Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Zachary Lange's Blog (8)

Christmas Carol with no Music

Now, what if I don't get this mystic thing,

don't get that special, spiritual ring?

What if I don't see you where I go?

Where would be the sequence if it snows?

There are only if's and could it be's

Every breath is holy in the symphony

I could put your hand out, you could beg

We could be the puller of the sled

If we stand upon what we were once

We could tear tomorrow into chunks

But I would rather…


Added by Zachary Lange on December 8, 2010 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Learning to Swim

When I was young I took a swimming lesson. I was frightened of the water and wished for my mother to come take me out of the pool and hold me. There was a chain- linked fence between the parents and the pool. As long as I looked away from the water and to my mother, my anxiety grew stronger and my desire for safety grew closer to panic. Finaly, I climbed out of the pool and ran to the fence,…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 24, 2010 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Gospel Of the Companion (a Fragmented Gospel)

[...]why son hast though forced my hand and caused me to raise my hand against thee? Instead, thou should'st have kept thy peace and allowed my wrath to fall upon the disobedient ones. Stay thy tongue! I am merciful and shall forgive thy offence even now, recant and I shall give thee my Kingdom, my Power and my Glory! All that I have shall be…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 23, 2010 at 9:02am — No Comments

The Virtues of the Unbeliever


The Virtues of Unbelief (a partial list)

The unbeliever is alone in his experience, yet his heart is openness to what is all around.

The unbeliever has no ground to stand upon so he suspends his mind between all conclusions.

The unbeliever has no country, no religion, no ideal, no creed of living, so he lives each moment as it is.

The unbeliever sees that he does not know, so he is thankful to all that teach him.

The unbeliever…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 22, 2010 at 7:04am — 1 Comment

The Unbeliever's Way


The Unbeliever's Way

The unbeliever stands, turns and opens the door, holding a lantern high upon the whole world. The light shines in the darkness but only the one bearing the lantern perceives the path it reveals. He sees that he is not holding the light for anyone but himself. Someone else could share in the light he shines but they may not carry his lantern or walk his path. The unbeliever says, "Get your own lantern out from your house, then come, I will give you a…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 21, 2010 at 8:20pm — 1 Comment

Walking Naked Down the Street

I ask myself this,

Does the reason for my discomfort in social life stem from a feeling of walking naked everywhere? Does this mean that my persona is weak? If so, isn't this nakedness something to cultivate? Perhaps I should relax in this "walking naked down the street feeling". I have never been able to decide what I am. This has caused me many times to feel exposed as a fraud. But what if it is one of my qualities, this facelessness?.....No idea what I am....Yay! Remaining…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 21, 2010 at 5:25pm — 3 Comments


Here's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head. It's related to the idea that time is moving in all directions...Does God exist without the universe reflecting God? It seems that Spirit and Universe are dependent on one another for existence. There is no me without spirit, there is no spirit without me? There is no breath without a breather and there is no breather without a breath. What is causal is dependent on its effect in matter in order to be causal. We exist together,…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 21, 2010 at 8:09am — 2 Comments

My Honest, Doubting Mind

I realized something which took me aback and shook me a bit, but now has filled me with warmth. I thought, for a great period of my life, that I was on a quest for truth because deep within me there was a strong faith. But I have discovered that the central quality of my mind is that it is an unbeliever. On good days this mind is an optimistic agnostic who says, "maybe....". On melancholy days it is a deconstructive mind, reducing all language, humanity and religion to robotic…


Added by Zachary Lange on November 20, 2010 at 2:42pm — 1 Comment

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