Our ancestors, over thousands of years of communal existence, developed customs we have forgotten but need to remember. Right now, for example, many countries, especially the US, could do with a jubilee. It would involve eliminating all debts and freeing all prisoners in a one-time reboot of society. In ancient Israel it also meant land redistribution. If the US carried out asset redistribution along the lines of the ancient land redistribution, it would create a boom of unprecedented… Continue
Added by jose v on April 25, 2009 at 12:00pm —
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People wear masks as they walk past a poster in Mexico City
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MEXICO CITY — A strain of flu never seen before has killed as many as 61 people in Mexico and has spread into the United States, where eight people have been infected but recovered, health officials said on Friday.
Mexico's government said at least 16 people have died of the disease in central… Continue
This morning, Friday April 24th, the packs are still in the White House, with Obama refusing to deliver them.
A more detailed explanation will follow tonight or tomorrow ( Sat.) but for now, we wish to convey the following brief update to those who "Need To Know."
This morning WE have learned The Ming, have been using all program monies like a CD ( Certificate of Deposit) that had been structured like a CD... for years.
1. EAT ONLY WHEN TRULY HUNGRY. Mouth waters, hunger in throat, tongue is pink & clear. Happy & relaxed. Food digest well—no bloating or fatigue after meals. Overeating is indulging in sensual mind appetite—causing body illness & spiritual insensitivity.
2. PROPER ACID/ALKALINE & YIN/YANG BALANCE. Eat more raw fruits & vegetables with some cooked foods in warm/hot weather. You can eat more cooked grains, soups, beans,… Continue
Added by jose v on April 24, 2009 at 4:47am —
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It is I, Ghondor, Little One! We have been through much, you and I. This Transformation on and of your Planet has happened before in many places across the Galaxies and Universes.
The uniqueness of this event is in the Timing of the 26,000 year cycle that is concluding now. The Earth's vibratory rate is causing discomfort on many levels within the human populations. The other life forms are having an easier time of it as they have Always lived in harmony with Creation. They have seen… Continue
Added by jose v on April 24, 2009 at 4:42am —
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I am Miral. I am on the Wingmaker Ship at your South Pole. We have been assisting your Earth in her Ascension process and of course, ALL Lifeforms upon Her. We have been, by our Ship's presence, calibrating the Magnetosphere around your Planet. This is necessary to change the frequencies of the Earth in order to ensure a smooth transition into the Higher Realms.… Continue
Added by jose v on April 24, 2009 at 4:40am —
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The following is taken from Washington and His Generals: or, Legends of the Revolution by George Lippard, published in 1847. The signers of the Declaration of Independence sat in Independence Hall at Philadelphia, contemplating losing their heads or being hanged. Their courage wavered. The document sat there… Continue
Added by jose v on April 24, 2009 at 3:01am —
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It's no exaggeration to say that every source and messenger on the planet expected deliveries today by Military.
Interpol was to locate, inspect and see to it deliveries occurred today.
Don't forget, it is the Queen who pays Interpol's salaries.
The packs were located "in the bunker" in the White House where the Military had taken them on orders of OBAMA.
The Military agreed they would get them out and get them delivered… Continue
Stanley Meyer and many others. Always the same story. The Pentagon wants to see your idea and tell you how they would like to use your invention. You demonstrate your device proving to them that it works, then they block all of your efforts and end up killing you. The only way to get a free energy device out to the public is to foget about patents, distribute underground, sell it to EV enthusiests with the plans and encourage them to… Continue
But not for the reasons that Senator Specter would think.
The Senate Armed Services Committee has released a newly declassified report that details the history of the Bush administration's torture policy.
The first page contains three very good points:
(U) The collection of timely and accurate intelligence is critical to the safety of U.S. personnel deployed abroad and to the security of the American people here at… Continue
Added by jose v on April 23, 2009 at 4:36pm —
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US President Barack Obama wriggling to negotiate terms to avoid personal charges of treason and embezzlement
A Washington DC Federal Judge has been bribed and silenced by US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, just before he was to make a treason and embezzlement presentation to a US Grand Jury. The name of the judge is known. Disclosure is imminent. Papers are circulating. On Sunday 19th April 2009, John Glover Roberts, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, sent documented demands to… Continue
Tonight WE have been working on and feel sure WE now have it confirmed that 34 arrest warrants have been issued for black hats in this country "starting with the top down". For you MESSIAH WORSHIPPERS that means the "walk on water man himself". WE hear all will be served before day break. The charges are Embezzlement, attempted Embezzlement, TREASON and 20 other charges.
Action, reaction.
The Countries told the World Court that "they are an embarrassment to the… Continue
For a brief moment mid day it appeared problems involving the Military had been dealt with and we were back on go.
Late afternoon the packs are still in D.C. in posession of the Military and they have orders from OBAMA and BUSH to never let them go, again saying, along with the Military now saying, we will never see them.
Simultaneously OBAMA and BUSH are reported to be "HIGH". Unsure whether that means drugs or they think they have won a final victory.
WE have been quiet for a while in anticipation of deliveries, first yesterday then today for sure.
The military is in posession of the packages and word was widespread they had been positioned yesterday for delivery today. This morning they are in D.C. still in possession of the military. The military says they will not follow the orders of the World Court because BUSH/OBAMA claims to have World Court in their pocket.
There is a terrible battle going on in D.C., even at this time. The OWO is refusing to quit, want their money, will not step down, and will do anything to keep their OWO operating. They see the handwriting on the wall that there is no money to do anything, so they are planning to push ahead their plans for more terrorist attacks that would leave 911 look like a school boy’s job. Then they would declare martial… Continue
Added by jose v on April 22, 2009 at 1:56pm —
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Eagles Disobey has received many letters asking what Drs. Burisch and McDowell are doing at this moment in time?
Dr. McDowell is sleeping. (It's well deserved.) After a meeting between Dr. Burisch, Dr. McDowell, and their Legal Agent, Dr. Burisch returned to the party with the Senior Men of the Eagles Team and many former Senior Male Operatives from Majestic. The party is expected to go through the night.
We have been asked about a certain "Ball" which… Continue