Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Galactic Federation of Light


The Galactic Federation of Light

Do they exist? Are they a hoax? Are they of good intent? Are they evil? What can we do to find out the truth about them, and the heart of this matter?

Members: 89
Latest Activity: Feb 18

We stand at a threshold of faith

I see so many here with questions about the authenticity of the GFOL, and their intentions. I thought it would be a good idea to first understand what info is out there, try to catalog it in one place, and then debate the imperative questions pertaining to how the GFOL would interact with and effect the human race. So please share your thoughts, your videos, and your links here. Thank you :)


Discussion Forum

Brad Contact Sirian Multi Dimensional Self to Explain Nature of GFOL and More. - REPOST

Started by Um No. Last reply by Gillian Jan 5, 2009. 3 Replies

Originally posted by Brad Johnson (thanks Brad)___________________________________________Adronis: Hello Brad we are glad that you have decided to contact us.Brad: Hello my Sirian brothers. I am…Continue

Tags: sirian, gfol, federation, galactic

The Allies of Humanity

Started by Um No. Last reply by Ullan Dec 15, 2008. 5 Replies

An extremely important perspective on the Galactic Federation. By Marshall Vian Summers. I say this is an absolute MUST WATCH and an absolute MUST READ.The Reality of Life in the Universe Ethical…Continue

Tags: humanity, galactic, vian, summers, federation

The Anchara Alliance & the Truce of Anchara

Started by Um No. Last reply by Um No Dec 14, 2008. 1 Reply

Note: the Anchara Alliance, once the enemies of the Galactic Federation, are now members of it and are part of the First Contact mission.The Galactic Federation had until recently been bitterly…Continue

Tags: truce, alliance, anchara, federation, galactic

The Galactic Federation Lecture

Started by Um No. Last reply by MysticalEnigma Dec 14, 2008. 1 Reply

Amazing two hour lecture on the Galactic Confederation of Light. One of the best lectures on the subject, by a (supposed) member of the Federation itself. An ABSOLUTE MUST SEE!!!!!!!I know this is a…Continue

Tags: 2012, galactic, federation, love, light

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Galactic Federation of Light to add comments!

Comment by steven hutchinson on August 23, 2017 at 2:04am

Comment by Besimi on July 7, 2014 at 1:06pm
Comment by Lydia on May 31, 2011 at 3:30pm
Samantha ~ I thought that teleportation would BE done Organically ~ Once we Ascend We will have all these Abilities without any need for machines ~ just like telepathy, instant manifestations, etc.....just my thoughts on this. :)
Comment by Sozra on May 9, 2011 at 9:09pm

DoableDream2012 : Spiritual Festival at Cusco, Peru : 25-29 October 2012 - Festival of Light and Love

Comment by RL on July 7, 2009 at 1:16pm
ive seen one of these ships of white moved in a 'U' shape downwards from the was really brilliant at the point it was nearest to earth.

i never forgot the sight
Comment by Lydia on July 7, 2009 at 11:01am
Yes I agree Dear Wisdom and Dear Irene ~ I too feel the LONG AWAITED Transformation of Minds/Consciousness of MANY ~ Thanks GOD :-)
Love, Light and BLESSINGS to ALL ~ Rejoice!!!

Comment by Wisdom on July 7, 2009 at 10:15am
Hi Everyone,
I would like to add that I have for the last few weeks, experienced a Feeling that something Wonderful and Amazing is about to happen!
Which will jolt many to a new mind set!
Heaven On Earth is being Created.
Comment by Irene on July 7, 2009 at 7:25am
Something big is about to happen. There is a shift and can be felt by many. Amazing how answers to the many questions we have are answered in the most synchronistic ways. I've learned recently that we should all steer away from the fear that is out and about; be careful to the messages you hear all over the net. Listen to your heart and ask "Does this come from fear or love" If there is fear....stay away. This is how we WILL survive these times by staying in our highest thoughts. It is so easy to get caught up in the hype as there is much, but we've been at this place so so many times, and it has been agreed to that we will have the assistance needed this time and so this is why they come; not to take away our free will, but to assist and show that there is a better way. Prepare yourselves and ask what will I do when they arrive, because once they come, the world as we know it will never be the same. Today, July 7, marks 1,260 days left until Dec. 21, 2012. Namaste
Comment by Lydia on June 12, 2009 at 9:43pm
That is a good question Irene - does anyone know the difference between the GFOL and the Galactin Confederation as Kavassilas was pointing out???

I would like to hear more about this if anyone has a greater understanding IF indeed there IS a Difference???
thanks :-)
Comment by Irene on June 12, 2009 at 9:28pm
Recently I am questioning the difference between GFOL and the Galactic Confederation. I recently heard George Kavassilas speaking and it caused me to take notice especially when he said that the GFOL will come in love, peace etc. and use mind control through telepathy. It does concern me, I do trust I will be where I need to be, however it makes me wonder since I listen to Blossom Goodchild, Shelden Nidle.....what does anyone else feel?

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