The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Started this discussion. Last reply by Simone Dec 14, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Q: Hello Bashar! B: I bid you good day! Q: Hmm, I have a couple of questions, but one really quick one just popped in as you were saying that.. B: Yes Q: ..we are the missiles of love. Can our…Continue
Tags: relationship, spirituality, Bashar
Started this discussion. Last reply by paTricia T. Dec 6, 2010. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Now, of course as the idea of the changes within you goes on and on, there will be according to this process of interaction more and more opportunities to interact in different ways. Some of this is…Continue
Tags: disclosure, awareness, contact, first, Bashar
Started this discussion. Last reply by paTricia T. Dec 4, 2010. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Q: I understand that to be a lightbody state of consciousness, which our earth beings are able to achieve..B: In a sense, yesQ: ..and I just wanted to expand my knowledge and hear your perception on…Continue
Tags: physicality, reality, ascension, lightbody, Bashar
Started this discussion. Last reply by Trudy Nov 22, 2010. 3 Replies 0 Likes
Hello.Today I started wondering about the unawareness when it comes to physical-nonphysical relation. We all create our realities, we all create our experiences, but sometimes we are unable to see…Continue
Tags: healing, consciousness, energies, physical, Nonphysical
Posted on February 11, 2011 at 10:30am 10 Comments 0 Likes
Hello there. Clinton asked me to post this to you :)
This will be my last reply on saviors, I am moving in a new direction. I thank you all for being there with me in my growth. I love you all dearly and appreciate the growth and the constructive critism you have given me, it has allowed myself to fully be more aware and…
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