Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Mike O'Hare's Blog – August 2009 Archive (2)


“The Meadow” has been written in a very extraordinary way. For example, there was never any intention to bring the story into manuscript format. It was only after my encounter with Elfreda that it became a reality and, between us, we prized the idea out of my head and onto a hard drive. Even when we began writing the story, there was never an outline laid out for the whole thing. Outlines were only prepared for each chapter as we took them step by step.

I remember Elfreda… Continue

Added by Mike O'Hare on August 26, 2009 at 1:08pm — No Comments


No guessing what the title is referring to. The Spotted Cow probably fits into the top ten of country pub names that are dotted around the UK and Channel Islands. However, there is one Spotted Cow which has a relevance and energy all of its own. In years to come, I wonder how much of this short story holds an irony which proves very special.

"The Meadow" novel features locations all around the world, and different times in history. Its characters are more than colourful… Continue

Added by Mike O'Hare on August 22, 2009 at 6:20am — No Comments

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