Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hey all.

I just want to discuss Nibiru, Planet X

I did alot of resurch into this, i guess i got caught up in its hype. For along time i was like 'omg, there is a huge planet just around the corner that will destroy earth in 2012' and i tried to educate people of it.

But i feel differently towards the planet X now. According to my recent research on the matter, Nibiru, in this, the now, is an 'activation' word. an activation of the higher conciseness and awakening for those who seek.

Nibiru, as a planet, and as stated in the Mayan and Sumerian texts is real. But weather it is here now, im not sure. There was alot on you tube to suggest that it is here, and is real, but there was also alot of disinformation.

It has been said that planet earth was heading for 1 of 2 possible futures.
Scenario 1 was a cataclysm that would kill most the population - could this be planet x?
Scenario 2 is said to be a better future.
I'm pretty certain that we are on cause for scenario 2, a bright future based on love.

here is some info from a worker at area51 regarding planet x and time lines.

As has been said, 2012 is not about what you think will happen, but what do you want to happen. I'm sure we all want the ascension, and love and light for our planet. It is said that the future will be based upon the collective consciousness of the planet, so therefore is great reason for us to get the message of light and love out to the world.

But i worry about potential sabotage. Sabotage caused to the collective consciousness by the release of the film 2012. I hope this dosnt put people into the wrong mind frame.
Trailer -

What are your thoughts?


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i truly feel nibiru is a smoke screen to divert us from the truth, something is going to happen in 2012, but i dont think it is nibiru approaching, something more exciting.
Do you honestly think if nibiru was real the governments of this world would allow youtube and other sites to broadcast it.
not likely, these sites would be closed immediately.
they are allowing these stories to be told to divert us from the reality of what is going to happen
that also means we here have not touched on what is going on yet, or this site wouldnt be here.
we all know something big is happening, but we havent quite yet figured out what...
Andy (UK) said:
i truly feel nibiru is a smoke screen to divert us from the truth, something is going to happen in 2012, but i dont think it is nibiru approaching, something more exciting.
Do you honestly think if nibiru was real the governments of this world would allow youtube and other sites to broadcast it.
not likely, these sites would be closed immediately.
they are allowing these stories to be told to divert us from the reality of what is going to happen
To Andy(uk) How do we know this is not a smokescreen to keep us pre occupied, instead of warning people to urge to the government to let us in the safe zones they have built underground.
Nibiru was the reason i got into this, and it is still something i fear.
David Walker said:
Andy (UK) said:
i truly feel nibiru is a smoke screen to divert us from the truth, something is going to happen in 2012, but i dont think it is nibiru approaching, something more exciting.
Do you honestly think if nibiru was real the governments of this world would allow youtube and other sites to broadcast it.
not likely, these sites would be closed immediately.
they are allowing these stories to be told to divert us from the reality of what is going to happen
To Andy(uk) How do we know this is not a smokescreen to keep us pre occupied, instead of warning people to urge to the government to let us in the safe zones they have built underground.
Nibiru was the reason i got into this, and it is still something i fear.

There certainly must be a reason why so many safe zones have been built, and it is certainly the case that governments know more than they want the general public to know. And maybe Niburu was indeed the big threat ones... but I believe that, due to our collective consciousness and the will to make this earth a better place, we have already chosen another ending to our 'story'. An ending with a " be continued." If Niburu would hit the planet, there would be nothing left to continue with here. And since the Federation of Light is still here, I refuse to believe doomsday scenarios. I don't even want to think about possible doomsday scenarios, as by doing that we might help the negative force indirectly. Stop worrying, start creating.
To David Walker:
Are they SAFE zones?
Or concentration camps?
Will we run to our governments for help to only be fooled into a false sense of security, led away like sheep.
How can we trust a government who has hidden the truth from us for years.
I for one will not be running for their help, Im just hoping the GFOL will intervene soon as time is running out.
Whatever is going to happen is now only 4 years away, we need help NOW......
I've had a special dream about nibiru many years back. its like a movie with a plot unfolding inside my head.
message me if you'd wanna know my dream :)
Hi All,


But remember, Nibiru and its after effects are all 3-dimensional ...

and we might have missed the time line of us meeting with Nibiru, check:

Following in quotes is from the above link under "The Stargates":

"While using the man-made stargates, researchers became aware of a probable catastrophe that would decimate the planet and kill 4.5 billion people. Dan is tight lipped on exactly what that catastrophe is, because efforts are being made to divert it. Dan feels that if specific knowledge of the catastrophe enters the public conciousness it increases the likelihood of the event occuring.

Since the future is entirely based upon the path one travels, those who have seen this catastrophe have set into motion a series of events that they hope will cause the planet to diverge onto a second, alternate timeline and allow us to avoid this catastrophe. Dan won't say much about what he's seen, but cryptically referred to Hillary not getting the Democratic nomination as a point of reference that shows we're on the safer path known as timeline two."

So, dont worry much about Nibiru as we could be on a much safer path than where we were some time ago. The following info will give you a better insight into the issue. looking at the bigger picture of our solar system entering the High Energy Proton Band... the frequencies of our solar system have started to increase! This can be registered from the fact that the earth's core frequency referred to as the Schumman Frequency has been on the increase. Based on ancient tree ring patterns it has been at a steady average of 7.83Hz for over a 1000 years, but it has started to increase in the last 7 years and presently averages over 13Hz!! ... No one understands why this has been happening! ...

We as light workers, know this as Ascension!! Earth has already started its Ascension and its time we start resonating at its increased frequency! The problem here is that we as human species have a special gift! we have been given a choice! we can choose if we want to ascend or not! its all about choice and Free Will again! This opportunity comes to us every 26,000 years when we pass through the High Energy Proton Belt and the universe gives us (human species) a window (StarGate) to make a choice to ascend to higher dimension along with the ascension of the Solar System... those who do not choose to increase their frequencies & ascend in the given time window... well their souls would need to be relocated to another system where the 3-dimensional frequencies are still pertinent and are evolving and wait till the time they have a window for a stargate to open. Once Earth reaches the higher frequencies anything holding on to the lower frequencies cannot survive on the higher dimensional earth.

another misconception being perpetrated is the Global Warming Scenario! well if we are the reason for the Global Warming due to our excessive usage / abuse of hydrocarbons here on earth! Who can answer the facts that every planet in our solar system is heating up or there is some sort of climatic change occurring and that includes Pluto!..... who is polluting their atmospheres???

and added to that the magnetic pole has been shifting and at an increasing rate! Over the past century the pole has moved 685 miles (1,100 kilometers) from Arctic Canada toward Siberia.

This news should be on the first page! but we don't get to hear about it!

As long as we help others in enlightening them of the importance of Ascension and why everyone needs to increase their frequencies, we as light workers are doing our part of the mission by first doing this to ourselves and helping others who are not yet awake.

Incase you want to know the history and the facts about Nibiru, download the following file that I put together a few months ago... I now realize that this was the code for me which brought in all the info together and started me on the process of Ascension.

Remember that this file just puts facts together and lets you come to your own conclusions and we have in all probability missed the time line of Nibiru!

Love & Light,
Ravi Raju
hi i have been aware of that nebiru planet in the mid-90s by somewone that was invited by a tibetain master that could materialised anyting and he tell me a story that to my view complete certain compreention on the mather

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