Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Space Aliens have very big, dark eyes.
Cats have very big, dark eyes and Cats can wink. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens like to chase trucks with their UFOs.
Cats like to watch Space Aliens chase trucks with their UFOs, then take a nap. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens are little and sometimes cute.
Cats are little, are always cute, and can purr. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens like to learn about humans by watching TV.
Cats ignore TV. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens like to capture human beings and take them on UFO rides.
Cats like to "adopt" humans and get them to give them food and treats. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens eat people. Life insurance is expensive.
Cats eat tuna fish. Tuna fish is cheaper than life insurance. Cats are superior.

Space Aliens don't really make crop circles. They just take the credit.
Cats make crop circles by chasing their tails in corn fields. They're indifferent to the credit. Cats are superior.

Governments deny the existence of Space Aliens or UFOs.
Governments, no matter how hard they try, can't deny the existence of cats. Cats are superior to Space Aliens.

Space Aliens are said to be telepathic, but no one knows what they are trying to convey.
Cats are notoriously psychic. They sit in front of closed doors, and humans come and open them without thinking. Cats are superior.

Copyright © ClydeSight2.0! - 1997

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Thats why i love cats ... i think they are from 9th dimension.
the bluefin tuna is now on the endangered list,if cats are superior,how come it took your human brain to think up of all those reasons? the cats didnt do it! but yes they have a higher energy than dogs but for me not as high as birds, maybe your connecting to the lion,do you have an ability to give good advice or a natural ability to harness power,do you feel some people have no control of their actions or choose not to,youre lucky your animal connection is socially acceptable!!!!!
Euhhh, I don't believe cats have higher energies than dogs. I have had both cats and dogs, now only a dog, but they all have their special tricks... But this discussion can end in a Pulp Fiction dialogue (ref pigs vs dogs) I will not further "fight" this case.

budda boy said:
the bluefin tuna is now on the endangered list,if cats are superior,how come it took your human brain to think up of all those reasons? the cats didnt do it! but yes they have a higher energy than dogs but for me not as high as birds, maybe your connecting to the lion,do you have an ability to give good advice or a natural ability to harness power,do you feel some people have no control of their actions or choose not to,youre lucky your animal connection is socially acceptable!!!!!
Cats are one of the few species of pets that cannot be 'owned' as such. Intelligent creatures that they are, they instead train 'their' humans to give them what they want.

In that regard, cats are cunning. :)
According to the Sons of the Law of One, domesticated cats are the most evolved of the 2nd dimension because of the very nature that Ullan mentioned above.

I've met a few very cunning cats in my travels. My mom's cat kills mice to lay as bait for birds. He is a hunter of great intelligence.
cats are still truly wild,even a house cat is designed to survive it dosent need a provider like many of us,it chooses to befreind us or not,ullan is right we cant own cats ever truly by making them truly subservant,have you ever seen a big cat maul its handler? it happens all the time,we dont see it much with dogs, and strangley enough a lot with bears, my dog was fathered by a fox so she's pretty much a wild dog,i am so very lucky for this but i know nothing is an accident,my point is wild animals have free will to bite us if we annoy them,they are not our slaves,dogs have been bred for centurys to be submissive,tame and more human [whatever that means} for me a male cat has more feminine energy than a female dog,wild and free,mother earth
I live with a cat. She's very dedicated to me through our connection. I know it's by her choice that she is that way. Animals are as individualistic as any human is and are not anything but what their true nature is. The only difference between us and them is ego and so they live in the moment and we struggle with it. No matter that the dog has been bred in a manner to be loyal, they still live in the moment, that is their true nature. To me an animal wild or not only reacts to the moment it is living within and has no judgement on circumstances, and there's no awareness of consequence unless it's received lessons several lessons in that. So if it's licking your face off or ripping your face off it's because of what triggered that response in the moment. Wild and free or submissive and tame they are more connected to source then I am.
a person who choses to interact with me does so of free will,im quiet sure they spent twice as much time watching me,in their confusion! an animal dosent have to watch,it already knows what your like,not that ego driven jugement,just feeling, a feeling of STAY AWAY! or a feeling of FLOCK TOWARDS!!! deep down,not the part of the ego that makes people jump out of windows! i hate that part,it should be outlawed! ITS WHAT MAKES THE MIND LITERALY KILL THE BODY!!!!!
Literally, it does.
True is the same way with me. She has a healing nature I think... so calm and attentive. Except when a big wind is coming then she is all over the house like a mad hatter. It's nuts to watch lol
when a big wind is coming she's more attentive,thats why she is running around,i dont have children but id act that way if i cared about someone.there are 6 billion people round here,its enough!!! when i see a person walking with a dog i see a dog taking a person for a walk! a dog helping a person to be more of itself!!!!!!!!
Now wait just a Goddarn minute

Cat's don't have Crap on PUGS!

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