Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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  • krystal
  • Arcturian11
  • Zell
  • Dorothy Thompson
  • simpleman
  • Blessed By God
  • MysticalEnigma
  • Kahless
  • Jure
  • starcloud
  • Besimi
  • Harriter88
  • Maitaki
  • Trudy

Ahmose's Discussions

Moon Muscles in on December Geminids

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ahmose Dec 15, 2008. 2 Replies

Is your cat an alien?

Started this discussion. Last reply by RL Dec 10, 2008. 8 Replies

Cats are Superior to Space Aliens

Started this discussion. Last reply by Harriter88 Dec 7, 2008. 14 Replies

Ahmose's Blog

06-02-2009 The most horrible day of 2009

Posted on February 6, 2009 at 4:05pm 4 Comments

Today i am the sadest kitty in the world.
I had to say goodbye to my little friend

Musti. 18-8-1991.-06-02-2009

He was like 17 years and a little more.

Well i hope Ceiling Cat will take care of you!
I love you little friend and i will never forget you.
Miss you

Félix and Félicette,the space cats

Posted on December 6, 2008 at 2:36am 0 Comments

Félicette and Félix may not be the best-known cats in the world — but maybe they should be, as Félicette became the first of only two cats (as far as I can establish) to have been sent into space, while Félix had been trained to be sent.

The then Soviet Union experimented in the later 1950s with dogs in capsules on the edge of space; then in 1957 Laika, a mongrel dog who became very well known, was launched in Sputnik 2. According to… Continue

Cat in Space

Posted on December 6, 2008 at 2:00am 2 Comments

Why is it that the first we hear of the cat is when it appears in Egypt around 2,000 B.C. as the living embodiment of the goddess Bast? The dog was domesticated... comfortably ensconced as man's adoring servant, catching frisbees and letting his tongue loll unattractively out of his mouth, long before the cat arrived on the scene. Why? Where was the cat? Why are there no images of cats in cave paintings? Why is the Bible silent on the subject?…


Study illuminates star explosion from 16th century

Posted on December 4, 2008 at 11:37am 0 Comments

By MALCOLM RITTER, AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter, Ap Science Writer – Thu Dec 4, 4:11 am ET AP – This composite image provided by NASA Wednesday Dec. 3, 2008 of the Tycho supernova remnant combines … NEW YORK – More than 400 years after Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe challenged established wisdom about the heavens by analyzing a strange new light in the sky, scientists say they've finally nailed down just what he saw.


It's no big surprise. Scientists have… Continue

Star Trek's Deflector Shield Envisioned for Mars Mission

Posted on December 3, 2008 at 12:48pm 0 Comments

By Clara Moskowitz

Special to

posted: 19 November 2008

06:16 am ET

One of the gravest dangers facing future astronauts traveling to Mars will be radiation in space: If the long trip doesn't kill them, cancer eventually could.

These threats can, however, be defeated. In Star Trek, a deflector shield surrounded the Starship Enterprise, and radiation bounced off it. Now tests show it's possible to create a real deflector shield that would have… Continue

I believe in CeilingCat!



Click on the Pope to see the LOLCATBible :)


So is it a beautyful day or does it rain? Check it!!

Chairman Meow!

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At 2:19am on January 26, 2025, Anna Kokou said…

Hello .

I am Mrs. Anna Grace Kokou, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply( for more details.

your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Anna Grace Kokou.

At 9:43am on February 23, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 4:38pm on November 02, 2009, Jœ å.k.å. βLUÊ :) gave Ahmose a gift
At 11:14am on April 28, 2009, Woken2012 said…
Cats Musical - Memory

Just thinking of you today....
Be safe...
At 4:48pm on March 28, 2009, Trudy said…
Mooi hè .. het is een 'cat eye nebula'

'k ben geslaagd voor mijn theorie maar helaas gezakt voor mijn praktijk, ik kon niet overweg met de navigatie, en ik stapte uit om voor de klant (examinator) de deur te openen om hem uit te laten stappen, liet ik de sleutels in contact zitten...deuhh tja gezakt was ik als een baksteen..
Het is weer gezellig bij de Saviors maar we missen wel jou gemiauw...doeiiii
dear Ahmose don't forget to stop by....
At 2:18pm on February 25, 2009, Jure said…
Ty for that beautifull catturday :)
At 5:26am on February 24, 2009, Trudy said…
Hi Ahmose how is my dear friend in these days of Carnaval in Holland...
Dit jaar heb ik mijn kattenpak in de kast gelaten, 'k ben druk met het halen van mijn papieren als taxichauffeur. De 26e februari heb ik rijexamen en 4 maart theorie examen.
Trouwens ik heb dat Carnaval niet nodig om gek te doen ik doe dat als ik wil 365 dagen per jaar....MIAUW MIAUW lieve Ahmose ik hoor van je gauw....
At 7:14am on February 22, 2009, Maitaki said…

Thank you...!!!!!!!!!!!! for hanging on my page.........
At 8:19am on February 21, 2009, Harriter88 said…
Hi Ahmose,Dana sent me this Spirit Kitten

Love.come join us over at The Transcendent-link is on my page.T
At 6:06pm on February 13, 2009, Trudy said…
Hoi hoi Ahmose
Het is leuk om van je te horen, ook jij een lekker en lui weekend toegewenst, het is weer onweer hier bij de Saviors...hoe zou dat toch komen...enfin is een leugen nog zo snel de leugen achterhaalt 'm wel......
Doeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ahmose ...aai poesie aai......

SoE Visitors



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