Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

spirit of destiny
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  • Hervey Bay Queensland
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The kingdom of God is within you! ..Beloved Ones..
All that you seek is within you..
The most glorious experience of Radiant love are within you waiting to be expressed and experienced by you ..
You are Love made manifest ..
The Sons and Daughters of God..

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Spirit of destiny's Blog


Posted on December 21, 2008 at 4:41pm 1 Comment


what I mean by that is..every single person on this earth plane has a mission..a journey to accomplish ..

Be it light or be it darkness..

We all came here to be in this Earth learn what it is like to be a Human in the 3rd experience physicality forget who we truly are..

little do we realise ..that within every light being is a spark of darkness..and in every darkness is a spark of light..

we learn from each is… Continue


Posted on December 21, 2008 at 1:17am 1 Comment

I wish everyone of you a very.. "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a "HAPPY NEW YEAR"..for 2009.
As the song goes.."times are a changing..'
keep from Spirit of Destiny...

"Tears of joy for humanity...we are a wonder to behold.."

Posted on December 11, 2008 at 3:36pm 0 Comments

WE are the golden race of humanity..anchoring ourselves into the golden age to come.

We are Gods pride and joy.. " Gods most treasured children"..

We we need to make peace with ourselves individually and globally.

We need to become one whole ..unifyed race of human beings

To be free.. to be a global consciousness of brothers and sisters.

A race that has no borders and barriers

A one nation of global proportion..

To be as One in life.

We are each others… Continue

The poetry of Heavens love joins friends in common rhyme and speaks with every syllable of bonds that have no time..........

Posted on December 9, 2008 at 4:27pm 0 Comments

What is our dream for humanity.
To succum to the love and light of oneness which is God.

We have journeyed far and wide for answers
We have travelled miles searching for truth
We have travelled across the Earth for which we need to find
When truly it is inside of us

In our hearts we know the truth
Journey not outwards but journey inwards..
God is waiting..
God is pure...
God is........

" It is not that the world is not ready for you..but are you ready for this world to come"...

Posted on December 9, 2008 at 12:06am 0 Comments

How can we accept beings...different races and species..that are not from this world and do not resemble us as humans.

How can we accept those whos forms are not like ours.

How can we expect ourselves to accept beings from else where..when we cannot accept our own kind of human race here on earth.

We are racist..bias..discriminative and hypercritical.

Has anyone thought about how will we react when the time comes for them to appear..?

My advice is..take a… Continue

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At 6:35pm on February 22, 2019, Venus E. Rose said…

I hope you're having a great day! Normally I send friend requests, but for some reason on this site my Add as Friend link is not working. On my page there are blog posts that explain how to evolve consciousness and achieve new psychic states - such as overcoming all emotional pain forever - a psychic state called Immunity.

At 8:48am on August 24, 2015, god said…

Good morning, my name is Emmanuel Godwin, no matter very important I would like to discuss with you, because of the confidentiality of the subject, please contact me back directly on this my private email address provided on this message here ( ). that will allow me to explain it to you.


Bom dia, meu nome é Emmanuel Godwin, não importa muito importante eu gostaria de discutir com você, devido à confidencialidade do assunto, por favor contacte-me para trás diretamente sobre este meu endereço de e-mail privado prestada nesta mensagem aqui ( ). que vai permitir-me a explicar o assunto para voc

At 7:09am on January 8, 2009, David said…
Thank you.. :)

Your blog is interesting..

love dave

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