Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

RL's Blog – October 2009 Archive (5)

Brit toddler has Einstein IQ - & doesnt sleep!

Crystal child no doubt. I hope the parents are notified to NOT VACCINATE THE BABY!!


British toddler has Einstein IQ

At four months, he was saying "Mama" and "Dada." At nine months, he said his first real word, "tree," as he was pointing at the Christmas tree. And then at 18 months Oscar Wrigley was recounting the story of… Continue

Added by RL on October 21, 2009 at 5:17am — 2 Comments

My attempt at channeling

Okay while I'm nowhere near the competency of Brad and Clinton, I have been autowriting to my Sirius friends who are following my experience on Earth and they have had some interesting things to say.

While i can't ascertain for sure theyre 100% correct...well at least i tried!

Tues, 13 October 12.35pm. Automatic Writing.

Qtn: Can you tell me what they really did to the moon on friday?

Ans: Well, for starters, it wasnt a hole. It was… Continue

Added by RL on October 13, 2009 at 12:58am — 2 Comments

Synchronicity with Guan Yin

I was a little frazzled last night after obama's NPP win and the 'bombing' of the moon. My friends on Facebook were congratulating his win and saying that he deserved it 100%. I felt that they were completely hoodwinked even though I've spelt out the facts clearly.

Hence I went to the altar of Guan Yin (Kwan Yim/Quan Yin) in my house and lit up some joss sticks for prayer. I wished for the people of earth to finally see the truth behind those lies....

--- AND… Continue

Added by RL on October 10, 2009 at 2:34am — 2 Comments

Maintaining inner calmness amidst chaos

I think it is a good learning experience this Friday (happy birthday John Lennon!).

With Barack Obama's controversial Nobel Peace Prize win and the bombing of the moon, the Netiverse has been abuzz with furious activity that swung from either extreme end of any thinkable viewpoints. We can only imagine the amount of negative energy that we have released into the atmosphere and perpetuated onto the Internet. Personally, I felt pissed off, disappointed, amused, mocking... My thoughts… Continue

Added by RL on October 9, 2009 at 12:27pm — 1 Comment

What happened when i was 3 years old..

It was a normal night, I was sleeping on a mattress next to my mom's bed.

I think I was kinda awake that night, I started to play with my transformers toys that i kept handy by my bedside.

This particular toy was my favourite, my uncle gave it to me as a present. It was white in colour, a car transformer, and made of solid cast metal, not like the flimsy plastic ones they sell nowadays that break easily.

I was sleeping sideways on my mattress, while my left hand was… Continue

Added by RL on October 5, 2009 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

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