Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Spiritual Upliftment

This is a group to help each other with our spiritual growth, upliftment, & ascension by sharing meditations, prayers, group activities, & loving support for each other in any way members suggest. And we ask that we be guided and over lighted in all of our thoughts, words, actions, prayers & meditations in every moment by our own mighty I AM Presence & Soul & any and all Ascended Masters, angels, Archangels, & Elohim we acknowledge to help bring forth into greater manifestation the Awakened Divine Human... the Ascended Angelic Human living always in Divine Love & Peace & Abundance. We offer our selves, thru our 'I Am Presence,' in service in helping manifest Father/Mother/God's Pure Divine Will on earth & in helping unfold the Divine Human Blueprint in every human being...

Members: 4
Latest Activity: May 10, 2022

Featured Meditations

Before we go to the videos below, I just want to share a struggle I had  some years ago when I really wanted to do at least one good meditation every day to help my spiritual growth.....but I never seemed to have enough discipline to actually sit down every day & meditate.....though I certainly had what seemed at the time to be a lot of good excuses not to.....

And then one day I read a post that had a link to 7 short guided audio I thought I'd try the first one at least - and boy was I pleasantly surprised. After the first few minutes I found myself in a relaxed peaceful state of mind having a really great of course I wound up meditating with all seven audios during the following days......meditating every day and looking forward to it !

All 7 meditations are simple and easy to follow, and yet powerful and Divinely inspired.....and I feel are beneficial for both beginning meditators as well as people who have been meditating for many years......and they are also free to listen to and download (MP3 audios). Here's the link:

I've continued to meditate and enjoy guided meditations that God led me to, and i have recorded quite a few guided meditation videos to help others get into a habit of daily meditation, which I feel is a key practice - meditation - to help everyone in your spiritual growth. You can easily find and enjoy these powerful guided meditations found in my YouTube channel with this link: My Guided Meditation Videos.

The home page for my YouTube channel is:

Below you will find a few of these guided meditation videos that can get you on your way to some great meditations. Enjoy all of them with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light,



Here's a wonderfully uplifting guided video meditation by Susan Shumsky with activations that take you into deep communion with your Divine Self & The Ascended Masters.

Enjoy with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light, Steve

Partial Transcript:

We are all being lifted right now into the Light of our Divine Self...into the Light of the Creator. Let's all take a big deep breath together of relaxation...of Divine Peace....of Divine Love.

We now know & recognize that there is only one power in the universe and in our lives - the Light of God...the power of The Creator ! The Light of God surrounds & enfolds us...and the Power of God protects us.  And we allow ourselves to merge with this Divine Light now...we now merge with our Divine Self - the Creator within us. There is now separation now between us & God.

We now call forth into our sacred space all of the beautiful Beings of Light helping mankind...the Ascended Masters....the angels & Archangels, the Elohim, the Chohans of the Rays, the energies of the Crystalline Kingdom & the Elemental Kingdom, & the Goddess vibrations. We ask these beautiful beings to lift us to an ascension vibration or better...increasing our vibrations & Light quotient...and purifying all of our bodies in the Violet Flames...lifting us into beautiful ascension vibrations together....

Video: "Ascension Activations For You" -




Video: "Receive The Divine Blessings of Your God/Goddess Self & The Great Beings of Light Now ! -


Video: "Experience The Levels & Dimensions Of Your Christ Consciousness"





Video: "Co Creating Our Fifth Dimensional Bodies of Light With Patricia Cota Robles" -

This is one of most powerful guided meditations that will help everyone's spiritual growth...and will also be an immense help for all who desire to create an immortal 5th dimensional body of light within your current body while you are still on this earth. Enjoy with immense and Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light, Steve




"I Am Lord Melchizedek, and I welcome you with the Love of Universal Christ Consciousness. I invite you now to enter our group merkaba body of Light & join me as we translocate to my etheric retreat on the multi-universal level of the Creator. We immediately enter a beautiful ascension chamber filled with Golden Universal Christ Light....and, as you look around the ascension chamber, you may recognize or sense some Beings of Light that you always work with, for joining us are many ascended masters, angels, Archangels, Chohans of the Rays, & Elohim...and you are welcome to invite any other Divine guides. In our Sacred Ascension chamber, we will be enhancing & expanding the Presence of the Universal Christ Consciousness within you...helping expand your awakening & alignment with the Light of God's Presence within your heart....and we will be increasing your Light quotient & helping you release everything blocking your ascension to live every moment in God's Peace, Joy & abundance within you !





Video: "Be Healed & Uplifted With The Archangels" -









Video: "You Are The Divine Architect Of Your Life By Emmanuel Dagher"



Partial transcript of Video: "Expanding Your Consciousness While Manifestation Your Soul's Desires - By Steven Hutchinson" -

Greetings & Namaste everyone...I bow to the Div Presence of the Creator within each of you joining me in this meditation, and I invite each of you to allow Archangel Michael, whom I now call upon, to provide you with invincible protection as you reside in your Sacred Space in which only the Creator's Love & Light can enter. Now, let's close our eyes as and let ourselves be calm & relaxed while sitting in our most comfortable position. Just let our whole being relax now and withdraw your attention from the outside world... and just focus on your breathing. Notice the natural cycle of your breath....breathe deeply, and with every deep in-breath we breathe God's Love & Light into our divine heart...and into our Whole Being. And with every deep out-breath, we let go into God's Peace & joy within our heart. Feel this natural rhythm & cycle of the rise & fall of our breath....and let yourself merge with God's Peace & Joy arising in your heart....and allow your deep rhythmic to bring in God's Energy that is now activating your Kundalini at the base of your spine and clearing and awakening all of our chakras & divine energy points and pathways throughout our whole being.

Each of us are now using this natural Breath of Light & Life to breathe into our Whole Being all of the Rays & Flames & Substance of Light of the Creator that each of us needs for our healing & spiritual upliftment. We are opening now to all that is the Creator within us as we merge with our Beloved I Am Presence, the highest aspect of our Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God....and we allow ourself to open now & become aware of the unique Creator Being that we are.

To Continue Reading - Click on the link:

Video - "Judy Satori Part 3 April Full Moon Transmission Boost Your Synchronicity & Serendipity" -




Discussion Forum

A Time For Healing & Spiritual Upliftment By Patricia Cota-Robles

Started by steven hutchinson Feb 9, 2021. 0 Replies

Patricia Cota-Robles leads us on a powerful invocation and meditation to help all of us in our healing and spiritual upliftment. Enjoy with Infinite Blessings of God's Infinity Energies of each of…Continue

Shine Your Light Even Brighter With These Meditations

Started by steven hutchinson Oct 6, 2019. 0 Replies

Beginners Mind Meditation: Change Your Perspective - Change Your World By…Continue

Love Is Your Path To Infinite Possibility By Melanie Beckler & Archangel Haniel

Started by steven hutchinson Aug 5, 2019. 0 Replies

Love Is Your Path To Infinite Possibility By Melanie Beckler &…Continue

Feeling Your Divine Connection By Ann Albers

Started by steven hutchinson May 28, 2019. 0 Replies

Feeling Your Divine Connection By Ann Albers &Your Divine PresenceHi…Continue

Comment Wall


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Comment by steven hutchinson on May 13, 2017 at 5:43am
Beloved Creator, open our eyes,  
so we may always see the Godself within our brothers and sisters,
as we see the Godself within ourselves.

Beloved Creator,  open our minds to the light of your wisdom,
and deepen our service to those in need.
The hungry, the cold, the oppressed and frightened.
Beloved Creator, open our hearts to all of creation,
so we may Love one another as you Love us.
So that all suffering may cease,
and happiness, joy, abundance and compassion
expand upon this sacred earth,
through our compassionate hearts,
and through the compassionate hearts of all humanity,
 And so it is.
Comment by steven hutchinson on May 3, 2017 at 12:59am

Another uplifting message from the angels for the first week of May, 2017.

Enjoy with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Abundance,


Comment by steven hutchinson on May 2, 2017 at 10:08pm

In this video, Patricia Cota-Robles gives us a powerful invocation for calling the Violet Flame to purify your Whole Being & uplift you.

Unbounded Blessings of Love & dance to all,

Comment by steven hutchinson on April 30, 2017 at 6:03am

Giving and Expressing the Creator
When you allow yourself to give and share the light, love and creativity of your being which can be expressed in numerous ways such as a smile, sharing your time with another, radiating love into the world and so forth. You begin to understand that, that which you share is returned to you and often magnified in surprising and exciting ways. This encourages you to realise that by focusing with thought upon the way in which you share your light, love and creativity, and then focusing upon that which you wish to receive, you realise that both are the same. You give out that which you wish the Universe of the Creator to return to you. This could be explained in numerus ways, some examples:

If you wish to experience a loving romantic relationship in your life, bless all who are already in a loving romantic relationship, send love and energetic support to assist others in experiencing the same. Help close friends who also wish for the same, and emanate from your being the energy and feeling of already having the loving romantic relationship you desire.

If you wish to increase the volume of prosperity and abundance in your life, bless those who are already experiencing abundance, support others in experiencing the same by sending the energy of abundance to all of humanity radiating through your body. Help close friends in achieving abundance in their life and allow yourself to radiate the feeling of already experiencing what you wish in your reality.

Giving allows you to communicate to the Universe of the Creator what you wish to receive in your own reality. Giving negative and judgmental thoughts to others will mean you receive the same from those you meet in your reality. Sharing positivity, love and kindness means you will experience the same offered to you in wonderful awe inspiring ways. It is often that it is easier to give rather than receive or to receive rather than to give. Meaning that either giving or receiving is prioritised over the other which creates experiences of lack and imbalance. It is often where an experience of lack is present that the answer can be found in the same place. If you are not experiencing what you wish in your reality, allow yourself to contemplate your abilities of receiving and giving, often greater emphasis on one is required and balance between both.

Five Areas of Trust
In order to receive and give the light, love and creative nature of the Creator trust is required. There are five areas of trust that are required to maintain balance within your being, experiences and reality:
Trust in the Creator to support and assist you in magnificent and fulfilling ways.
Trust in yourself and your ability to receive the Creator fully.
Trust in yourself and your ability to express and share the Creator from your inner being.
Trust in your presence and purpose of your existence upon the Earth.
Trust in the divine guidance and intuition which flows through your being.

Comment by steven hutchinson on April 24, 2017 at 4:07pm

The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is being made available to you to support your experience of the three main purposes of the Venus second energy phase anchoring into the Earth. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness will support you in accepting and accessing the power of love, recognising the transformation that love can create through action born from love and the full acceptance of the presence of love within your being, reality and all.

The Venus Sphere of Knowingness is a dimension of accelerated enlightenment born from the presence of love. It allows illusions to be cast aside and truth to emerge from foundations of love, with the purpose of creating the love of the Creator.

To access the Venus Sphere of Knowingness is simple:

  1. Focus on receiving the second phase of energy transmission from the Venus civilisation. Imagine the Venus light of a pink and turquoise colour flowing over and through your being. Breath the Venus light into your being noticing that you are being filled with love.
  2. Invite your soul to awaken purer vibrations of love, transmitting these into your higher heart chakra and heart chakra. Feel, sense and acknowledge the presence of your soul and love within your higher heart chakra and heart chakra, overflowing into your entire being.
  3. Recognise yourself as a shimmering beacon of powerful love vibrations which are emanating from your being.
  4. Say out loud, ‘Venus Beings, I am now ready to be aligned with the Venus Sphere of Knowingness, please harmonise my entire being with this dimension of pure love, enlightenment and knowingness.’ Recognise any new vibrations, energies, colours of light flowing over and through your being. The Venus Sphere of Knowingness may emerge from within your higher heart chakra, expanding to surround you completely, as if you are encapsulated in a sphere of Venus love and enlightenment.
  5. Take time to simply exist in the energies. Observe your entire being recognising any shifts, insights or knowingness that dawns. That which you receive may be able to be recognised with your conscious mind, if not, then simply trust that you have received all that is needed and the knowingness will become apparent with divine timing.
  6. When you are ready, send energy from your higher heart through your body into your Earth Star Chakra below your feet to ground all the information, wisdom, understanding and enlightenment you have received, whether you are consciously aware of it or not.
Comment by steven hutchinson on April 17, 2017 at 11:20pm

Christine Day:

We are very excited to bring you the March 2017 Pleiadian Broadcast. This is a very special broadcast, coming to you from our land in Grand Marais, MN. Join us as we bring you the very beautiful energies from the communication portals.

Remember the transmissions in these Broadcasts have an 
accumulative effect on you. You transform each time you watch as your ability to carry new levels of the frequencies within these 
processes expands. You are really being asked to let go and breathe!


Allow yourself to accept the Blessings from the Pleiadians through Christine, while you also receive Unbounded Blessings of Love & Abundance,


Comment by steven hutchinson on April 17, 2017 at 11:13pm

We are sitting in the garden of Istvan's Surya Sangita Ashram, in the shade of an old walnut tree. All around us peace and quiet. Then he takes his guitar and breaks the silence with song. "Everything is singing. Every blade of grass, the flowers and this old walnut tree, too. Beautiful, old songs to bless the place ", he sings. "Here we sit under it, and I feel that it's incessantly chanting. Still, motionless. I'm sitting here and I'm flying with it. I'm singing its song, hugging its waist, over an infinite time. Its green foliage adorns the sky. Each flower is smiling."
How did you find your voice?

"If you sing from the heart, you can connect to the beautiful cosmic world, where there is no past and no future. Only the blessed present exists there. We do not judge anything or anybody, we're just existing in this beautiful flow, between heaven and earth. If you sing, you're in wholeness, in the blessed palms of God, in the flowers' field, smiling at the heart, and all difficulties evaporate. The soul is happy and the spirit expands. The constraints, which were built by the mind, crumble in an instant. You're free again, like a bird. You are alive and creating again. You take part in the divine creation and in the magic that is honest and pure. You don't want to control or change it, just let it lead and teach you."
So it's like a deep meditation?
"You make magic when you sing. Especially if you sing while deeply engrossed, which brings you into the joy of the moment. If you sing every day, the channel that connects you with nature opens. All your feelings of pain and emotional suffering disappear. You are renewed. The chant cleans and opens all seven of your energy centers. You live happily in the temple of the body, in this holy place again."
How does the singing cure?
"All your cells are glad and happy when you sing. You don't talk and think then. Every chant is in the present, and present is the moment of the divine wholeness. Many people start to cry at my concerts. They cry because poisons, problems, pain and hardness disappear from your body this way, and sensitivity, kindness, beauty, loving reception and harmony re-seats there. You don't have to defend yourself and be afraid of anyone in this state, you only exist in this timeless state, like a flower, which stretches up to the light, happy in the rain, the dew, the wind."

What do you teach to anyone who goes to the Surya Sangita Ashram?
"First of all, I urge you to cast off your fears. Leave at home the kind of defense, constant control, and fear with which you have traveled so far. Arrive at the site, among the flowers and caress them. Just sit in the grass and feel this divine state. Arrive into the sanctuary. Then I ask you to forgive yourself and others. Step inside the shrine and meditate. Listen to the sound of cosmic creation, return to the womb. Be reborn without pain, sadness or any kind of compliance. Just listen, be the witness, the observer. Do not judge, just listen, flow with the nature, wave with the wind. Just be in the moment, just be. Become who you are. Then start singing the sounds of the chakras. Because the chakras have not only colors, they have voices too."
 Then, with great respect and love, I thank God for such a great gift that these songs could find a place in my heart."
written by: Krisztina Chilembu, Istvan Sky

Comment by steven hutchinson on March 21, 2017 at 11:50pm

(The meditation starts about 20 & 1/2 minutes into the video when the music starts - but Annette's music is much louder - so be prepared to turn down the volume if needed.)
"Namaste & welcome everyone. We are going to do a Oneness meditation, which is an energy transfer that helps you connect with your Divine Self - the real You. Your Divine Self is the Divine Intelligence of the Heart, the Consciousness, the God Force within you continually spiraling & seeking to awaken within you.

The Oneness meditation helps your awakening to your Divine Self, that Higher Consciousness within you. But how you experience your Divine Self is completely up to you. Its up to you what kind of relationship you want to have with your Divine Self, for it is unique to each person & separate from any religion or philosophy.

Awakening to your Divine Self is a process of the mind, but a process in which Divine Intervention is needed to help you ultimately transcend the mind to begin experiencing your Self.

The Divine Intervention is pure Divine Grace working inside of you - your connection between you & God. This is the Divine Energy flowing in the Oneness meditation & Deeksha - a Divine Energy which has the keys and Divine Intelligence to unlock your heart.

So whatever you are experiencing in this meditation, just relax & lovingly be with what you are experiencing. Your meditation can change from moment to moment - but the whole process is one of Divine Love working in you.

The Oneness Awakening Deeksha helps you connect with your Divine Self inside your heart. The Deeksha starts as soon as the music begins, so close your eyes....and the Oneness Meditation starts as soon as the music changes & continues for the remainder of this Divine transmission (this is where you look into Annett's eyes.

The music in both the Deeksha & Oneness meditation have that Divine Energy embedded in them that will be helping you Awaken...helping you release everything that's blocking your experience of your Divine Self....and is also helping you experience your Divine Self more & more fully."

Blessings of Love & Light & Awakening to all,

Comment by steven hutchinson on March 6, 2017 at 6:26am

Comment by steven hutchinson on February 8, 2017 at 12:49am

In this new healing & uplifting meditation, Emmanuel Dagher uses his Core Energy Therapy technique & helps us contact & embrace our Divine Self & 'I Am Presence', bringing in the Creator's Energy that helps us unfold & embrace our Full Divine Potential & Live in this Eternal Moment of Now and release all blocks that would hinder this.

Enjoy with Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light & Abundance,


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