Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Dance With Destiny....... A Documentary

Check this out guys.... I soooooo resonate with the Native Americans Peoples.. I'd almost go as far as saying I think I am reincarnated from them.

Dance WIth Destiny Synopsis
Can we keep up business as usual? How can mythic and spiritual literacy overcome disengagement, hopelessness and isolation? Is a fundamental shift of human conscious occurring? Can the lessons of an ancient past save us from ourselves?
Are there prophetic figures living today who can foretell potential annihilation? These questions lie at the heart of Dance With Destiny.

Dance With Destiny is a documentary that revives humanity’s ancient spiritual past through interviews with Native American spiritualists, secular prophets, environmentalists, healers and leaders in the global sustainability movement. Through a collage of interviews, music, imagery and reporting, Director Bruce Weaver shows that only a spiritual and mythic revival can correct humanity’s course. From stories by Sequoyah Trueblood, a former Green Beret and Choctaw medicine man, to the eco-visionary insights of environmentalist John Todd, Dance with Destiny will challenge the world to rethink, regroup and revive the ancient spiritual paths modernity has lost to its peril. It is, at heart, a call to end mechanized ways of existence by waking to the buried callings of our ancient soul song. The time is now. Humanity is barreling past the point of no return. Fueled by hope but awake to our catastrophic path, this film explores in a penetrating and, at times, disturbing way the fate of the planet and the potential of the individual to shift the collective course – if changes are made. Some viewers may close heart and mind to the revelations in this film. Others will walk anew with increased hope, less threatened and fearful, more deeply inspired to build a sustainable future for posterity.

There is an undeniable disconnect between humanity and the earth rooted in the notion that we are separate. It is causing a longing to revive humanity as spiritual, connected beings, not religious ones. This longing is evidenced in part by the New Age movement and the success of books like The Celestine Prophecy, a book which sold 10 million copies worldwide, The Da Vinci Code, one of the best selling novels of all time, and the recent film “What the Bleep Do We Know?” Dance with Destiny asserts not a New Age philosophy or science, but rather an old-age return to sanity, common sense, and wisdom that has been buried deep in the collective human psyche. The definition of “insanity” is repeating the same actions while expecting different results. The modern expression of our collective insanity is the failure to acknowledge glaring signs of doom and correct root causes before it is too late.

The ancient seers, wisdom keepers, teachers or environmentalist in this film hail from ancient traditions. They were chosen because they see The World As Is through eyes that are clear and immune to anesthetizing power of media propaganda. In the words of director Bruce Weaver, “All of my interview subjects are saying much the same thing: wake-up and see the true consequences our actions have brought, and if we are able to see clearly, we have an obligation to act on that seeing. Once one sees things as they are, one cannot help but feel heartbreak. I believe that compassionate action is the by-product of that seeing, one that flows toward others and the planet.” Compassion is an ancient, awakened heart, the cornerstone of all real, true traditions be they Native American, Buddhist, Mystical Christianity or Kabalistic. Are we as human beings capable or willing to walk into the mouth of our own demons, the black source of un-compassionate, un-conscious action? The men and women featured in Dance With Destiny have valiantly done so and now are sharing with viewers what they have learned.

One featured seer, Jesse Wolf Harden, also writer, activist, environmentalist and teacher, writes about Dance With Destiny: “Here is a film that awakens in us awareness as unsettling as it is exhilarating, a vision in which we are not victims of fate but “response-able” participants in the illusion shattering dance of destiny. Dance With Destiny explores the true frontiers of consciousness, where past, present and future meld seamlessly into activist art, an inclusive pulsing web of which we are both but a single inextricable strand and one of the crucial conscious weavers. We learn that our work is not only to create a sustainable future, but to develop the presence and judgment necessary to discern what values and ways of being are truly worth sustaining. Even as we face political repression and wars, environmental destruction and a culture of distraction and denial, we are each being given an assignment and opportunity to create holistic alternatives. We see that our personal struggles are part of a shamanic process of falling apart and being remade, much as the tumultuous Earth Changes tell the story of a living planet restoring balance through dramatic transformation. We come away from watching this film not paralyzed with fear of what so many have prophesied, but called to boldly attempt the so called “impossible.”’

Here is a film that awakens in us an awareness as unsettling as it is exhilarating, a vision in which we are not vicitims of fate but “response-able”†participants in the illusion shattering dance of destiny.

The Prophetic Heart explores the true frontiers of consciousness, where past, present and future meld seamlessly into activist art, an inclusive pulsing web of which we are both but a single inextricable strand and one of the crucial conscious weavers. We learn that our work is not only to create a sustainable future, but to develop the presence and judgment necessary to discern what values and ways of being are truly worth sustaining. Even as we face political repression and wars, environmental destruction and a culture of distraction and denial, we are each being given an assignment and opportunity to create holistic alternatives. We see that our personal struggles are part of a shamanic process of falling apart and being remade, much as the tumultuous Earth Changes tell the story of a living planet restoring balance through dramatic transformation. We come away from watching this film not paralyzed with fear of the what so many have prophecied, but called to emboldened to attempt the so called “impossible”…_†called to be an active part of the shift and cure.

-Jesse Wolf Hardin

Earth Unbalanced

This film will show that modernity’s problems are rooted in a host of unchecked “isms,” corporatism, statism, militarism, egoism, etc. Solutions will come not from rulers of vested systems, such as politicians or corporate directors. Only radical, heartfelt, internal revolutions of the spirit – which many of the interviewees in this film focus on -- can mend our souls and the web of life.
By combining deft reporting on a range of issues that contextualize the various interviews, Dance With Destiny shows how Mother Nature is paying humanity back for its hubris, excesses and neglects. In the tradition of Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of balance, the classic documentary by Godfrey Reggio, Dance With Destiny will probe the conceptual ties between manmade and natural phenomenon (koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi word meaning "life of moral corruption and turmoil" or "life out of balance"). It will show, for example, how in unprecedented numbers and with unprecedented fervor, the scientific community is warning that the planet’s resources are being stretched to the point of collapse. It will explore how media focuses on the political and diplomatic aspects of global warming while ignoring its impact on agriculture, water supplies, plant and animal life, public health, and weather. It will show how the coal and oil industry spend millions of dollars to plant public doubts about global warming’s role in recent natural disasters from tsunamis, hurricanes, abnormally massive rainfall, unprecedented wind storms and severe draughts.
Not just earth, but entire societies are out of balance. After two world wars left 100 million people dead, a new imperial war machine marches unchecked across the globe. Currently eight nations are declared nuclear weapons states, four are suspected nuclear states and experts say virtually any willing industrialized nation holds the technical capability to develop nuclear weapons within several years.
As war marches on, new pandemics threaten vast populations. Medical technology births miracles but millions of children in the developing world die annually from disease such as diarrhea related dehydration. Globalization has lowered barriers to goods and ideas but conspicuous gaps separate the world’s rich and poor. Information is the currency of the age yet wisdom and spiritual intelligence run scare. Millions awake daily to spiritual isolation as ubiquitous technology dulls human curiosity and powers of observation.
Dance With Destiny plants questions as much as it offers answers. Are there supernatural signs of impending collapse? Where does this path lead? Why are so many humans today plagued by nightmares, contemplation of suicide, unwavering emptiness? Can extended perception and alternative states of consciousness uncover ancient patterns buried deep in human consciousness? How can we get to the ancient knowledge we all hold in ourselves? (It is telling that the Latin root for “education” is “educare,” which means “to bring out, or draw forth”)
As we destroy the earth, we are forcing social crisis. Hurricane Katrina proved the true vulnerability of the world’s most powerful nation while reminding how humanity rapidly descends to animal states during crisis. In the telling words of a blogger in New Orleans, writing on Thursday, Sept 1 at 2:15 am: “It is a zoo out there though, make no mistake. It's the wild kingdom. It's Lord of the Flies.”

Chapter Themes
Chapter 1 PROPHECY
"The only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger, and we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied, because we are the origin of all coming evil." JUNG
Chapter 4 ITS TO LATE
Chapter 6 HOKA HEY

The film invites comparison between various natural and man-made phenomena. The documentary’s narrative structure is a series of interviews that either directly or indirectly deals with several core themes, principally the concept of Prophecy. From Druids to Celts, Christians to American Indians, societies throughout history have recognized groups or individuals as having supernatural powers to foretell the future. To its peril, modernity has dismissed prophets as scientifically improvable relics of a “primitive” past, and the process of Westernization has eviscerated Native American and other cultures which rely on and spread prophetic tradition. But humanity is failing to resuscitate the power of prophecy even as modernization fails to infuse human life with meaning. Millions may be rejecting Western Judeo-Christian culture for the spiritual tools of humanity’s most ancient ancestors, but billions still fail to see the light. This documentary explores the life-shifting theme of prophecy through interviews with the seers like Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Dr. Peter Russell and Sunny Baba. This documentary also postulates that a fundamental shift in human consciousness is possible. But like the rising of the sun and inevitable tug of the Earth’s magnetic forces, the prophecies contained here will show that Earth and Universe will correct our missteps whether we like it or not, whether we embrace new ways or stick blindly to old failures. Prophecy, in other words, may be a window into the inevitable Universal correction that lies ahead.
Another theme is revival of an ancient calling for native connection to the Earth. Popular works such as Joseph Campbell’s book The Power of Myth have spawned a revival of public interest in mythic literature and symbols, some of which point to this theme. This documentary will capture themes espoused, for example, by the Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century German abbess, mystic, author, and composer of music. Her message, as relevant today as in her time, is the need to shift from an egological to an ecological consciousness. What happens when that shift occurs? In the words of Jesse Wolfe Harden, “It’s then, grounded in this spinning globe of rock and flesh, we can feel most comfortable shifting our gaze for awhile.... from the living Earth we’re each an inseparable extension of, upwards to the fecund cosmos we and this planet lie forever bedded with and in.”

Related to the theme of prophecy is the concept of apocalypticism, which holds that vital information about human existence is currently unseen by humans but will eventually be revealed in a shocking and transformative way. Interviews, images and voice-over narrative will explore the theme of the apocalypse. Why the apocalypse, a subject which prompts knee jerk reaction? Few realize the degree to which apocalyptic themes influence social and political systems. The Millennial Year 2000 scare is an obvious example. Numerous works of art, books, films and television shows have used it. Politicians use it to demonize enemies and to paint political struggles as cosmological battles between good and evil (an approach perfected by the Bush administration). The theme is also central to political and religious movements such as Christian Zionism and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

It is also a window into a related insight that is underscored throughout this film: that humanity is undergoing a complete redefinition of man’s relationship to the Creator. Central to this assertion is a discussion of, and reporting on, the relationship of the apocalypse to the Jungian archetype.
Briefly, the intersection of the two themes symbolizes a new stage of psychological maturation for humanity, a revealing of what is hidden, of our inner God, the bearer of good and evil. The notion can be viewed as creative destruction, a leveling of what is and has been to make room for a new rebirth. Apocalypse is the Self’s emergence into a field of conscious realization. In a sense, the apocalypse, as it relates to Jungian theory, is a shift of the God-image, a turning of humanity’s collective self, a turning from the desire to make part of the unconscious within us emerge as consciousness.

"We better wake up to it before its to late"
-Corbin Harney

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