Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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  • krystal
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Ahmose's Discussions

Moon Muscles in on December Geminids

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ahmose Dec 15, 2008. 2 Replies

Is your cat an alien?

Started this discussion. Last reply by RL Dec 10, 2008. 8 Replies

Cats are Superior to Space Aliens

Started this discussion. Last reply by Harriter88 Dec 7, 2008. 14 Replies

Ahmose's Blog

06-02-2009 The most horrible day of 2009

Posted on February 6, 2009 at 4:05pm 4 Comments

Today i am the sadest kitty in the world.
I had to say goodbye to my little friend

Musti. 18-8-1991.-06-02-2009

He was like 17 years and a little more.

Well i hope Ceiling Cat will take care of you!
I love you little friend and i will never forget you.
Miss you

Félix and Félicette,the space cats

Posted on December 6, 2008 at 2:36am 0 Comments

Félicette and Félix may not be the best-known cats in the world — but maybe they should be, as Félicette became the first of only two cats (as far as I can establish) to have been sent into space, while Félix had been trained to be sent.

The then Soviet Union experimented in the later 1950s with dogs in capsules on the edge of space; then in 1957 Laika, a mongrel dog who became very well known, was launched in Sputnik 2. According to… Continue

Cat in Space

Posted on December 6, 2008 at 2:00am 2 Comments

Why is it that the first we hear of the cat is when it appears in Egypt around 2,000 B.C. as the living embodiment of the goddess Bast? The dog was domesticated... comfortably ensconced as man's adoring servant, catching frisbees and letting his tongue loll unattractively out of his mouth, long before the cat arrived on the scene. Why? Where was the cat? Why are there no images of cats in cave paintings? Why is the Bible silent on the subject?…


Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Posted on December 4, 2008 at 11:37am 0 Comments

By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter, Ap Science Writer – Thu Dec 4, 4:11 am ET AP – This composite image provided by NASA Wednesday Dec. 3, 2008 of the Tycho supernova remnant combines … NEW YORK – More than 400 years after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe challenged established wisdom about the heavens by analyzing a strange new light in the sky, scientists say they've finally nailed down just what he saw.


It's no big surprise. Scientists have… Continue

Star Trek's Deflector Shield Envisioned for Mars Mission

Posted on December 3, 2008 at 12:48pm 0 Comments

By Clara Moskowitz

Special to

posted: 19 November 2008

06:16 am ET

One of the gravest dangers facing future astronauts traveling to Mars will be radiation in space: If the long trip doesn't kill them, cancer eventually could.

These threats can, however, be defeated. In Star Trek, a deflector shield surrounded the Starship Enterprise, and radiation bounced off it. Now tests show it's possible to create a real deflector shield that would have… Continue

I believe in CeilingCat!



Click on the Pope to see the LOLCATBible :)


So is it a beautyful day or does it rain? Check it!!

Chairman Meow!

The Curious History of the Lost Cat Constellation, "Felis"

The lost domestic cat constellation: Did you know there was a constellation named and catalogued in honor of the domestic house cat? It's true, and for decades this kitty constellation graced our skies.

Click here to learn more from wise leader Chairman Meow about Felis the Cat!

Buy Chairman Meow Army T-Shirts

New Chairman Meow T-Shirts Available!

Show your support for the Kitteh Revolution before it's too late! 

Chairman Meow Blog Moving

The glorious words of Chairman Meow will now be available at 

Benevolent Leader Meow believe that this will be easier for many loyal followers to find, and less typing mean that readers have more time to spend with their kitties. 

Please continue to follow infinite wisdom of Chairman Meow

*If this move saddens you, perhaps you should order some pears using a coupon code for Harry and David to cheer yourself up!

Vengeful Kitty Sneeks into White House Dinner

AP: A photo leaked recently from a recent State Dinner shows how a cat may have gotten past White House security. While inside the cat reportedly used several priceless 18th Century French chairs as scratching posts before peeing in the Lincoln Bedroom. 

Although details are still fuzzy, it is believed that this "attack" was not political in nature, but payback for an errant snowball throw by Obama last February. (see below)
In an attempt to stem any potential fallout from cat-owning voters, Obama quickly held a press conference assuring the public that he still obeys the kitty...

Chairman Meow Considers Anti-Capitalism T-Shirt

After leaving civilization for several hours on a catnip-induced vision quest, Chairman Meow is considering denouncing capitalism with a profitable new t-shirt design.

The t-shirt design would say something to the effect of, Down with Capitalism™ (in gold sequins) and would be available for only $19.99 + shipping. The t-shirts would be made in China, and sold exclusively at (and possibly on QVC) 

Each t-shirt sold would also come with coupon for free McRib sandwich, and with each t-shirt purchased,  customers would have a chance to win a new Apple iPad.

The proceeds of the anti-capitalism t-shirt will fund Chairman Meow's plan to build a spacious new addition to his fur-lined Cat Cave.

*Sources claim that the sight of a limo-driven Carlos Santana wearing an expensive & stylish Che Guevara t-shirt on the red carpet of the Academy Awards in L.A. may have inspired Chairman Meow's idea for the hypocritical profitable anti-capitalism t-shirt.

Chairman Meow in Chinatown

Chairman Meow in China Town - A supporter of Chairman Meow recently placed a propaganda sticker prominently on this phone booth in China Town, San Francisco. This strategic positioning of propaganda specifically targets all 7 Chinese people between the ages of 18 and 50 in San Francisco who do not yet have a cell phone, and still rely on frequent visits to the phone booth to make calls. 

Chairman Meow wishes to personally thank Steve for his feline patriotism, and wishes to remind others that they may get similar Chairman Meow stickers at little or no cost.

Chairman Meow on Facebook

Chairman Meow Gives you opportunity to like His Excellency on Facebook, and spread word of Kitty Revolution to friends and family. Those who are not fan of Benevolent Leader Meow will be added to terrorist watch list of American hero and former president Dick Cheney.

3:05pm - Chairman Meow just preview this post, and he very unhappy with how "Facebook Like Box" look at top of post. Not look like supposed to, and make look like Chairman Meow have no friends, when he really have so many friend that when he walk down street children greet him with candy and flowers.

Because of anger, Benevolent Leader Meow threaten to expose corruption in American Banking system and reveal Fat Cats and unethical practices at Goldman Sachs.
Chairman Meow Facebook

Hot Dogs and Militant Cats

Grilla Ray's Hotdog Oasis - To honor Chairman Meow and the Kitty Revolution, Grilla Ray's in Tulsa Oklahoma is offering a free bag of chips when you say "Obey the Kitty!" 

This generous offer will surely win over the hearts and minds of the people of this strategically important city that was referred to as "The Oil Capital of the World" for much of the 20th century.  Eventual control of the Tulsa oil reserves will fuel the feline war machine, and pave the way for kitty world domination.

The large scale kitty-propaganda campaign in Tulsa will also include subliminal messages of support for Chairman Meow, hidden in the city's popular Western Swing music.

More about Ray's:

  Chairman Meow's presence looms over the city of Tulsa (above)

Read the teachings of Chairman Meow

Chairman Meow in Argentina

Chairman Meow observes a glacier in Patagonia (the Southern tip of Argentina),  noting that it's progress is slower than American Healthcare reform. Unfortunately, in a relative way these glaciers are moving quickly; having retreated over 1 km since the early 1990s, making them among the fastest retreating glaciers in the world.

Benevolent Leader Meow notes, however, that Global Warming / Climate change is expected to greatly increase the world's feline population. Not only does warmer weather make outdoor living more suitable to cats, but the warmer weather sends female cats into heat earlier and more often. "The brain receives instructions to produce a hormone that basically initiates the heat cycle in a cat," said Ms Peterson, "and those instructions are affected by the length of day and usually the rising temperatures of spring." (source: global warming could lead to more kittens: christian science monitor)

If you still don't believe in climate change, at least consider the concept the next time you see a swarm of feral cats being blown through the air by a late-season super hurricane.

*Related: Does cat poop make people crazy?

Fat Cat Closes Checkpoint at Newark Airport

fat cat Fat Cat Causes Drama at Newark Airport
NEWARK, NJ - "Too Big to Fail" - A 25 pound cat reportedly freaked out while going through airport security during rush hour on Tuesday, jumping from it's carrier, and then squeezing under a large bomb detection machine where it became lodged in the 4 inch tall space.

The checkpoint soon was closed down, causing havoc at the airport, where people had to be diverted to other checkpoints. The cat eluded security officers who tried in vain to use a snare to capture the large animal.

After 20 minutes, Emergency Services were called in, and a hydraulic spreader had to be used to lift the one-ton bomb detection machine, so that the portly cat could be accessed.

Although the cat's owners missed their flight, they were reportedly "ecstatic" that the large cat had not been harmed. Authorities described the cat as, "tired and relaxed" after all of the drama.

In related news, President Obama has reportedly had trouble confronting fat cats on Wall Street, who continue to endanger our economy. Perhaps a hydraulic lift and snare would work?
fat cat money (File photo of former bailout recipient AIG's CEO Martin J. Sullivan, who accepted a $47M severance package today, after the company reported its biggest losses in 89 years)

Human Wins Best In Show...

cat show funny
Insert caption here... Suggestions?

Karaoke Killings in Philippines Condemned By Chairman Meow

karaoke killings 2/08/10 - In response to the recent increase in the number of killings in Philippine karaoke bars, Benevolent Leader Chairman Meow has a statement condemning the (usually) senseless killings. The following has been translated from Wise Leader Meow: 

Full article: 

Heroic Cat Saves Pregnant Woman and Kids

Chicago Sun TImes: A woman pregnant with twins and a man sleeping on a couch with her were awakened by their pet cat when smoke started filling the room during a fire early Monday in their new home... read article

Note: After reading this article, it is interesting to note that the cat had the entire bed to itself while the pregnant woman and man were relegated to sleeping on the couch. It is also to note how useless the man and dog were during the emergency.

Chairman Meow on Wiener Mobile

weiner mobile While in Santa Fe New Mexico, the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile became a canvas for Chairman Meow propaganda. After stopping briefly downtown for lunch, the driver reportedly forgot where he parked the vehicle, asking several locals, "have you seen my wiener?"

After being detained briefly by police for questioning, he soon found his vehicle, and drove away, promoting tasty hot dogs and the Feline Revolution.

Thatcher (the cat) Has Died

margaret thatcher TORONTO - A text message about a pet's death sparked a rumor that ex-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had died - and set off a flurry of diplomatic activity in Canada.

Canadian Transport Minister John Baird sent a message to phone buddies that read, "Thatcher has died" - a reference to his 16-year-old tabby cat.

But the message was misconstrued, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper was soon told the Iron Lady was dead... google news story


Choosing the Right Shelter Cat

shelter cat Some people feel lonely around the holidays, but for shelter cats, that feeling can persist long after you’ve put away the decorations. “A shelter environment is very stressful for cats, no matter how nice we make it,” says Jenn Smith, cat co-chair at Danbury Animal Welfare Society (DAWS), “It is especially hard on those who have lived in a home and lost the security of both their owners and their physical home,” adds Smith.

The winter holidays lead to a surge of gifted animals that are later taken to shelters by unprepared owners. You can help counter this trend by bringing home a new feline friend for you and your current kitty...
Read article

Chairman Meow Sticker Project

View Larger Map

This Map plots the location of Chairman Meow stickers as they surface around the world.

The stickers are 3 for $3 (free shipping), and when you place them in a legal public location (photo optional) we'll add it to the map. The
Chairman Meow Sticker Project raises money for animal rescue, donating $1 for every new location photo added to the map.

For particularly good photos showing the spread of Chairman Meow's benevolent influence, Great Leader will also share his spiritual learnings with those eager to gain knowledge of the revolution.

*Send sticker photos or sticker locations to:!

* New: Be Friend of Chairman Meow on MySpace!

Chairman Meow in Paris

chairman meow paris Chairman Meow finally has a (temporary) place by the Eiffel tower; the world's most visited paid monument in the world.

Built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair, the tower was the world's tallest until 1930 when the Chrysler building was completed. It consists of over 18,000 pieces of iron joined together by approximately 2.5 million rivets.

We hope that Chairman Meow's presence on the tower will inspire some of the millions of tourists who visit each year, encouraging them to adopt the radical ideology of the Feline Revolution. - thanks, Ross!

Chairman Meow has a Squidoo page!

Film History Lesson from Chairman Meow

godfather cat The Godfather: The cat held in the opening scene of the Godfather was actually a stray that Marlon Brando found on the Paramount movie lot during filming. He added the cat himself...


A stunning tribute to Chairman Meow

chairman meow painting
Cat owners were brought to tears of kitty-patriotism today, at an unveiling of a Chairman Meow portrait by artist Dan Lacey. Many people were overcome with emotion.

Witnesses describe several people collapsing, and others holding their cats in the air while speaking in tongues at the mere sight of this stunning portrait; leader of the Feline Revolution. "The pancake on Benevolent Leader Meow's head represents a vision of the future when cats rule the world!" cried one woman who was shaking with excitement.

It is not known what the political implications of this public response will be, or the painting was the inspiration for Sarah Palin's recent decision to step down form office to pursue a "higher calling." For a limited time, this insprational painting is available as a magnet to all cat servants.

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At 9:43am on February 23, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 4:38pm on November 02, 2009, Jœ å.k.å. βLUÊ :) gave Ahmose a gift
At 11:14am on April 28, 2009, Woken2012 said…
Cats Musical - Memory

Just thinking of you today....
Be safe...
At 4:48pm on March 28, 2009, Trudy said…
Mooi hè .. het is een 'cat eye nebula'

'k ben geslaagd voor mijn theorie maar helaas gezakt voor mijn praktijk, ik kon niet overweg met de navigatie, en ik stapte uit om voor de klant (examinator) de deur te openen om hem uit te laten stappen, liet ik de sleutels in contact zitten...deuhh tja gezakt was ik als een baksteen..
Het is weer gezellig bij de Saviors maar we missen wel jou gemiauw...doeiiii
dear Ahmose don't forget to stop by....
At 2:18pm on February 25, 2009, Jure said…
Ty for that beautifull catturday :)
At 5:26am on February 24, 2009, Trudy said…
Hi Ahmose how is my dear friend in these days of Carnaval in Holland...
Dit jaar heb ik mijn kattenpak in de kast gelaten, 'k ben druk met het halen van mijn papieren als taxichauffeur. De 26e februari heb ik rijexamen en 4 maart theorie examen.
Trouwens ik heb dat Carnaval niet nodig om gek te doen ik doe dat als ik wil 365 dagen per jaar....MIAUW MIAUW lieve Ahmose ik hoor van je gauw....
At 7:14am on February 22, 2009, Maitaki said…

Thank you...!!!!!!!!!!!! for hanging on my page.........
At 8:19am on February 21, 2009, Harriter88 said…
Hi Ahmose,Dana sent me this Spirit Kitten

Love.come join us over at The Transcendent-link is on my page.T
At 6:06pm on February 13, 2009, Trudy said…
Hoi hoi Ahmose
Het is leuk om van je te horen, ook jij een lekker en lui weekend toegewenst, het is weer onweer hier bij de Saviors...hoe zou dat toch komen...enfin is een leugen nog zo snel de leugen achterhaalt 'm wel......
Doeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ahmose ...aai poesie aai......
At 6:56am on February 7, 2009, Harriter88 said…

Much Love A.h88

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