Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Torz's Blog (39)

Operation Terra

WOW, you guys will want to read this gem I come across the other day!!!

IN THE BEGINNING, this planet was created with a certain destiny path in mind. Its creators (the "elohim," a group of vast, intelligent beings who combined forces to create this sector of reality) envisioned a rich environment where the planet's theme of "seeking harmony in diversity" could… Continue

Added by torz on May 21, 2009 at 8:46am — 1 Comment

A Gathering of the Tribe Charles Eisenstein

A Gathering of the Tribe

Charles Eisenstein

Once upon a time a great tribe of people lived in a world far away from ours. Whether far away in space, or in time, or even outside of time, we do not know. They lived in a state of enchantment and joy that few of us today dare to believe could exist, except in those exceptional peak experiences when we glimpse the true potential of life and mind.

One day the shaman of the tribe called a meeting. They gathered around him,… Continue

Added by torz on May 21, 2009 at 2:36am — No Comments

Swine/Bird Flu: A response from "The Magdalene Rose Collective Consciousness"

I took this from Gregg's Maya forum, info channeled for the rest of us to digest...

Source: Swine/Bird Flu: A response from "The Magdalene Rose Collective Consciousness"

Namaste everyone!

I am new to this forum and wanted to share the following information because I feel it's an important topic.

I must have received over 100 emails this weekend from clients, and others concerned about this latest flu virus.… Continue

Added by torz on April 30, 2009 at 2:00am — 2 Comments

Ascending Earth 2012 Brilliant site

Just finished reading this, thought you would all like to read it too, Excellent info..


What if we can remember that we are indeed not that different from each other, that we all originate from the same source... What if we can suddenly realize that there is a much greater world, that currently is blind to our immediate senses but infinitely… Continue

Added by torz on February 18, 2009 at 11:42am — 2 Comments

George Kavassilas

Found a cracking site you guys, was a link from George Kavassilas... which is the first blog post..

WHo's latest info is below... as usual take what resonates.. which is pretty much all of it for me..

Messages From The Heart – July 2008

I George Kavassilas feel the need to clear the air in regards to statements I made in my DVD of the lecture at the Eternal Spirit in July… Continue

Added by torz on February 18, 2009 at 11:40am — No Comments

NWO Silver Currency on Ebay

You won't feckin believe this one!!!!…


Added by torz on February 12, 2009 at 6:02pm — 2 Comments


We is on the same wave bro!!!!


Love and Hugz Torz xxxxx

Added by torz on February 6, 2009 at 11:59am — 1 Comment

The Cosmic Trigger of MArch 2009

The Cosmic Trigger of March 2009

'The Return of the Firmament of the Dove'

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all. I sense each of you as you read these words in your present moment. Feel my energy embrace you in grace and love ! I know you Dear Ones, each of you, by name.

Now we speak this moment on a topic of great interest, that which may be termed the Return of the Dove. Masters,… Continue

Added by torz on February 6, 2009 at 10:39am — 1 Comment

Antarctic shelf collapse could tilt Earth's axis: researchers

Antarctic shelf collapse could tilt Earth's axis: researchers

By Dan Karpenchuk in Toronto

Posted 5 hours 29 minutes ago

A new study in Canada suggests that the collapse of a large portion of the Antarctic ice shelf would shift the very axis of the planet.

Geophysicists at the University of Toronto looked at the possible effects on the earth if sea levels rise because of a collapse of the west Antarctic ice shelf.

The Toronto researchers… Continue

Added by torz on February 6, 2009 at 8:32am — No Comments

Indigo Child Dream: We become Lightbeings with the wave of light

Well I don't know about you lot but I have no intentions of "going" anywhere just yet, I still have a job to do and so I will concentrate on that instead of worrying about freinds who may or may not be here in a weeks time!!!!!

I have gone off on a different tangent.... this was taken origonally from a thread on ATS... ( the place makes me shiver but there are some good souls left there but the CIA inside posters and getting deperate now) which led me to a link about Indigo… Continue

Added by torz on February 5, 2009 at 2:27pm — 3 Comments


My Workshop at the Prophets Conference, 10/97.

From: Drunvalo Melchizedek

Date: 12/18/97

Time: 8:26:42 AM

Remote Name:


Re: Workshop for the "The Prophets Conference" in Phoenix Oct 10-11-12, 1997

There have been many requests to hear clearly what I said at the "Prophets

Conference" that was held in Phoenix, Arizona on Oct 10-11-12, 1997. Though I can not give you exactly what I said… Continue

Added by torz on February 3, 2009 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Dance With Destiny....... A Documentary

Check this out guys.... I soooooo resonate with the Native Americans Peoples.. I'd almost go as far as saying I think I am reincarnated from them.

Dance WIth Destiny Synopsis

Can we keep up business as usual? How can mythic and spiritual literacy overcome disengagement, hopelessness and isolation? Is a fundamental shift of human conscious occurring? Can the lessons of… Continue

Added by torz on February 3, 2009 at 9:58am — No Comments

Drunvalo Melchizedek What will happen during the SHift..

Drunvalo Melchizedek: What Will Happen During The Shift

From a Lecture by Drunvalo Melchizedek of the Flower of Life Workshop

What's Going to Happen in the Near Future

What usually happens is that when we approach this point in the precession where this change takes place, everything begins to break down - all the social structures,etc begin to dissolve and break down. The key that does it is the magnetic field of the Earth. Which as present-day science realizes may… Continue

Added by torz on February 3, 2009 at 8:59am — 2 Comments

The Secrets of Kundalini & Ascension

The Secrets of Kundalini & Ascension

Why isn't Kundalini common knowledge?

Because it is the primary key to unlocking the secret of

Transformation of the human, Kept hidden by along occult

Tradition of yogis, mystics by intention…And in the West By the


Who have chosen to keep the 'keys to the kingdom'

Out of reach of most of the world. Science and scientists, doctors and

Western medicine have all but ignored it completely as if… Continue

Added by torz on January 25, 2009 at 9:19am — No Comments

For the ones who want to understand what is really happening today and prepare... The Shock of the Tsunami of Love A New Creation When Nothing will EVER be the Same Again...

Found this here in News/Latest Articles at the bottom of the page, after all the selling blurb..... however remote viewing is something i have studied For years and whooley believe in , similar to channeling and something i think we will all be used to doing in the not too distant future...

Enjoy this message, I did..

Torz xx

Happy New Year… Continue

Added by torz on January 23, 2009 at 1:54pm — 1 Comment

UFO files to be released under Obama Open Government Memoranda

UFO files to be released under Obama Open Government Memoranda

On his first full day as President, Barack Obama issued two Executive Orders and three Presidential Memorandum that will start an era of… Continue

Added by torz on January 23, 2009 at 9:05am — 3 Comments

Grand Maya Itza Council Speaks About 2012

Grand Maya Itza Council Speaks About 2012

2009-01-09 | (Ed. Note. We didn’t receive the notice, until recently, so we were unable to notify our readers about the first two Full Moon Meditations. We hope to keep aware of the others.

Sunday, focus will be on Basra, Iraq. Please read the following notices and see the GRAND MAYA ITZA… Continue

Added by torz on January 18, 2009 at 6:06am — No Comments

Dan Burisch summary from Project Camelot...

Excellent summary of a whistle blower which specifically pertain to the history of the "greys" and why they came to Earth....

Here's a taster please follow the link for a full report as other links as in the main body of the text....

Added by torz on January 16, 2009 at 2:15pm — 1 Comment

Interplanetary "Day after Tomorrow??".......... David Wilcock & Richard Hoagland

Interplanetary “Day After Tomorrow?”

Part 1

An Enterprise Mission Hyperdimensional Report

Richard C. Hoagland

David Wilcock

Copyright © 2004

The entire solar system - not just our one small planet -- is currently undergoing profound, never-before-seen physical changes. This paper will address and scientifically document a wide variety of significant examples, drawing from a host of published mainstream… Continue

Added by torz on January 16, 2009 at 2:05pm — No Comments

David Wilcock's latest blog post on Divine Cosmos.... Excellent prognosis...

Just a taster as the site is excellent and full of brilliant info...

Everybody in the Galaxy is Human, And We're Now Evolving...

Sunday 1 / 4 / 09

Are the ETs actually human in appearance thanks to a galactic design? Are natural galactic cycles triggering… Continue

Added by torz on January 14, 2009 at 3:36am — 4 Comments

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