Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

RL's Blog (38)

Snow Falls in the Middle East

Snow falls across much of the Middle East as worst blizzard in 60 years hits the region

Police block roads into and out of ancient holy city

Snowstorm Alexa brings Egypt's main Mediterranean ports to a standstill

Temperatures plummet below freezing across Syria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon

Concern mounts for plight of two million refugees fleeing Syrian civil war

And snow fell on the streets of Egypt for the first time in 112 years as one of the worst winter storms to… Continue

Added by RL on December 14, 2013 at 10:24am — No Comments

World Premiere of the film Sirius

Hey guys, anyone going to this film screening at Los Angeles on Earth Day 7:30pm?

Anyone think they could send over a DVD copy (if available at the event) to this side of the world? A few of us lightworkers here would like to have it.


The World Premiere of the film: Sirius
We are thrilled to announce the World Premiere of Sirius

April 22, 2013 - Earth Day…

Added by RL on March 3, 2013 at 10:34pm — No Comments

I spotted a hidden illuminati hideout in my neighbourhood

Was searching an online map about a place I was going to perform some cleansing rituals with friends tomorrow, when I saw a familiar symbol.

The reservoir beside this place has seen 8 people 'committing suicide' last year and this year, so me and my friends felt our rituals could benefit the place.…


Added by RL on June 16, 2012 at 11:13am — No Comments

'Kony 2012' director hospitalized after exhibiting bizarre behavior

March 17, 2012 -- Updated 0057 GMT (0857 HKT)

(CNN) -- The director of a documentary about a notorious Ugandan warlord that went viral after its release this month was picked up by police Thursday in San Diego after several people reported a man running through the streets in his underwear, screaming, sources said Friday.

While San Diego police declined to provide the…


Added by RL on March 17, 2012 at 2:48am — 4 Comments

What my dream showed me about 11/11

The dream segment that I had on 28th Oct went like this:


I was on the computer, when my iTunes suddenly showed 11:11.

All of a sudden, my inner self spun around inside my body, which turned absolutely still, or rather, time stood still for my body.


The feeling my inner self got was:

- Being in many places and times at one point in time (i saw many mes, which are all me)

- Being connected to everyone and everything at the same…


Added by RL on October 30, 2011 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

Brightest Star in the night sky. Jupiter?

This star which I took the photo at around 10:45pm GMT +8 has been really bright these few days

Ive heard of people mentioning taking photos of it too.

Is it jupiter? The angle is just about right, took it facing east. 

My iPhone could capture its light. Here are the pix.



Added by RL on September 22, 2011 at 11:18am — No Comments

My new website

Hey guys, how's it going?


I've created this website while conducting spiritual workshops here in my country, Singapore. It's not yet a bustling city for spirituality, but I can see people are starting to get attracted..


I'm inviting anyone interested to contribute articles to this website, and to get us people on this side of the world more knowledgable about spirit science.


The website: …


Added by RL on September 15, 2011 at 12:36pm — 10 Comments

Swingin' Appetites

Hey guys, just thought I'd share with you about this:


Usually I'd eat one or two meals a day since I work from home and don't work out very much nowadays. But during the end of August specifically, my appetite has been crazy. It's like I'm eating for two. About 4-5 meals a day now and I don't know why. I'm feeling emotionally okay, not much to worry about. 


Heard something about gaining weight and grounding, but I just feel I'm eating for two. I'm gay and not…


Added by RL on August 30, 2011 at 2:09pm — 6 Comments

The resilience of the Japanese quake victims

Hi guys, thought I would share this link with you as I think we can learn a thing or two from these people. The website is in Chinese, but I can translate some sentences for you. 



Scroll down the page for the pictures




Added by RL on March 13, 2011 at 4:36am — 1 Comment


Hello there,
it's your friendly Asian Indigo online pal, Reb. And here's the time check for the month of October, day 25.

As you can see from the calendar chart so attached, we should be approaching Day 7 of our Galactic Underworld timeline which is slated to happen, oh, around November 3rd. Next wednesday!

What happens after that is predicted to be 360 days of creating a 'fully ethical society'. The terminology of that which may mean…

Added by RL on October 24, 2010 at 12:34pm — 3 Comments

Did you notice the bad pinkies?

Disclosure military guy (Robert Hastings) has same deformed pinkie as US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. In the video broadcasted on CNN on 27th Sept 2010, with 7 other ex-military men, I took a screenshot of his deformed pinkie, which i found very obviously similar to Henry Paulson's.

Hope you realise it too. The disclosure guys on CNN 3 days ago are not batting for our side. Capt. Robert Salas made it clear in his statement on Monday that UFOs are a national…

Added by RL on September 30, 2010 at 9:52am — 5 Comments

Peekaboo Objects

Last night, I was itching for a drink (of water) and went to my fridge to grab a water bottle, one of two that my family keeps. I was muttering amusingly to myself as i took the lone water bottle there, "Where did my family put the other guy?" and closed the fridge door to pour my drink.

I finished and opened the fridge door to place the water bottle back in, and saw the OTHER bottle there.

Was it me, or was it the universe playing a…

Added by RL on June 21, 2010 at 9:15pm — 3 Comments

A little reminder on anger & hurt

He who angers you conquers you. Holding on to anger, resentment, hurt only gives you tense muscles, headache and a sore jaw from clenching your teeth. Forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life.

Added by RL on June 8, 2010 at 4:30am — 2 Comments

Water is a crystal

h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o *some O2* h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o *some CO2* h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o *oil spill residue* h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o NaCl h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o NaCl h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o h2o

Added by RL on June 6, 2010 at 4:30am — 4 Comments

My soul starting to seperate

the reason why i'm back is to blog about an interesting feeling i got yesterday night. It's important so I just kinda got to let all of you guys know ^_^

I was lying on my bed last night at 4am, trying to sleep, when a weird feeling crept over me. It was a sudden feeling like my soul just moved for a split second away from my body for a few centimeters. I could still *feel* my *self* when i moved for this short…

Added by RL on May 7, 2010 at 1:02pm — 8 Comments

What happened at a local Hindu harvest ceremony today...

On local news today, a traditional Hindu harvest ceremony was practiced at a local Hindu temple. They brought in some cows and dressed and decorated them up. Halfway during the ceremony, one of the cows GAVE BIRTH right there and then.
Both mother and calf are fine. The news station got the footage of the calf standing and tottering about a few hours after its birth.

Added by RL on January 15, 2010 at 11:33am — 4 Comments

What do you think of this shape in the clouds?

Last night was the opening ceremony of my photography exhibition at the Singapore Arts House. Five minutes before the speeches, I walked out the building to find my mother, who was a distance away.

I saw this clearer patch of triangular sky above me....above the towering skyscrapers of Singapore.

I mean...triangles in clouds dont occur very often, do they?

I laughed to the sky.

here's the pic with enhanced contrast for your viewing… Continue

Added by RL on January 15, 2010 at 11:19am — 1 Comment

Google Earth Anomalies are BAAACK. (Thanks to Kerrie for the alert)

its been a few days now on Google Earth, that huge chunks of cloud are missing around Australia.

will be monitoring Google Earth more often.

Added by RL on November 16, 2009 at 9:06am — 10 Comments

why do we cry when our emotions are hurt?

why must salty water come out of our eyes?
why not sweat come out of our hands
or our feet start to itch.

why specifically, salty tears from our eyes?

Added by RL on November 14, 2009 at 4:01pm — 5 Comments

Imagine a life where everything will go your way.. long as you know where you wanna go.

isn't that hard to do, is it?

Added by RL on November 7, 2009 at 4:19pm — 2 Comments

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