The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Hi guys, thought I would share this link with you as I think we can learn a thing or two from these people. The website is in Chinese, but I can translate some sentences for you.
Scroll down the page for the pictures
Picture captions: 1) Neat queues in front of the telephone booths. 2) No chaos at the closed subway station. 3) No chaos at the waiting areas. 4) Schools became refuge areas. 5) Children and women receive aid first. 6) All public transport systems close down, so people walk home. These are your "quake victims"
1) In Tokyo, the electrical devices cant be used, only the Internet is available. So theres no public transport. The people have to walk home by foot. The stores along these roads are open because the owners are afraid the quake victims have nothing to eat. The supermarkets are closed because everything has toppled over.
2) Hundreds of people flock to large open spaces to wait out the quake. During this time, not one of them lit up a cigarette. Aid volunteers are running around, giving people their necessities. All men are helping the women. After a few hours, everyone could go home. There was not even ONE piece of trash on the floor.
3) After the quake, Japanese company Suntory (if Im not wrong) announced all its drinks will be free of charge. All 7 elevens were giving out free drinks and food. Vending machines were giving out free food and drinks. TVs were announcing ways to avoid disaster areas in Japanese, Chinese and Korean languages.
4) A Japanese forum friend's comments: "Honestly speaking, even though I am in Japan, I feel lucky that the disaster is in Japan, otherwise the devastation could be much worse. I strongly believe only Japan can bring the disaster level down to its minimum!"
Hence, even though Japan is the unlucky one hit by the disaster, it taught the rest of the world a lesson in its resilient culture.
PS: the japanese yakuza tweeted that its premises can be used as a temporary refuge area where food drink and shelter will be provided.
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