Skull linked to secret Yale society to be sold
Anonymous seller places infamous 1872 human skull on auction block
NEW YORK - A human skull that apparently was turned into a ballot box for Yale's mysterious Skull and Bones society is going on the auction block.
Christie's estimates the skull will sell for $10,000 to $20,000 when it is auctioned on Jan. 22. Fittingly, the auction house has agreed to keep the seller's name a secret. On Monday, it described the person only as a…
Added by jose v on January 5, 2010 at 11:30pm —
Here is the article about the scientist that was released by Obama from the gov. that took him captive a year and a half ago and will now be allowed to produce his free energy machine for not only us but the world. wow! Top secret free energy scientist enters contract with Greer's Orion Project*On Christmas day, Steven Greer announced that the 'top secret' inventor they've talked about has been released early from military seclusion, and has contracted with them to bring a Tesla-related free…
Added by jose v on January 5, 2010 at 10:06pm —
Barack Obama not disclosing an extraterrestrial presence during 2009 is the top extraterrestrial-related story of 2009. Obama ended 2009 with non-disclosure after numerous reports of ‘imminent disclosure’ of an extraterrestrial presence including prediction of a specific disclosure date, November 27, 2009. Independent sources have reportedly confirmed the U.S. military leaking its meetings in 2009 with Reptilian, Grey, and a silicon-based civilization named the “Conformers” in an effort to move…
Added by jose v on January 4, 2010 at 1:57am —
1 Comment
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Check out this video. Post if you like
Here's to YOU in the year ahead!!!!!
Thanks to YouTuber auradotca, who comments:
A sneak-preview of life's coming attractions for the "mighty" year of 2010. Courtesy of our friends from the Unknown.
All quotes are from the December 2009 edition of The Sedona Journal.
The track is called, "Amazing" and the band is "One Eskimo".…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 11:56pm —
1 Comment
He looks at his watch.
It is time he wasn't here.
He looks at his watch again.
It is time he was elsewhere.
But where should he be?
What is the right location,
For being,
At this time of day?
Does the universe allow anyone
To be anywhere
And anywhen
At ten past three
On a grey afternoon?
Or doesn't it matter?
Maybe it doesn't matter at all.
Maybe time is an illusion which we use
To structure our…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:33pm —
No Comments
He looks
At the clock on the wall.
It seems
To be going backwards.
He asks his colleague
In the next cubicle
To look at the clock on the wall.
His colleague
In the next cubicle
Looks at the clock on the wall.
The clock seems
To be going backwards.
But are they looking
At the same clock?
The clock
Through the wall
And comes out
The other side
In the next…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:32pm —
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Physicist whistleblower David Lewis Anderson confirms existence of US government's time travel technology
On Wednesday 23rd December 2009, Dr David Lewis Anderson, director of the Anderson Institute, emerged publicly to give an extensive account of his time control research for the US Air Force. Anderson later continued this research at his Time Travel Research Institute and other organizations. Lewis Anderson's public revelations regarding time travel follow disclosures made in August and…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:31pm —
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:30pm —
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European mistletoe - Viscum album
A photograph by François Meignant. Local English names for this epiphyte include Churchman's Greeting (Somerset), Kiss-and-Go (Dorset) and Masslin (Suffolk). Mistletoe is a hemiparasite growing high up on trees such as pine, apple, plum, poplar and spruce across northern Europe and Asia. The ripe white berries are poisonous. The leaves and young twigs may contain yet-to-be-discovered medicinal compounds. For example, mistletoe is rich in the lectin…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:30pm —
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Christopher Story has posted this at his website, where it will remain the main article, briefly:
Monday 4 January 2010 00:01
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:27pm —
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Happy New Year!
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 18:13:19 -0500
Greetings and Salutations,
Another year has passed but not without significant action taking place. While the din of the media tries to steer your attention away from the stuff moving behind the curtain, you're catching it in the corners of your eyes, you know something is underway. Something, that Has…
Added by jose v on January 3, 2010 at 9:24pm —
1 Comment
Beloved Friends,
This is a time to rejoice, and many of you are celebrating now. Some of you are celebrating the end of the current year. For others, it is the coming of the Christ Light to Earth. For others still, it is the solstice. For whatever reason you celebrate, I greet you and share your joy.
Your Passage from 2009 into 2010
What lively and spirited people you are! What adventurers. Just look at how far you stepped out of your old patterns of living in…
Added by jose v on December 31, 2009 at 11:48am —
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In previous messages we briefly delineated the make-up of our Earth allies and of the last dark cabal. The latter is a predominantly American entity with associates spread across the globe. This group is heir to the policy of skullduggery and deceit which the Illuminati perpetrated under the command of your former off-world masters, the Anunnaki. This set-up changed when the Anunnaki decided to make peace with the Galactic Federation in mid-1994, drastically altering the distribution of power…
Added by jose v on December 31, 2009 at 2:31am —
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US military actively liaising with extraterrestrials. On Thursday 12th November 2009, an eighteen-person human delegation met with Ebens extraterrestrials (Greys) from the Zeta Reticulum star system. The meeting took place on Akau Atoll in the Johnston Islands (north Central Pacific Ocean, 1,325 km south west of Honolulu). The eighteen humans attending included representatives from the United Nations, the Vatican, US military intelligence and linguistics, Russia, China, and a single individual…
Added by jose v on December 31, 2009 at 1:24am —
Added by jose v on December 29, 2009 at 8:16pm —
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29th December: The following UPDATE is not intended to ‘block out’ the important information originally given in this report, which remains intact below. But as we need to keep that information up as the current report, we are adding the following disturbing elaboration at the top, with the request that if you haven’t read the original report, you should do so: it remains unchanged.
On 28th December, we appended the…
Added by jose v on December 29, 2009 at 7:29pm —
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Galactic FriendsSaint Germain Update Dec 28/09
Monday, 28 December 2009 18:44
St. Germain:
You are fast moving into a World where there are absolutely no forces in power who rule over you.
No criminal Judges.
No stealing Politicians.
No corrupt Bankers.
Sure, when you heard billions would be gone, it was hard to conceive. How does that happen? Will there be a parallel Earth with the war criminals there? NO. They, Bless Them, have…
Added by jose v on December 28, 2009 at 9:58pm —
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Bush Sr. and associates, including the Silverstein connection, mentored by his loathsome German Jewish Zionazi associate and DVD ‘handler’, (the late?) Dr Henry Kissinger and others, including of course ex-Vice President Richard B. Cheney, the ‘former’ MK-Ultra chief, masterminded the 9/11 atrocities, which were executed by detonation, employing the services of complicit elements of the US official structures. New York firefighters…
Added by jose v on December 28, 2009 at 8:11pm —
1 Comment
The supposed reason for this recall is a "conference to be held over global challenges facing Israel."
I do not believe ANY country has ever done this before. What could prompt a country to do this? It seems like it is hunkering down... like a turtle pulling in its legs and head.
Why is…
Added by jose v on December 28, 2009 at 7:30pm —
1 Comment
Brave, intelligent Philippine Airport Security guards prevent possible hijacking
In a sign of the sheer idiocy and paranoia the US government has degenerated into, border agents at the US colony known as the Philippines confiscated a wooden salad bowl from me at the airport because “it was a potential weapon.” These clever and diligent border agents also managed to confiscate a jar of wild honey and a bottle of coconut vinegar. However, they let through a coconut pie which, if I was…
Added by jose v on December 28, 2009 at 12:49pm —
1 Comment