dark aeon to a new aeon. Many of the themes that were seeded by dark forces tens of thousands of years ago, of human subjugation and enslavement are being reasserted in an attempt to maintain… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 3:11pm — No Comments

Why Many Are Leaving the Planet

By The Masters of the Cosmic Council

Channel: Victoria Cochrane

In 2023, many people are coming to the crossroads in their soul contracts. Life on Earth has become very difficult for many and there has been an unprecedented number of people passing into the light in recent times. Why is this… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 2:55pm — No Comments

Return to the New Eden

By Ramona Lappin

Divine Hierogamic Unions of the Holy Graillines and Original Twinflames, Tribes, Founder Races/ Rays, Cosmic Dragons, and Maji Grail Queens and Kings, are returning us to our New Eden and Edenic Bodies, as they truly hold the Divine Blueprints for Creation and the Divine Triple Solar Masculine and Feminine energies and… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 2:38pm — No Comments

True Life

The Telosians

Channel: Marie Josée Andichou

We salute you, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth. We are happy to always be present near you to help you understand Life, True Life. It is true that for many of you, « True Life » is a big question mark.

You often ask yourself the question of what we mean by « True Life ». When we talk… Continue

Added by Manuel Tavares on June 22, 2023 at 2:23pm — No Comments

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