Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Michael & Lucifer

Archangel Michael, the Price of Light, and Lucifer, the Price of Darkness, locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite different version of events.

God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still united as One. Creation existed, but individual experience of Creation wasn't yet possible. It's like having a cake, but not getting to eat it, what fun is that? Creation wanted to experience itself being Creation, and so the Divine Plan was formed. Some of the Angels would enter into a dream, where they would pretend to be outside the Oneness so they could participate in the unique aspects of the Oneness. The one you know as Lucifer was the first to volunteer to “leave” Heaven, while Archangel Michael was the head of the angels who stayed. No conflict here, rather everyone working together towards the same Goal.

The real story of what happened afterwards is that of the prodigal son, not of a war between “good and evil”. Lucifer, literally the “light-bearer”, was the son who left his Father's House (Heaven) to share his inheritance with all of Creation. Michael, literally “he who is like God”, was the son who stayed at Home. Note how the people judged the son who left for spending all his Inheritance, while the Father was overjoyed. Lucifer was meant to have a good time in Creation, not to be stingy with the blessings he was given. When the prodigal son returned, the Father gave him the other son's Inheritance as well. What would be the point of leaving it with Michael anyway if he's not going to do anything with it?

Not that Michael minded at all, he already was Creation. Michael is Creation, Lucifer is the experience of Creation. Of course, if you're here experiencing Creation, how can you be outside of Creation? You can't, so you are Creation experiencing Itself, and hence Lucifer is Michael and Michael is Lucifer. Two aspects of the same Oneness. And you're not separate from this, which means both aspects are within you as well.

Speaking of you, how did you get to be here? How did you get to the so-called “lower realms”? We were born of Oneness, so how did Humanity get to be separated from God? Simple, every Soul in this realm is one who chose to join Lucifer, a “fallen” angel. There's a little bit of truth to the story, but you aren't a “wrong”, “bad” or “evil” being, rather a very brave and adventurous one. Not one who rebelled against God, but one who disconnected from God within themselves for the wondrous experience of Reunion.

And it wasn't Lucifer that caused people to be so mired within their illusions. When Lucifer “left” Heaven, there was still the understanding that one was still always one with Heaven, they were simply dreaming. This is the Garden of Eden of legend. It wasn't until Humanity lost the Violet Flame and couldn't effortlessly cleanse the lower vibrational energies that things started really getting messed up. Then the angels forgot they were even angels and started doing really funny things, like working at walmart and joining the republican party.

Now, what I'm saying is probably going to bother a few, if not a whole bunch of people. I'm telling them that they're a part of what they've been told is the most evilest of evils. These beliefs are so widespread that pretty much everyone has been conditioned by them. Hell, Lucifer and the fallen angels, they've got many other names in different cultures. People sure don't want to hear they're the “fallen” angels, what would that make the world they live within? The world most people are in is hell, though the Planet they live upon is the Garden of Eden, a Living Starship. They super-imposed their illusions upon the Truth and missed the Reality altogether, yet they still are the prodigal sons and daughters, and the door Home is always Open. This is Lucifer, the Light Bearer's, message.

The illusionary conflict between Michael and Lucifer has been projected out into people's everyday lives. There isn't, and never was, a war that divided Heaven against itself. It's a metaphor for people's own internal conflict. The angels came to the manifest to enjoy it, yet religion teaches us this realm is ruled by evil and the whole point of us being here is to escape to heaven. This creates a dualistic illusion of two paths, one of the “wicked”, who indulge themselves in physical pleasures, and one of the “righteous”, who deny physical pleasures believing they'll get some reward in Heaven. Both of these so-called spiritual paths just lead around in circles, Buddha shared this over 2,000 years ago, yet people still don't quite get it. There aren't two paths, there's only the one you're walking, and when you learn to enjoy it you wont need to wait for some reward in Heaven, you'll have brought Heaven here to Earth through your own joy. Dividing Lucifer and Michael creates conflict within your own Being, and separates Heaven and Earth. Letting go of the conflict unites Lucifer and Michael and creates Heaven on Earth. Lucifer never left Heaven and neither did You, You simply forgot that Reality of this whole situation and Heaven was hidden behind the lie of separation, reinforced through twisted, superstitious mythologies.

Will, Mother and Father God

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Comment by Will on January 29, 2010 at 1:50pm
The Violet Flame.
When Humanity first stepped into the physical realms from the Higher Dimensions, they understood the need to keep clearing their energy field of all lower-vibrational energies. They knew that if they got too immersed within the material realms, they'd start to forget who they were and where they came from. So there was the Violet Flame, where they'd go and stand within it's presence to effortlessly clear all of the "stuff" they'd accumulated from living in the lower dimensions. Then the priests who were in charge of maintaining the temple that housed the Violet Flame started getting greedy. They began charging people gold for entering the temple. Many people couldn't afford it, so they lost the blessings of the Violet Flame and then things started going really downhill. The priests came up with another plot they believed would fix the problems they began in the first place, so the head priest decided he would walk into the Violet Flame and take it within himself so he could go around and heal everybody. He walked into the Violet Flame and he was consumed along with the Violet Flame. The temple came crashing down and with the Violet Flame gone, people forgot they were even Divine Beings and started believing they were only their physical bodies.

Not that the Violet Flame is really gone though, you just have to find it within yourself now. If you search online you can find plenty of more info on the Violet Flame.
Comment by Simmy on January 29, 2010 at 6:51am
Thanks Will, this makes a lot of sense.
Can you tell us a bit more about the Violet Flame?
Comment by Besimi on January 28, 2010 at 1:24am
Thanks for sharing you Wisdom Will :):):) ..much love to you bro.
Great mind that You got .Namaste. ......:):):)
Comment by brandy rox on January 27, 2010 at 8:17pm
Will, thank you for this post. I can see the unity and love pouring through it. In truth, there is but one path... infinite perspectives. Thank you for sharing this one.
Comment by Matt R. on January 27, 2010 at 8:02pm
Patricia,I'm glad you brought that up. It seems like many people mirror them.I have asked a person along time ago about Lucifer and Satan. They said Satan is the opposite of God and has always existed, as God has. Lucifer was created by God and denied him. I dont want to make it complicate, thats why the descriptions are trite. I have heard many other theory's as have you all, but this seems to make the most sense to me. One day maybe this will make sense in completion and wont be so varied, maybe. Oh and Will I mean no disrespect, I just don't like Lucifer, I'm not denying everything you said. I think you are a good person and I love some of your other posts.
Comment by Matt R. on January 27, 2010 at 7:52pm
I haven't made peace with him at all, hes always bothering personally. Not to go into depth, but I have more than one problem with him. Allot! My guide does not like him either, she tells him to leave me alone all the time. He(Lucifer) personally told me he wants to be in charge, above God himself (what have you). Some of these things ARE true. I'm not saying he was always wrong, and I definitely agree he helped start the individualized experiences, but ruling other people is a whole different story. He has told me to do horrible things, just to get to the top, that I am above other people, this I can not except. I would have agreed with him along time ago, but now I have lived on this earth, and i love these people. I am sorry but even if there is nothing true about the churches teachings of him, he is evil, I can feel it!

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