3 members
How to live in the Divine Will Living more deeply and completely, your Divine Life... All of creation awaits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God...
5 members
diamonds live forever
4 members
what it is that Montague Keen keeps referring to when he says "Again, I remind you, that ancient Ireland holds irrefutable evidence that will change your world forever."
2 members
We are here to support the New Paradigm. Our mission is to transform the fear-based society into the love-based society. We are here to protect Earth. Our sword is light, our arrow is word, our shield is faith and our power is love. We are Light Warriors, the warriors of the rainbow
16 members
Online 2012 workshop. A place to send those you love who will soon be awakening to the Truth.
2 members
This is for all those in California
95 members
This group consists of energy healing volunteers to assist individual requests for energy healing. Whether you require healing yourself, or you have a friend who requires healing, this group is dedicated to assisting you and your healing requests.
16 members
Support group for those who have left a religious organization... and are searching for truth.
15 members
Members of this group agree to run Naked if Nesara come to pass.
8 members
What is "time"? Here is the place to discuss and to explore, and be open-minded, and perhaps have some fun too. Time is Now, and it waits for no-one, because it is the Eternal Moment !!
5 members
I created LightWorkerBiz to show that we can create wealth in many ways, beyond competition, by just Loving our self.
14 members
It is time to discuss our relationship with money-energy and the new give/receive model of prosperity.
30 members
Dear friends, since we have the ability to make reality into whatever we wish for. Let's do coordinated meditations to get moolah together!
125 members
Books channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty between 1981 and 1984. This forum provides a platform to discuss the 106 books.
28 members
A place to put up your automatic writings to compare notes.
4 members
Lets raise our power and meet each other locally.
3 members
71 members
This is a group for you that know or belive that you are a starseed. Welcome!
9 members
Grupo dos salvadores da terra do Brasil. Brazilian Saviors of Earth.
2 members
My name is Wanda Smith, and I am here to give information, and to share information. I am open to talking about any topics, and encourages any topics or subjects such as: PLANET X, Chemtrails, Walmart/ FEMA, Bible Prophecy and many more. All voices and opinions are welcomed and heard.