NOTE: Many people are doing the CONNECTION WITH GAIA'S ASCENSION GRIDS meditation (free to download on starting at 9 pm GMT, so that we are all doing it together at 9.09 on the 9.09.09 :)
It's time for the tribe to unite! Come together on the 9-9-9 to celebrate the activation of the 2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th Master Atlantean crystals!
This is the most difficult article I have ever written, simply because words cannot adequately express the wonder of what has taken place. Since the beginning of this year, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have been saying that 2009 is a turning point. They said it will be the year that is referred to throughout the Ages as the Cosmic Moment when the collective masses of Humanity changed our course of direction and reclaimed our Divine Birthright as Beloved Sons and… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 11:51pm —
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A great gathering is occurring on the inner planes, within the Temple of Mercy, the Great White Lodge of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom and all kingdoms and levels of the Creator’s universe. Every soul is uniting now to absorb a source of light that holds love and sacred intentions, they gather to bathe in the loving intention and qualities of the Creator that are descending now… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 5:51pm —
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An Imminent Transformation News Flash!
Butterfly Man Crop Circle appears in Holland
A Gigantic Butterfly Crop Circle formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the Biggest Crop Circle Ever
and appeared in Netherlands near a town in southern Holland called Goes, on the 8th of August 2009.
Yes... we are very excited here in Sedona!
Because... Our Imminent Transformation is at hand!
We had a vision while in Copan last March, and… Continue
Posted By: oliverhaddo
Date: Tuesday, 8-Sep-2009 00:52:56 Let's phrase this very carefully. I do not advocate murder and am not fulminating same. I'm merely connecting dots and that process tells me that just about the only card TPTB have left is to assassinate their clockwork messiah, Barak Obama. This will no doubt be a British operation, using a redneck bigot as the shooter, just another Oswald, y'see?
Saint Germain Message Nov 22/08
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008
I Am That I Am Adamus Saint-Germain. (audience applause) Tough times call for tough angels (laughter) and that is why I am here today.
To the point right now, power is the poison. And you're going to see it again and again when you read the headlines and you see what's happening in the world. The very power that people have held onto in the past,… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 2:30am —
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18 years ago a friend told me about the prosperity programs and asked me if I wanted to get in. I told him that I would think about it. That night I had a dream where archangel Michael came to me and told me that he was the sponsor for the programs. Needless to say I put my money in the next day. I almost always follow guidance from my dreams.
Shortly after putting my money in I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to talk with Mike Kodosky on the phone. Mike was very cordial… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 1:00am —
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Remember 1999? The predicted big crash of the time?
Is 999 any different?
We'll all find out in a couple days.
Here are some thoughts from author Carl Calleman. His reports are based on his findings in the Mayan Calendar, and his historical coupling of events during certain cycles of the Mayan Calendar.
By doing this, he can make certain predictions or rather, probabilities of how things will develop. To me he is… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 12:57am —
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Signs of the coming collapse of the US empire are everywhere. First of all you have the US’s main supplier of money, Japan, fall under control of a government that does not want to buy any more US treasuries. This alone spells doom.
To add to their woes, as already mentioned, the Chinese are not going to let themselves get ripped off by fraudulent derivatives contracts. They have also been avoiding Treasuries. Bye bye money center… Continue
Added by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 12:51am —
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We are told: 1) Deliveries, 2) Announcements, 3) Arrests, seems to me it would have made more sense to do Arrests, Announcements and Deliveries, but I'm sure the good guys have their reasons for the order as it is presented.
After the actions occur, the trials will begin and all of the evidence will be presented, Treason will be a very common charge. The penalty for Treason is DEATH.
When the People discover the magnitude of the crimes that have been committed against… Continue
(Faint hearts and shrinking violets need not apply)
The David Icke Newsletter:
We need to be strong and we need to be unified. What does someone's religion, colour or income bracket matter when you are faced with this Satanic agenda? This is not about killing and maiming white people, black people, Muslims, Hindus or Jews. It is… Continue
Greetings! I have been very busy this past week and I can tell you that all is well.
Please remember that everything is a process. Everything takes time!
Yes, the 30 hour deadline elapsed without remedy for the American people and yes I have taken steps to drop the hammer on those responsible. Everything was in place when the dead line passed, placing this matter in the hands of an international body (NOT the World… Continue
I can say without doubt of any kind, things are underway. I will only say that there are less people doing more work, so do be patient and stay aware, as things are taking longer than orginally laid out. Everyone knows, you must adapt to circumstances, as things alter. Remember all those trustees who had to get bounced for one reason or another, things began to get to the whole 'trust' issue, so less and less began to be extended. So less people are doing… Continue
Added by jose v on September 6, 2009 at 11:22pm —
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Sunday 6 September 2009 20:00
Senator Barack Obama is a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason!!
This revelation is not surprising, for it answers the question as to how Obama could ascend to the high political office when he apparently has no occult background and no discernible Masonic roots.
Now, you know the truth! He is a Mason! Let us consider the evidence.
Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Life, dear ones, is just being life. Others are simply being the best they can be in any given moment. It is the way you choose to look at life, and the way you choose to move through it will determine the quality of your experience. You choices determine who you will be around and your perceptions determine how you will interpret… Continue
Added by jose v on September 6, 2009 at 3:06am —
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Jim Humble writes from Africa About MMS and the Flu Pandemic.
Having been warned to leave Mexico when the flu viruses spread last May, Jim Humble, discoverer of MMS, is now a perpetual traveller. He finds countries, cities, and regions where clinics and doctors are open to something that actually reverses malaria, sleeping sickness, TB, and more diseases that are described in his article.
His writing just came in from wherever he is in Africa to a server in the middle East… Continue
Israeli Prof - Israel 'Can Take The World Down With Us'
(Prof Creveld) "Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that… Continue
Added by jose v on September 6, 2009 at 1:01am —
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Last week (not this week) The World Court was assisting "C.T." with the sabotage operations. Recall the packs were then out again Monday of this week but back in Wednesday. The packs went out again yesterday but were again pulled back overnight and again it was The Court assisting OBAMA with this latest sabotage. They were pretending to assist in getting the packages out only to secretly sabotage the deliveries every time.