Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Joshua's Blog (5)

Getting my life together.

Finding it hard at this particular moment to find grounding. I'm upset today because I realize I'm not happy without certain outside substances. I know that Being Born where I am and having been raised here was all for a purpose. Yet I'm still trying to figure it all out, as most still are.  My 19th year in this vessel is a week from today and I've been smoking Mary Jane and tobacco for 3 years now, due to my environment. I live in a small pot village... even our mayor smokes and grows large…


Added by Joshua on July 10, 2011 at 7:06pm — 5 Comments


I've notice a lot of 'individuals' talking about oneness and letting go of DUALITY. Yet duality and oneness are the same, and to think you can comprehend the Wholeness with our current mind is pure ignorance. Freedom, TRUE freedom means you CAN express whatever it is you feel you believe is your truth regardless of what it is. In my opinion if someone is racist they should be aloud to express their opinion. But that doesn't restrict others from expressing what they are called to. Instead of…


Added by Joshua on March 22, 2011 at 12:18am — 5 Comments

Where did this come from?

I was responding to a comment made in another blog and I feel this is a post in itself. Have a go!


"If they were malevolent or ill-intentioned, they would have taken over Earth and turned us into dog food a very long time ago." - True, but we are playing the game of free will and nothing can enter here and take over without the consent and/or awareness of the human population. If you think about the backbone of our 'Matrix' it doesn't make… Continue

Added by Joshua on July 8, 2010 at 9:26pm — 2 Comments

Anybody else experiencing this?

I'm sure we are all aware of a ringing that occurs occasionally in our ears. Well that's now stopped and moved onto this weird popping sound, which I'm assuming is a part of our bodies metamorphosis. Popping isn't quite the word to use..... It sounds like pressure if that makes any sense. It doesn't stop, awareness just drifts away from it every once in a while.

All ideas are welcome and appreciated.

Unconditional Love

Added by Joshua on January 6, 2010 at 4:36pm — 6 Comments

The New Children

I am an Indigo from the 90's and I'm just compelled to share this. Right now I'm at my job which is in a little books store in the southern interior of BC, Canada, and there have been tones of these New children coming in. I don't mean Indigo or Crystal or anything I've been informed about... These children are unique and really are ready to light the path Now. I'm so lost for words right now... does anyone have any info on these New children... There is something in their eyes that isn't of… Continue

Added by Joshua on August 15, 2009 at 3:12pm — No Comments

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