Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Does anyone else find hard to travel on the spiritual path alone...or is it just me?

My whole life I long for this journey and on the last two years I've started to do something about it.
I always had a deep love and respect for Mother Earth and I've always felt a strong connection with nature. For some reason I have started my journey through learning Crystal Healing. During the two-year course I met wonderful, like minded friends and the things I've learned and felt were absolutely amazing. More than just Crystal healing, we had loads of experiences with energy healing, learned about Chakras, auras, Angels, connection with Higher-Self, etc, etc. Now, that the course is finished I have lost contact with most of them (we all live quite far from each other) and I haven't practiced my healing and other spiritual experiences we used to share. I find hard to go through this path by myself. As always in my life I lose interest if I don't have anyone (around, physically) to share my experiences with. At the moment I feel my spiritual journey is in a "stand by" mode and I am desperate to continue. Sometimes I feel I can only do it if I have a "mentor", then I remember that saying: "When the pupil is ready, the master will appear"...Maybe I am not ready.(?)
Does anyone else feel this way?
Love & light to all

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Oh, I only have one teacher I can kinda talk to this about which is my inquiry skills teacher (I'm in an IB school) He believes in things like new world order, which I talk to him about. He's really funny in a way though. He understands a lot of things that are going on, but I think he might be misinterpreting a lot of stuff. For example, he supports the "war in iraq" (I really don't consider it a war at all) because he thinks weapon manufacturing helps our economy, which is does in a way. But then again, money shouldn't be a reason to kill another person. In fact, there is no reason to kill anyone, unless they are a killer themselves I suppose. But even still I don't agree with killing.

Back to what you were saying though, yes I think we are all on the right path. And it's really exciting! My life has accelerated forward towards the truth, and I feel something big coming up in the near future. It's wonderful!

Mixupp said:
Definately you're not alone. I'm sixteen and from Finland. I began this journey approx. a month ago and it was at first the strangest and most interesting thing I had ran into. I've always had lots of thoughts about our world and things and happenings in it, but never have those been this strong. I'm so happy to know that I truly am not alone. I've talked with my friends and they accept what I tell them. Some of them think exactly the same way as I do and it makes me feel that I'm on the right path. And hell yeah, I am! Recently I've been sharing my thoughts with my parents, relatives and teachers plus some other "supporting" people. They do not push me back and I'm glad about that. Still it's not easy to talk about this with some people. With the teachers for example. I'm not interested in school anymore. My motivation has dropped rapidly. I'm not interested in lots of useless things anymore actually, but I still have to live with them. Not for long I wish to believe.

Love and light to you and all! <3

Sara said:
Yes, it is. I've only begun having consistent spiritual experiences only a month ago but for about my whole life (I'm only 15 years old by the way) I have always been aware of my inner energy and I have also known about auras for a while. And it is terribly lonely, feeling like you're the only one in the world who experiences these things, I suppose. Usually I just feel plain crazy, even though I don't think I am.

I cope with it by telling my friends from school about the wonderful things I have realized. They usually don't listen to me, but some of them do. And the more I tell people, the more I realize I'm not alone because a lot of people I know claim to have very similar experiences. I don't know, maybe it's different for you, but that's how I deal with it. Plus I have a wiccan friend who has taught me a lot about spirits and auras and such. She's wonderful <3
To Mixupp.

I'm glad to hear you have started on your individual path. May it bring you far and high. But at the same time, I am saddened to hear you are no longer interested in school or other 'useless' things. Perhaps, if you would indulge me for a moment, I could explain why I find this saddening?

For one, I firmly believe and know to be true that there are no useless things in life. This is my personal truth, and so far it has served me well. Everything we experience is something which will enrich us in some way, another memory or newly explored emotion added to the complex matrix that we are. and the only way to truly understand what is going on around you, to pierce the veil that is being drawn over your eyes, is to understand how others perceive it. No, school may not teach you the whole story, or give you all the tools needed to see the whole story in short order, but it as well as many other experiences in life grant you something truly invaluable on the path to enlightenment.


It is impossible to see forward without knowing factually where forward is. By knowing and, more importantly, understanding the past and the current present, it becomes easier to understand other viewpoints, other views, opinions and voices on a singular issue. Know that all these opinions and views are all equally valid, from within their own viewpoints. The only way to understand is by gaining the ability to perceive every single facet of a single issue. An opinion that is well informed and well articulated by gaining the ability to explain it from every other conceivable viewpoint, is an opinion which can be relied upon, and one that can gain immense power of persuasion.

Do as I did, now well over a decade ago: study what you want to study, take this time to learn about what you want to learn, things you are interested in. Engage your teachers, privately, in intelligent debate about issues where you feel they might be mistaken. And above all, school shall teach you this: how to survive with your opinions and resolve intact, in an environment where a few dispense absolute 'truth' to the many, and where different opinions are often ridiculed and their bearers made to suffer.

As Earth is the school of life and duality, so is school a preparation for this school of schools. Be prepared, remain awake, walk with eyes open.

YESSS! i dont feel very motivated to do my work nowadays too. in fact right now i'm procrastinating and getting late for work. LOL

still..we have our little responsibilities to take care of

Mixupp said:
Definately you're not alone. I'm sixteen and from Finland. I began this journey approx. a month ago and it was at first the strangest and most interesting thing I had ran into. I've always had lots of thoughts about our world and things and happenings in it, but never have those been this strong. I'm so happy to know that I truly am not alone. I've talked with my friends and they accept what I tell them. Some of them think exactly the same way as I do and it makes me feel that I'm on the right path. And hell yeah, I am! Recently I've been sharing my thoughts with my parents, relatives and teachers plus some other "supporting" people. They do not push me back and I'm glad about that. Still it's not easy to talk about this with some people. With the teachers for example. I'm not interested in school anymore. My motivation has dropped rapidly. I'm not interested in lots of useless things anymore actually, but I still have to live with them. Not for long I wish to believe.

Love and light to you and all! <3

Sara said:
Yes, it is. I've only begun having consistent spiritual experiences only a month ago but for about my whole life (I'm only 15 years old by the way) I have always been aware of my inner energy and I have also known about auras for a while. And it is terribly lonely, feeling like you're the only one in the world who experiences these things, I suppose. Usually I just feel plain crazy, even though I don't think I am.

I cope with it by telling my friends from school about the wonderful things I have realized. They usually don't listen to me, but some of them do. And the more I tell people, the more I realize I'm not alone because a lot of people I know claim to have very similar experiences. I don't know, maybe it's different for you, but that's how I deal with it. Plus I have a wiccan friend who has taught me a lot about spirits and auras and such. She's wonderful <3
Sara the Ultimate Crime Fighter said:
Yes, I have meditated to the solfeggio frenquencies. I have always been an empathetic and could slightly see auras, but after I listened to them my body's energy became much more stronger, I suppose. I really can't put my finger on what exactly happened to me. For starters, I suddenly could see these two spirits that seem to follow me around. I can't always see them, but I can feel them and they have said something to me once. I also can see auras easier, and I can cure other people's headaches by pumping my own energy into them (Extremely exhausting)

Actually, curing people's headaches is how I kinda bring up the subject of my spiritual experiences. It's kinda funny. For example, I have this friend who always seems to have a headache, so one day I told her to give me her hand and I gave her positive energy and she said that she could feel shivering in her head. Then she said she hasn't had a headache since then.
You can see aura's? I used to be able to feel them glowing when i was young, but my mother took be to the doctor cause a lot of the auras and energy i was feeling from was making me very uncomfortable. I don't feel them anymore. I apparently grew out of it as, i was taut it wasn't natural to feel colors. I still cant feel them. I wish i could.
Until we connect to Source... connect to Spirit we will always feel an emptiness. The emptiness manifests in many different ways for everyone. Everyone's path is different. The longing for companionship on one's journey is just one of the many ways. It is seems to be very common actually. Once you finally find your way back to the Source it will 'click' for you. I remember for me when I found out about the path of Enlightment my whole entire being clicked. For me it was like being lost in the ocean of life with no map. Once I had my map everything felt more right along the way from then. The path is constantly change and evolving for all of us. You just have to go with your intuition... what 'feels' right with your whole being.

My experience from the path is this. The more you fully embody your connection to Source the Happier and more fulfilled you become. The longing for companion will get less and less and eventually disappear completely. You will be Happier than you ever dreamed possible. You will instead find you want to engage with others out of the pure Joy and the Miracle of Life Itself. Unclouded Consciousness has this innocent, playful and endearing quality to it that engages with life. It is a mystery that is constantly unfolding in the Now. (^-^)

It was helpful for me to find a Kirtan group in my area. Being able to sing and have a spiritual experience while making music in a group is very grounding yet uplifting - balancing. Those involved have become my best friends and led to some great potlucks, outings, etc. I suggest finding a spiritual yoga class, meditation group, or reading/discussion group, and taking time to talk to the leader and other participants about the things others might not understand. Or start your own potluck/meeting/etc! And give it time and love. Remember, you have to do it yourself, but that doesn't mean you have to do it alone.
P.S. As for the wife, new activities and hobbies, however strange, may be easier to understand than new concepts. So be subversive :) Time and love.
Ahh thank you for the correction. I couldn't find the video. Circumstances makes more sense. Thanks.

Ullan said:
I believe that the words used were 'Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters'. The words of Bashar carry a lot of wisdom with them, to the point where I find them almost instantly applicable in my daily life. And they still resonate strong in my mind.

Personally, I believe that the four laws of creation as told by Bashar not only make a lot of sense, after consideration I've found that I already knew all of them, just not in that way. Most applicable to those of us constantly in contact with other people, remember the third and fourth laws. What you put out is what you get back. The only constant is change.

Be positive in your dealings with others, even if they choose not to be positive towards you. Approach everything, every problem or possible altercation, from a positive and optimistic angle, and you'll find more often than not that it will play out positively. And remember another bit of Bashar wisdom: if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to, don't assume you did something wrong. Deal with the echo of your past reality, what is important is how you react anew to this situation. Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters.

ian said:
Yes it is very hard. I have trouble every day. I am a bartender for a really big restaurant chain. I deal with so many unhappy and what seems to be evil people. It's very hard to stay in the place of love and light. One thing that really helped me is something bashar said in one of channelings. I can't remember it well enough to quote it but he said something along the lines of consequences don't impact your reality, your reality impacts your consequences (or something along those lines). Basically what he is saying is if you are feeling like you are in a bad state of being, regroup and put yourself in a good place and put your consequences out of your reality.

You aren't alone, we are all here with you.

Love and light
Ahh thank you so much for the correction. Circumstances makes more sense. It is easier said than done. Like I said i struggle with it every day. It's hard not to lash out sometimes, even if you are the one who has wrong being done to you. Sometimes people come into my restaurant just to (excuse my language this time, I want to make a point) fuck with me. It brings them joy because things are just so bad for them. Instead of just getting mad it really is better to be nice and love them because they are just so deprived. Thats what they need. It also doesn't bring them the joy of seeing you mad. I still get mad sometimes or fight with co workers. I just catch myself now. Eventually you just wont let it bother you. You do just have to try to make the best of it.It truly works. Most of the time it will work out in your favor. Soon all the time I hope. You can't fight fire with fire.

Ullan said:
I believe that the words used were 'Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters'. The words of Bashar carry a lot of wisdom with them, to the point where I find them almost instantly applicable in my daily life. And they still resonate strong in my mind.

Personally, I believe that the four laws of creation as told by Bashar not only make a lot of sense, after consideration I've found that I already knew all of them, just not in that way. Most applicable to those of us constantly in contact with other people, remember the third and fourth laws. What you put out is what you get back. The only constant is change.

Be positive in your dealings with others, even if they choose not to be positive towards you. Approach everything, every problem or possible altercation, from a positive and optimistic angle, and you'll find more often than not that it will play out positively. And remember another bit of Bashar wisdom: if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted it to, don't assume you did something wrong. Deal with the echo of your past reality, what is important is how you react anew to this situation. Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters.

ian said:
Yes it is very hard. I have trouble every day. I am a bartender for a really big restaurant chain. I deal with so many unhappy and what seems to be evil people. It's very hard to stay in the place of love and light. One thing that really helped me is something bashar said in one of channelings. I can't remember it well enough to quote it but he said something along the lines of consequences don't impact your reality, your reality impacts your consequences (or something along those lines). Basically what he is saying is if you are feeling like you are in a bad state of being, regroup and put yourself in a good place and put your consequences out of your reality.

You aren't alone, we are all here with you.

Love and light
HI I'm Becky, I know exactly how you feel, I grew up going to a baptist church ,and I always felt something was not quite right with christianity.There were just not enough truths resignating with my soul. About 15 years ago I started a search for my own truth , it lead me to a more spiritual path!! Don't feel bad where I'm from I have never met anyone else who believes the things that I do ,or that even cares to learn the truth for that matter!! My own family members even laugh and talk behind my know I must be coo coo they say, but I just tell them "knowledge is free"!!! I even thought there was no one else who felt this way until I got a computer , and got online then I was finally relieved to find that there were other souls out there in search of the truth!!!! NAMASTE
Thank you for your advice. It is something I have already processed but also something that makes me think even more. Truly I too believe, that there are no useless things in life, because everything I have experienced has taught me something new about myself and the life around me. I respect everything in life in it's own way. I've always respected others, even if they don't respect me. And do you know what? I think that is one reason why many people like me. If you are nice to others, you get it back some way or another. Double!

I've seen that school gives me a lot, even though it can be exhausting sometimes. I get new friends and have the possibility to discuss more about my thoughts. Isn't that useful?


Ullan said:
To Mixupp.

I'm glad to hear you have started on your individual path. May it bring you far and high. But at the same time, I am saddened to hear you are no longer interested in school or other 'useless' things. Perhaps, if you would indulge me for a moment, I could explain why I find this saddening?

For one, I firmly believe and know to be true that there are no useless things in life. This is my personal truth, and so far it has served me well. Everything we experience is something which will enrich us in some way, another memory or newly explored emotion added to the complex matrix that we are. and the only way to truly understand what is going on around you, to pierce the veil that is being drawn over your eyes, is to understand how others perceive it. No, school may not teach you the whole story, or give you all the tools needed to see the whole story in short order, but it as well as many other experiences in life grant you something truly invaluable on the path to enlightenment.


It is impossible to see forward without knowing factually where forward is. By knowing and, more importantly, understanding the past and the current present, it becomes easier to understand other viewpoints, other views, opinions and voices on a singular issue. Know that all these opinions and views are all equally valid, from within their own viewpoints. The only way to understand is by gaining the ability to perceive every single facet of a single issue. An opinion that is well informed and well articulated by gaining the ability to explain it from every other conceivable viewpoint, is an opinion which can be relied upon, and one that can gain immense power of persuasion.

Do as I did, now well over a decade ago: study what you want to study, take this time to learn about what you want to learn, things you are interested in. Engage your teachers, privately, in intelligent debate about issues where you feel they might be mistaken. And above all, school shall teach you this: how to survive with your opinions and resolve intact, in an environment where a few dispense absolute 'truth' to the many, and where different opinions are often ridiculed and their bearers made to suffer.

As Earth is the school of life and duality, so is school a preparation for this school of schools. Be prepared, remain awake, walk with eyes open.

Hi everyone,

I just found out about a Yoga place only one block from where I live. Apparently it is a very spiritual orientated place. In every class they do a half hour meditation.
I have never done Yoga before and I think it would be a great thing to "get me back on track"!
Again, thank you ALL for sharing your thoughts.
Love & light
Simmy said:
I would love to be guided by one of this Avatars.
I saw that they have a retreat in Brazil. It is a pity I don't live there anymore... Who knows, maybe I will meet one in Surrey... Love & light

Hi Simmy,

You need to understand that you are your own best guide.

You could just ask your higher self to make your guardian angels more active or to make them understand what you need to know or what questions you have...

Ask your higher self the questions you have, and ask for the guiding angels to help you in getting the answers.

Then you shall see your teachers miraculously come to you ... tell you what you need to know. This could be someone you already know or a total stranger who answers the questions running in your mind and they just go away the way they came in...

this might sound a little esoteric but I've had too may of these experience happen to me with strangers telling me stuff I couldn't understand and I never got to see them again!! I did freak out a little in the beginning but the creator has his own ways and we need to understand that :)

A clear strong intent from your heart is enough to initiate this process of discovery.

Love & Peace,
Ravi Raju

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