Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
I wanted to share the energy of the Christed Levels now as they are profoundly affecting all who stop to feel them now.
This is in preperation for 2010 .
The year will mark an increase in awakening Humans on this Planet called Earth.
The vail has been lifted from the system we reside in and within the Universe we live in now.
If you are feeling an abundance of energy flowing through your body these last few days .
Its because of the shifting and lifting of the vail upon this Orb of Life.
In 2010 you will see in your skies above many Ships of Peace appearing if you so choose to focus and watch .
Have video recording equipment with you now wherever you should be at any given moment these events can and will be happening.
The visual contact will be the first contact before any major encounter is to happen between people of Earth and the Ashtar Galactic Command off Planet.
As in all things an Alignment has to be in place for this to happen.
This why between now and 2012 you will see things moving rapidly to a conclusion within your time and space as you understand it to exist.
It can be said now that all is going according to the Divine Plan of the Creator .
Do your meditations now daily if you can and when you can.
This is a key factor in keeping your spiritual vibrations uplifted as best you can in the times ahead.
I will end this information from the Ashtar Galactic Command and hope this has helped some who needed this at this time .
You may contact me on here and also on the Ashtar Galactic Command Global USA Site here on Ning
You are all sent by the Ashtar Galactic Command on varied mission in the frequency of Love .
The ground crew comes in humble service and you are here to now help and experience all that is about to happen shortly .
Blessings to all Lightworkers .
Blessings In The Light Of The Most Radiant One Always,