The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Love Is Your Path To Infinite Possibility By Melanie Beckler & Archangel Haniel
Melanie - Your angels are reminding you today:
"Your intuition is strong right now as more of your spiritual light and Truth come to the surface.
Be sure to listen to the soft inner voice of love and encouragement rather than the sometimes loud voice of doubt and judgment that is ego.
The path of Love will guide you into alignment with the highest and best for you!"⠀
ArchangelHaniel is stepping forward today to support and assist you in reconnecting with the path of love...
With love and bright blessings,
Archangel Haniel's Message .....
Beloved one indeed I am Archangel Haniel. I greet you with an orb of healing divine light, which cleanses your mind, body, and spirit and the energetic climate where you are. Cleansing the energy in and also around your being at this time…
As your scientists have observed and learned, a solid object as you perceive it is actually particles flowing around with space between. In this manner, all objects while appearing solid and separate through the lens of illusion, which you view your reality, at the atomic and cellular level, at the energetic level are interwoven together, are connected, are all one energy of the light, which you are a part of and which you are able to co create within.
As you interact and take on, worry and density, fears, thoughts, and perspectives which are not even your own, which ultimately do not serve in the sense of lifting higher and progressing forward, but rather weigh you down and pull you into dramas and challenges. Engaging your ego mind and falling further into illusion, rather than lifting in love on your spiritual path of awakening, of authenticity, and of seeking truth.
And so at this time, consciously focus within on stillness, quiet, and calm. Read these words but release the thoughts of your second mind, the dialogue behind your main point of focus… Your second mind, which is engaged when you are consciously choosing to do something, and you suddenly think or hear, “I can’t do that. I’m not able to do that… What are you thinking?”
Release that voice of doubt now. Let it go.
Video - "Love: Your Path To Infinite Possibility" By Melanie Beckler
Additionally, your angels who are on hand to help release the thought forms of others present in your space… Clouds of thought built up over time from minds left unchecked, untrained, and free to run. Visualize these dense clouds of thought releasing into the light of the Divine, and allow silence, stillness, clarity, and calm take their place.
Your ego, historically and in your own life has served a purpose, but for many is running out of control. Ego is running the show and you, as a spiritual being with your desire to advance, to experience your angels and to experience the authentic connection with your higher self must learn to take control.
By learning to take control of ego mind, to pause its perspective and judgment, you are then able to listen with your heart. Tune into the perspective of intuition rather than ego, and listen to the voice of love and understanding, which comes from your higher self, from your soul, from your guides, and from your angels.
In every moment visualizing a blank slate before you. Clearing the clutter of thought out from your mind and clearing the clouds of thoughts belonging to others away from your energy, creates the sort of sacred silent space, an orb of quiet calm and peace around you where you are then able to hear the guidance which is flowing your way, for it is not filtered out through clouds of thought often built up over years and never released.
There is a purpose for your thought, yes, of course. But remnants of thoughts past, and trains of rapid, scattered, negative thinking adversely affect you in many ways. The lesson here is to return time and time again to present moment awareness, to calm, centered, awareness of your oneness with all and detached from the worries and doubts and fears which flow through you from time to time. Letting yourself be transparent to these types of thoughts, and let them go.
Your emotions, and the emotional storms of others and of yourself act in a similar way. You can be bombarded by emotion if you don't regularly take the time to center, return to stillness, and return to neutral. And then, any time when a challenging emotion overtakes you, neutralizing, releasing it into the light, returning to present moment awareness, non attachment, and non judgment.
Imagine an orb of light around you in which the negativity, and density, and challenges of others cannot cross, and cannot enter. The sacred space of clarity is a sort of doorway for you, offering you the opportunity to lift and to enter in, to link with spirit without the distractions of thoughts and emotions of others. Without the distractions other types of negativity and density and energies of others may bring from within this space.
Feel your energy flowing down, connecting to the earth, experiencing your oneness with earth and with all that is.
Feel your awareness, your presence, your energy gathering in and returning to you. Your power returning to you in this moment. And now let the light flow up, opening your chakras one at a time, opening your root, sacral, and solar plexus, releasing blockages and allowing the divine light to flow up.
Continuing up, opening your heart, throat, and third eye. Allow the divine light to flow, continuing up through your crown chakra, and now up above your crown, up above your upper chakras, up above the light and into the divine realms, into direct presence with source and all that is. Go up, lift, and bask in the infinite supply of divine light present here with you now.
Feelings of love and joy infuse your conscious thought with power to create in the physical realm. You have this ability, and you are supported by your guides and angels in this.
Simply think or say, “Angels, help me to manifest positive in my life. Help me to align with the intentions of my soul and higher self for this life. Help me to stay in a state of love. Help me to experience magic and the connection with angels. Help me to live empowered.” And so it is.
Now, your road map is open, personally and collectively. Infinite possibility lies before you depending on what you choose to focus upon and to act upon, thinking and setting your intentions and feeling good about your goals and then taking action initiates change.
Keep moving in the direction of your dream to make it so. Balanced intention and action, merged with support from the divine and angels, strengthened by your awareness and presence and mindfulness, shows you that anything is possible.
Yes, you can. Yes, you are able to. Yes, your time is now, your life is now, to consciously create and to return in the present moment to neutral, to love, and to awareness.
From this awareness, if you notice the storms of thought and emotions and negativity of others, put on this orb of light again. Imagine it around you and within the orb only love remains.
All density, negative thought, or doubt, or challenging emotions are released into the light. Any negative thoughts others which may flow your way bounce off this orb of light and are released. This orb is the energy of unconditional love, which serves you and uplifts you, which empowers you.
In working with love you can do anything. Love is the path of infinite possibility, where you are able to walk forward experiencing growth and experiencing your higher self… Vibrant, enlightened, present, and well in physical form.
At this time, feel your energy connected to the divine and to all that is, flow down in through the crown at the top of your head, through your third eye, your throat, your heart, your solar plexus, sacral, and root. Balancing and restoring these chakra energy centers, cleansing and purifying.
And this light now flowing down, grounds you to the earth, and to the present moment, the point of your power, the point where you are able to create change and make a difference.
Live in love to positively impact your life and all that is. I am Archangel Haniel. You are loved, blessed, and uplifted. I leave you with my blessing and with a final surge of light to cleanse, balance, purify, and rejuvenate your being according to divine will for the highest and greatest good. And so it is. Goodbye for now
Many blessings of love and light,
“All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.”
~ John O'Donohue
Video - "How To Connect With Your Higher Self" By Melanie Beckler
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