
What is "time"? Here is the place to discuss and to explore, and be open-minded, and perhaps have some fun too. Time is Now, and it waits for no-one, because it is the Eternal Moment !!
  • Golden_Angel_K

    Interesting group. I always have found intringuing misteries of "time". I always had idea that human could travel through this time but never though that was possible. There are many media that talk about time, some are classical book about H.G. Wells : Time Machine, and then the movie.

    However the idea that i have about time before knowing all this that is a sequel of events united by a point of reference. But know i have "upgrade" my mind..lol.. and think that as we are energy with our soul, our bodies are vibrating constantly and this "ilussion of time acceleration" is no more that us vibrating at high levels of frequency.

    Also i can say that like Ian Xel lungold (Mayan Calendar Teacher) said time is no more that our conciousness travelling in space. I mean in all that we put our intention we get to that point. So, i think is very interesting this kind of stuff.

    Should create sequel about first movie...lol... :)

    Thanks for creating this group.

    Namaste !