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CmdrAleon's Discussions

Preparing for 2010 the Ashtar Galactic Command

Started this discussion. Last reply by Melvin Oct 15, 2009. 3 Replies

Ashtar Command Newsflash

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Channeling “Mother Universe and Gaia-Mother Earth about planetary changes”

 Mother of the Universal Significance and Mother Earth speak their words in favor of human awareness"For the new goals of your life, the need for awareness in every action should be about how you want to live. And so that these are not just words on your part, but in confirmation for you yourself pious actions, active deeds."Mother of Universal significance for the people of planet Earth:Dear God's ardent hearts! Today I have come again for your review and I will tell you some details that will allow you not to miss the chance and on the wave of the coming storm for your perception, in the ease of the physical state, in consciousness without any loads, in the free flight of the Soul, there was an opportunity to move to a new level of your life. Everything in a step-by-step version, dear children. Significant preparation is already in action now. I give you my recommendations, they are simple, all in the everyday life of your life. But they will also be reflected not only in your environment, but also affect the atmosphere of all, in the planetary plan, life positions.You, living your life, sometimes were not at all oriented in cosmic laws and this contributed to many violations of the coordination lines of your Soul. But this, as you note and the Subtle plane tells you, was only an experience. You should not blame yourself for anything. It makes sense to let go of everything, and you already know that in gratitude; set new tasks for yourself and move forward with the goal of achieving your heights along spiritual lines. And I, having my internal powers, especially at a time like now, will help you realize yourself with your, in the individual version of each, goal to reach those levels that your Soul offers you. It is quite clear that time on your Earth now has its own cruelty, but you are advised to remain calm and all your mistakes that were committed in the early time flow, in trust to me simply give up. But here it is necessary to fill yourself with the Light of truth in order to avoid the emptiness of your inner vessel.Now the earthly potential is given to people on the plane, cosmic energies both here and there. And even those of you who do not feel them, they, having a gap in the Subtle bodies, with their internal virtues, strengthen its status, density, many are expanding. And those who believe this, their purification in a quick version will happen. First, it is necessary to extract the unnecessary from yourself, to give it away, and only after the first cycle, on the planetary level along the Unified General line, when changes begin to flow in your life according to a large-scale plan, you can ask me your personal desires; and you will already feel your core in a different version and the atmosphere in life will be renewed. You are all beings with your own internal power based on Love, Goodness and Justice. Everything is mixed up, all lines and their configurations are broken. It is necessary to restore everything to the Divine level, and this, dear ones, is not a year or two of your earthly time. But if humanity pushes itself to profound changes, who knows, acceleration may occur.And in conclusion of my words for you: I ask you to follow your rules of life, which name and give you joy, and this is the power of your Will, heartfelt Love for the manifestation of all life principles, actions that mark your decency - without showing any resentment, jealousy and malice. I know every movement of the neurons of your thought forms, I know - this is how the systemic series is arranged to establish your well-being. And if Love is present in you, it accompanies you everywhere. The only thing, I repeat, that which blocks you, with your diligence you need to give me for processing. You will be able to improve yourself in full with words coming from the heart. Time suggests these actions.For now, I have enough information for you from me. The time will come, I will return here again and tell you in a deeper version all the actions necessary for you. Even if there are few of you, you will be in the vanguard. Until we meet again, earthly children, God's Souls! I bless you in my version!Gaia-Mother Earth is on the line:My dear ones, glorious hearts! Accept my words with your consciousness now. Allow me to let the code-packets of my sayings into you as widely and deeply as possible. You, each one, have eternal life, just like me. In the process of all the eons of years, the positions on the outside change. At all stages of evolution, you move forward and growth is significantly noted, thereby your life improves. But you do not know at all what is happening inside me. The composition, so to speak, of a negative value, not only prevails, it has absorbed me. And now I am forced to splash everything out on the surface, freeing my internal lines, fields, to continue my functioning in the parameters of the latitudes of the Universe.And you are given a lot of information that it is time for humanity to live a new life. Everything moves along energy lines, everything is restored for a long time, in its time duration, not just centuries, but with the mark "with the quality mark", for human perception, as the time demanded even then, when the foundation of life took place according to Divine principles. I know that many of you are experiencing pain, losing faith in yourself, cannot realize that through thorns, as it has become customary, there is always a way out to the joy of being.I will not talk about sad things. I wish you to instill inspiration in your hearts. My world has many positive moments. Look at nature: what a blessing for your gaze - the forests in their thick attire saturate you with oxygen, especially at a time like now. You will pay attention to the aroma of flowers, how each blade of grass smiles at you, under a bright sunbeam, in its permissible composition, the Galactic plasma flows into the atmosphere to restore your strength and the birds feel the changes, they give you signs, but you do not pay attention to them.I ask you, my dear children, to gather strength, patience. And whoever contacts me, there are already many of you, in the fusion of the chakra system, the entire column, try to let the Light of God into me. Having filled everything layer by layer, and you will feel how this will happen, then try to bring your inner core to balance through the intention from the heart and ask me for power. And in the manifestation of potential, according to the level of the proper state, intercede during life to put everything in place not as your mind dictates, but as the Soul desires. Changes in the real life will begin and your Heavenly Guides, with your sincerity, will always help you. You will also realize why everything in the vastness of your life is happening this way now.It has already been planned when the Coordination Council of the Highest Divine Link, which notes the entire energy movement throughout the expanses of the Universe, will give recommendations to earthlings on how to do it without great losses of God's Souls, taking into account the very subtle impact on the plane where all of humanity lives, in such an order that life has visible changes and is reflected in the feeling with less pain. I know that among you there are those who will do so. Then I will also begin to radiate from myself streams in more life-giving energies. Thus, gradually, Peace on Earth will be restored and there will be joy for me and you.With this, I finish my words to broadcast for you, my, in the Single core, living human essences. I light my Torch for you. Let the Heavenly Fire lead us all to victory.Received: Amadeus-Amoumai.from 07/24/2024.Accepted and published by AMOUMAYA More

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Channeling "Archangels for the preparation of earthlings for a new time of life"

Для подготовки к ярким значимым процессам формирования Новой жизни на Земле Архангелы транслируют важные новости. Будьте внимательны!"Dear people of planet Earth! All processes are in action. The beginning for all the rearrangements of your life system has already been laid. Prepare yourselves for a larger-scale energetic impact on planet Earth."We are in the United core of the Archangelic composition. Today here are Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael. We have not simply appeared in your field, Amoumaia, we have come to inform, of a certain significance, news for those human hearts who are ready to take part in the processes, so to speak, on the planetary level, where the layers of the earthly plane of life should be transformed. Those who wish will be given recommendations in the public domain and everyone can attract themselves, or create their own team or conduct personal creativity alone. Here, the main thing is to conduct energy procedures along the guiding lines, where the Structure of the Creative Link will give you instructions. Already prepared teams will also take part, there should be three of them. Let's see how those who have already participated manifest their desire.Now we will tell you our words, each in a separate stream. All this is only a preparatory period for you, where the Angelic Structure will participate in the preparation of your fields. Let us note that we are no longer the same as those you knew before, we have risen to a new level. And the vibrational background will affect you in combination with the New Angelic Structure, which assumes its functions in helping you already during life on a new frequency.Archangel Michael says:I am the Archangel Michael of God. My respects to you, earthlings. I know that you are expecting favorable changes at a time when now, during your lifetime, passions are raging, in all directions, various. The Earth is burning with heat, hot air and somewhere there is not enough water, and in some places there is an excess of it. Not to mention your political system, the heat on topical issues among the peoples of the world is boiling everywhere. Today I wish to note to you, yes, I am not talking about the timing yet. I, my dear brothers, sisters, am authorized to lead the Three Galactic Fleets to establish a whole life in the earthly latitudes. I will use the Power of God's principles, where each Fleet, having its potential power, will be able to overcome all earthly troubles with an energetic influx, not just to overcome, but to bring the life system to a new level. Three energy lines will cover the entire earthly world. With your human help and coordination in actions during the appointed processes, some acceleration in stabilization of the general line of life on Earth will occur.The Earth is suffering, people in the streams of fear do not understand the reasons for its energetic splash-impact on the external plane. Therefore, we inform you in advance that you will be energetically involved in the processes in one way or another. And even those who do not read our streams in principle, they are completely disconnected and distant from new knowledge, since their roles do not correspond to your views, their internal qualities will be taken into account here for building a New world for life on your Earth. Now you Faith, internal fortitude for building new positions in life is important, in personal improvement, to apply. Other necessary qualities for increasing the level of vibrations of your Subtle bodies will inform you my brothers. And I am sending you my power. Very little time will pass, you will feel the potential inside you much stronger. You, the main thing, do not waste it in vain. Life, it is long, everything will be useful in the future for installing a new internal core.Word of Archangel Gabriel:Dear ones! I am Archangel Gabriel. You already know, I am presented to you as the Evangelist of the Word of God. I have in my list many channel connections with intermediaries of the planet Earth. Through someone I broadcast how to establish a connection with personal Angels, you call them Guardians; I notify about the New Angelic Structures, with whom humanity will have to interact in the future; yes, I prepare plans in specific energy directions for those teams who lead creative processes along God's guiding lines; sometimes I broadcast the general situation of the life wave to you, earthlings.Now all of you, and the Subtle plane hopes for this, already understand what is happening on your plane of life along energy lines, a revolution of full vast significance. The Earth, as a planet, is being cleansed and your life is filled with new energy potential. Not all of you have it easy. You all need to accept the fact that the former will disappear from the face of the Earth, the moment will come, it will disappear. But for this, a lot of work and struggle is ahead, yes, you heard right and this is not a typo, namely struggle. And here, as Mikhail has already noted, without human participation in the full version, the Planetary Shift will be impossible to accomplish, the opportunity only stretches out over centuries through the change of many generations. But your planet Gaia, as a living entity, has made a responsible decision for itself, and this is to reach a new frequency and take its children so that they can feel natural joy in life. I will not hide, that corridor of life will be highlighted, where those who, under the influence of alien Forces, do not show concern for themselves, but only poison the general atmosphere of life on Earth with their thoughts.As you already know, everything is provided for the Transition and it is important to change yourself now. Understand that there is Love, that its inner part is God, and God is in you. Do not reject it, learn to accept other people who are lower in consciousness than you, in your opinion. When you condemn them or simply talk about their character traits, their goals in life, it means you reject God from yourself and as a result you get painful situations. Learn to be loving to the world, to all people without any conditions, then you will feel God in your heart and the whole meaning of life will be clear to you - not as you interpret it with your mind, but you will grasp, understand all the sacred meaning connecting lines and why everything in life on Earth did not happen as planned by God; pictures will open up, many will have them in reality, where it will be clear how to change your world, tune it to a favorable wave.And who of you is not indifferent to life, who wants to feel its true joy, prepare your consciousness for changes. The preparatory period will end someday. I will give you recommendations on which guiding energy lines to resurrect, transform and establish a new order for the world on the planet Gaia, where you live. That's all from me for today.Archangel Raphael speaks:With the message of potential for sustainability and health, in the presence of inspiring notes, I, Archangel Raphael, am now addressing you all, earthlings. I believe you know what I am doing when you address me in the conditions of your life. I have come to you with new news today. Yes, the Planetary Shift is active, but I will express myself in human language, this is how my words are now going: “These are just flowers, all the berries, both ripe and unripe, await you ahead.” And I, having the rank of Seraphim, during all the processes that will take place on Earth, one after another, in their variability, I will fill the entire globe with my healing energies. This will be of help to humanity.And even now, at the present moment of your life, it is quite appropriate to call me into your fields and fill yourself with the energies of my Turquoise ray. I know that you turn to me only when you need it, but I suggest that you master my potential, whoever can feed their inner core with power to strengthen the platform of life. Words that are created in prayers for you no longer have any energetic force, but you should emit such impulses from yourself as your heart tells you, without bells and whistles, without a template, but in your sincerity. Then, at the moment of the Transition, you may not notice anything, but this is a big word, only a few will master this state, since it will be hot on Earth and you, dear brothers, will need to overcome all difficulties.Your Peace of Soul will be guaranteed. Believe what we have conveyed to you today. You will cope, we already know about it. Strengthen yourself in the Unity of your powers, potential, try to avoid negativity, always direct the energy of Compassion there. Your Guides-Directors honor all your actions.Accepted by: Amadea-Amoumaya.07/19/2024Accepted and published by AMOUMAYA More

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Tatiana-Amoumaya posted a blog post

Channeling “The One Broadcasts for His Children”

Все земные трудности выходят на поверхность, они уже сейчас на поверхности. Давайте уничтожим корневую систему и найдем внутреннюю радость."In the Unity of the Forces of Creation and the Human Mind, Harmony and Justice will manifest for life in earthly conditions. On these lines, the New World will be built. Let people be in peace, let joy fill their hearts, but the period of great importance, assessed as a feat, is necessary for humanity now."Beautiful Soul! Start writing a stream from me personally. There are no Aspects of mine here, here is the One Self. Let this word not be quite correct in human consciousness, both as it is interpreted and perceived. Those who are already in awareness, who understand all the processes on Earth, I hope they will hear me at the call of their hearts and make a decision for themselves.I know that you all have your own individuality and many shine with consciousness, but you limit yourself with your faith, both in making decisions and setting goals for the future. Each of you, living in earthly conditions, plays your role, yes, different. There are those who simply deny many ideological plans, referring to the Dual world and the dreams of their existential life remain unrealizable. But there are also those who consider themselves Like-minded, ready to turn the earthly world upside down, but not enough, they lack the knowledge where the flurry of cosmic energies plays its role. There is also a category of people, they are closed to all innovations, all the Laws of the Universe are alien to them, they live according to their own well-trodden line. And all of you are the Seed of my life on Earth and each is given their own calling, their own impulse for any achievement in their life. You do not accept each other, sometimes rivalry leads to absurdity and even life is lost.Understand, dear children, your life experience is invaluable, but there is also a need for insight in your consciousness, that everything will change planetarily in your world. Yes, all systems and structures of the structure and conduct of life require their own corrective wave. All your life injustice is already overlapping its lines. The moment will come and everything can suddenly break apart. Officials do not understand what fate awaits them. They are deprived of esoteric knowledge, there in the consciousness are present and swarm the words "not for the people, but for themselves." But their role is such, they are accused en masse, from this they become stronger, there "-" prevails in the system. Believe me, this has a reflection on the entire earthly plane.Subtle vibration Structures worked hard to support earthly life. But you, living on this planet, have all the powers. It is quite understandable, ask "And how, when everything has already grown together with roots, ignorance, wars and corruption, promises and deception everywhere?" Yes, dear ones, your world requires a complete restructuring. Let me bring you, albeit a small portion, but clarity for understanding, how everything will proceed, to instill confidence in your fields, to dissolve erroneous views.I will repeat the words that have already sounded so often in the vastness of your earthly resources: “The Earth, the planet, is a living entity, it lived, lives and will live forever. It has its sacred meaning in the system blocks when building worlds in the vast Universe.” You have lived here many times before and will incarnate more than once, reincarnation is not canceled in all Universes, only the levels of life are always changing. So now on your glorious Gaia everything is reset, the process in its activity, and your participation helps in it. How you lived, this will no longer be, it is already acquiring a new meaning. Yes, of course, the program for awakening your consciousness is still in effect. Whoever does not pass the lessons in life, he will pass a new cycle according to the previous program. And those who already receive enlightenment in consciousness, it will be much easier for them in real life, they will easily make their transition to a new level. I say such words because all of you are not just different, you have the root seed not only of the Earth, but you have incarnated specifically for this time, to help carry out the Planetary Shift.On many channel lines you are all being told about Love, but not each of you perceives it in truth. And in it is embedded the seed for the reproduction of new actions and the establishment of complete Harmony on Earth. Therefore, learn to love yourself in life, the whole world, everyone around you. This will be your first main step to all moments, during the present life, the reinstallation ones. A healthy society on Earth for the continuation of your being is a guarantee for success and the establishment of peaceful relations at all latitudes, where there is still a lot of “dirt” in reality. Here, in this matter, the Subtle Structures are ready to help. And if suddenly the human consciousness does not hear, does not perceive, then plan “B” will be connected, but peace on Earth will be established.What recipe can I give you in the moment Here and Now? Perhaps, build your inner goodwill. Remove past views on life, weave new threads into your consciousness. The program is very extensive for you, try to perceive new information. And in a step-by-step version, making your steps, you will notice how you plunge into a new paradigm of life. Everything will be built in a smooth version for you. You are my children and I live in each of you, I know everything, feel and live with you.Until next time, faithful earthlings! Your life is in the stage of Transfiguration now and you are participants in all real events. You can handle it, I believe in you.Accepted by: Amadea-Amoumaya.07/17/2024Accepted and published by AMOUMAYA More

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Ashtar Galactic Command News and Links

Posted on March 16, 2009 at 1:56pm 1 Comment

Greetings all ,

Just wanted to share the Ashtar Command here in the United States.

As many of you know we are really getting amped up Spiritually and Cosmically now as our Planet the Sun and all within our Solar System start to align for what is coming for Humanity.

The lifting of all illusions that Man has created in this lifetime .

The Ashtar Command is here representing many Planetary Worlds of Love and Christ Consciousness.

You are Guardians of the Light… Continue

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At 5:00pm on February 21, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 7:49am on February 27, 2013, Jesmae Tunnell gave CmdrAleon a gift
At 12:42am on February 28, 2010, Trudy said…
Happy Birthday dear brother Aleon
Greetings from Holland

At 3:28am on February 27, 2010, RichardtheRaelian said…
"Happy Birthday!"
At 2:02pm on March 16, 2009, Shin Neo aka The Young Yoda said…
Hello old friend...we welcome you to our happy home...let us all share our wisdom and find who we all really choose to be...namaste...and love and light to you...and may creation be with you... <(-.-)>

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