Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Brenda Watts's Blog – November 2010 Archive (5)

Archangel Michael and Ronna ADVICE PLEASE GUYS!!!

Has anyone ever paid to have Ronna send them a personal channel from AA Michael? I did, I bought her book and I got the personal message. She said she channels it just for me from AA Michael. I am going to attach the letter she sent me. Please number one..Explain it to me? What are the rays really? Anyway HAS anyone ever gotten a letter and if so was it like this? Do you think this is just a form letter or do you think AA Michael was talking to me. The part about crystals and healing would…


Added by Brenda Watts on November 20, 2010 at 3:08am — 7 Comments

I met a Awesome man today!!!

Here is my interesting day!!

First my friend Carolyn ( who runs the internet site and radio site TSC ( Came to my Metaphysical church and brought with her, Dr. Paul Haider!!! (

He was going to be the… Continue

Added by Brenda Watts on November 15, 2010 at 1:30am — No Comments

INTRODUCING>>>>>>>>My good friend Elfreda Pretorius

My dear friend Elfreda Pretorius has posted a blog about her life in South Africa, Her TIME ON DEATH ROW and her journey to writing one of my favorite books, The Meadow, by Her and Mike O'Hare. I am so happy to share one of my best internet friends with you all. Thank you E!!!

She also wrote a book called Stop Struggling and Start Living. That’s an awesome book. It really changed my life. It opened me spiritually to the truth of the universe.

She sent me 5 copies in exchange for… Continue

Added by Brenda Watts on November 12, 2010 at 2:41am — 2 Comments

The Source Center

This is not an ADD!!! I just want you all to know about this site.

A lot of you have watched me grow and change over the years. A lot of my growing into my spirituality was due to you and the other members of my site “ Zack “.

The other close people, who held me up and saw my light, helped me become the successful healer and the successful HUMAN that I am now, are right here in Salem.

My friend Carolyn started this free internet radio. She had the most important… Continue

Added by Brenda Watts on November 9, 2010 at 2:31pm — 2 Comments

Please send Jay a Christmas Card from your location! And I need your addresses to send you cards!

I need your addresses again because my old computer crashed. Or If I never sent you a Christmas card and you would like one from Aumsville, Oregon of all places send me your address! If you are brave post it here and everyone can send everyone Christmas cards. If you Personal Email your address to me I will not share it.

Last year some of you sent Jay Christmas cards for me. It was so cool! Jay is my New Thought Minister. He is 80 this year.

I asked you to send him a card… Continue

Added by Brenda Watts on November 9, 2010 at 4:30am — 29 Comments

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