Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Will's Blog – January 2010 Archive (5)



I've been told before I'm supposed to respect everyone's beliefs. You know what? I don't. Should I respect the belief that some races are superior to others? Should I respect beliefs that divide people, spread hate and promote fear? Now, I have the deepest respect for every Human Being on this Planet, but I can't respect a belief that disrespects Life itself. Is it disrespectful of me to not tolerate intolerance?

Take religion, another belief I'm supposed to be… Continue

Added by Will on January 31, 2010 at 6:13pm — 6 Comments

Psychic Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Okay first, the basic definition of a psychic attack, sending negative energy at another person. This is supposed to be the realm of witches, voodoo, and black magicians yet it's really quite common in most people's everyday lives. In fact, every time you judge another person, every time you get angry at another person, every time you hate another, it's a psychic attack against that person. Aren't these things all sending negative thoughts at another person? Psychic… Continue

Added by Will on January 30, 2010 at 2:18pm — 4 Comments

The Planet and The World

The Planet and The World

For us to communicate effectively, we need to make sure we understand the terms we're using in the same way. For our expanding Consciousness, an expanded vocabulary is extremely useful in communication. I'm going to give you what may be new ways of looking at the words planet and world, though the ways I'm using them aren't necessarily outside of the dictionary's boundaries. Usually, people don't consider any difference between the Planet and the world, and… Continue

Added by Will on January 29, 2010 at 3:37pm — 2 Comments

Michael & Lucifer

Michael & Lucifer

Archangel Michael, the Price of Light, and Lucifer, the Price of Darkness, locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite different version of events.

God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still united as One. Creation existed, but individual experience of Creation wasn't yet… Continue

Added by Will on January 27, 2010 at 3:13pm — 6 Comments

Angels and demons

Angels and demons


There's a tendency now to discredit all the old mythologies as superstitious nonsense, which I do agree as mostly being true, but much of that old religious stuff is based upon some actual facts. When a new religion comes to power, which has happened over and over and over again there's always a rewriting of the old texts to fit into the new religion, despite them usually pretending their “truth” has been passed down, unaltered, from the very beginning.… Continue

Added by Will on January 1, 2010 at 4:17pm — No Comments

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