Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


We are told: 1) Deliveries, 2) Announcements, 3) Arrests, seems to me it would have made more sense to do Arrests, Announcements and Deliveries, but I'm sure the good guys have their reasons for the order as it is presented.

After the actions occur, the trials will begin and all of the evidence will be presented, Treason will be a very common charge. The penalty for Treason is DEATH.

When the People discover the magnitude of the crimes that have been committed against them, the undeniable proof which will be presented to the public on who did what and why (GREED, POWER and CONTROL), there will be unbelievable outrage and a unanimous call for JUSTICE, it will be payback time. There will be a lot of big names, people we had seen for years in the spotlight and up on the stage telling us all the lies that we all believed in for so long.

When the corruption is fully exposed, I don't see much compassion being offered to these criminals of our species, there will be a lynch mob mentality, people will demand to see these evil ones publicly executed, on TV, so the entire world can see.

Many would like to personally participate in these executions, be it hanging, firing squad, guillotine, or some other humane method. I say we establish an "Execution Lotto", anyone who would like to participate in throwing the lever (and physically qualified to completing the process) should be allowed to enter this lotto.

The lucky winners would then be able to personally participate in the permanent removal and disposal of these demonic miscreants from this planet, once and for all, this would be a true expression of us PHYSICALLY taking OUR Country BACK, and this would also be a clear message to any would be 'tyrant in training' that we, the PEOPLE will NEVER tolerate this type of abuse to us EVER AGAIN!

The French once did this and their government still thinks twice before introducing oppressive new laws or regulations, we need to present this change for what it really is, a TOTAL flushing of the corrupt infection that has nearly destroyed this Country and the total contempt for the citizens by a small and evil group of individuals who had planned on killing or enslaving us all in their vision of the elitist world they had planned on creating for their self-serving lust for power and control over everything.

Let's give them a fair trial and then we'll HANG THEM ALL! Their time has finally come to pass!



(hobie here. :) I see this two ways:

- It would be difficult for me to imagine crimes more egregious, vile, and heinous than those we believe this handful of folks have committed. The crimes we've heard about include brutal sexual abuse of children. I don't think anyone would have to stretch his or her imagination very far to come up with the conclusion that "death" is an appropriate and just sentence. And Reader RD's idea, that a public demonstration of a thorough "cleaning house" could serve several useful purposes, is not an unreasonable one.

- However - I wonder whether a "public bloodletting" so to speak is really the most productive beginning point and most firm foundation for a "new day dawning" for America and the world. Do we really want to _be_ the people Poppy Bush had in mind when he said, "Sarah, if the American people ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the streets and lynch us"...? Do we really want to be part of the "lynch mob mentality" Reader RD has referred to...?

And, is this what the larger world would want? It's true, isn't it, that "the United States" is one of few Western nations where capital punishment still exists? What does this tell us about how the rest of the world might view the matter?

Yet there remains the question, "What constitutes justice, with crimes so depraved, committed against _all_ the world's people?"

I'd hope the 'good guys' who are running the show right now have given this some careful consideration. I'd hope they've figured out the answer, 'cause I'm not at all sure that I see it, myself. :)

Your comments are welcome, though please use language suitable for "general readership" - I'm inviting thoughtful input, here, not rants. :)



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Comment by Joshua on September 8, 2009 at 6:07pm
Peace is the only means to solve anything. We need to keep true to our Kindness, Mercy and Forgiveness. All that's needed is for us to stand united as One and take our power back peacefully, forgive all that have lost their way.

You can't fight fire with fire.
Love & Light!
Comment by CHRISTINA on September 8, 2009 at 5:43am
BTW I do not agree on the "assassination" stuff. I never will, not on this planet, nor in any other place in the universe......

Thanks to Tranceman for posting this vid earlier on this site.

Comment by CHRISTINA on September 8, 2009 at 5:32am
A must watch vid. Common sense here. Everyone is given a choice, INCLUDING TPTB, whether to serve for the highest good of all and our beloved planet.

The Ultimatum : Benjamin Fulford (Part 3 of 3)

Tokyo, Japan

February, 2008

The son of a Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford rebelled against his upbringing and at the age of 17 made his way by boat into the heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of former cannibals. Continuing to seek answers and better understand Western society, he spent time in a self-sufficient community in Argentina before heading to attend university in Japan.

Principled, brave, and still a diehard idealist after all these years, he resigned as Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief of Forbes Magazine after investigating a scandal which the editor refused to report. As he researched global affairs further in his own time, he uncovered for himself the complex web which is global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds - and also the existence of racially targeted bioweapons such as SARS.

It was these plans for global depopulation that upset some important and powerful factions in Japan, Taiwan and China. After being approached by a real-life, present-day Ninja, matters came to a head in 2007 when Benjamin became the first Westerner for 500 years to be admitted into the ranks of the Eastern Secret Societies, a vast group with six million members. Acting as their spokesman, he stepped up to the plate to deliver a simple message to the Illuminati:

Recognize that your time is over, step down without a fight, and allow the world to thrive as it should - or face the consequences from up to 100,000 professional assassins for whom no love is lost towards the self-styled ruling elite of the planet.

This was first communicated through Dr Henry Makow and Jeff Rense in July 2007. Project Camelot has now traveled to Japan to meet with Benjamin Fulford personally. Our two hour video interview will present the far-reaching and literally incredible background story - and will also enable the Illuminati, who we have every confidence watch our videos carefully, to be reminded that the ultimatum is real, serious, and still in force.

Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the next Finance Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan's $5 trillion of foreign reserves to eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the generations of damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man with a deep understanding of both East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the box, a lover of peace who is unafraid to speak warrior words.

In this comprehensive three part video, the first two parts focus on global financial history and Benjamin's most interesting personal story leading up to his approach by the Ninja. The third part contains the details of The Ultimatum itself.
Comment by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 12:25am
Saint Germain Message Nov 22/08
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2008

I Am That I Am Adamus Saint-Germain. (audience applause) Tough times call for tough angels (laughter) and that is why I am here today.

To the point right now, power is the poison. And you're going to see it again and again when you read the headlines and you see what's happening in the world. The very power that people have held onto in the past, starting with the largest and most powerful institutions, is going to be their poison. The more they hold onto it, the more poisonous it will become. The more they try to believe in it, the more venomous it will be. The more they try to use it against another, the more it will strangle them. It will choke them. It will take the life out of them.

Power is a consciousness of itself. Power has reached a point in its cycle where it cannot be power anymore. It cannot be opposing masculine/feminine or light and dark. It has outgrown itself. It is seeking its freedom from the old consciousness that it has been in and now it is turning on itself. Power is poisoning and killing itself and anyone who holds onto it.

Strong words, but true words. You'll see it. You'll see it next week and the week after, and when you wonder what is going on in this world, is it falling apart? And the answer is absolutely it is. Power is destroying itself and all of those who have abused it, misused it and misunderstood it. What is Ahead

Let's go down through some of the categories. Let's take a look at potential headlines for that which will come. (Linda says, "Is this the October surprise?" Adamus Saint-Germain chuckles.) First of all, you've seen it in the financial sectors, and you've only seen the beginning. What you're going to see here in the coming few months in particular are those who have held the power – not just in this lifetime but in many, who have held it again and again – have reincarnated back into it. They have appointed themselves some sort of dictator of power, and there are a lot of them on Earth right now.

The ones who have been holding the financial power, you're going to see them desperately trying to get it, trying to take it back, trying to manipulate it. Stand behind the short wall, take a deep breath, have compassion, because woe to them. Woe to their families, woe to their servants, woe to all who are part of their power games. Stand behind the short wall with compassion, dear friends. Don't feel sorry for them one bit. You could say in a way, in a twisted way, that they are doing this for humanity as well. They knew it was coming.
Comment by jose v on September 8, 2009 at 12:08am
interesting waking up of the soul in this material world. remembering where really you come from.
Comment by Rainbow Warrior on September 7, 2009 at 10:32pm
i'm sorry but i do not participate in acts that seem like centuries ago.
yes,i kill but only to defend my own life not to judge.
that's why we were call up to learn about forgiveness isn't it?
fuckin hell!
after all it seems all words and actions of good have made nothing.
Comment by Marie on September 7, 2009 at 9:49pm
An additional comment. It is my feeling that this kind of behavior would place us lightworkers in the same arena as these abhorrent criminals. It might set us back 2000 years, if we all started acting like Roman centurions during Christ's time. I would not wish to go over that time again!
Peace and light my friends
Comment by Marie on September 7, 2009 at 9:33pm
I have a question that might be worth considering. If this is the treatment that many may desire for these criminals, hankering for their blood puts us lightworkers in a bad light. I would not wish to be responsible for anyone's demise, even if well deserved.
Comment by CHRISTINA on September 7, 2009 at 6:19pm
Call for ACTION in a legal way, for starters, check out: (Chris Coverdale)
www.theflucase (Jane Burgermeister)

LOVE is also about setting boundaries: TOUGH LOVE needed NOW

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