Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Last night, I was itching for a drink (of water) and went to my fridge to grab a water bottle, one of two that my family keeps. I was muttering amusingly to myself as i took the lone water bottle there, "Where did my family put the other guy?" and closed the fridge door to pour my drink.

I finished and opened the fridge door to place the water bottle back in, and saw the OTHER bottle there.

Was it me, or was it the universe playing a prank?

A couple of months ago I blogged here about my experience as a 3-year old whereby my toy disappeared into the wall and all I could think of was "THIS IS NOT A DREAM!"

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Comment by peace frog on June 24, 2010 at 11:42pm
your law of attraction is becoming stronger day by day. dont be surprised if you start moving objects without thinking of it. it's happening to me too,
Comment by RL on June 22, 2010 at 12:30am
Yeah, you question yourself, but you *just* can't ignore the fact that you didn't see it. hahaha
blessings to you, ismail :)
Comment by Ismail on June 21, 2010 at 10:50pm
this happens to me a lot of times. Now i just smile and say ' you are playing with me' its amazing really and can be spooky....i have had experiences with papers, bottles, keys and money....even my wallet as well...sometimes you question yourself hehehe....

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