Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ok Well this has been on my mind for quite some time. In my thoughts marijuana is not a drug, they tested it and does not cause lung or brain damage. I know that the higher beings say that drugs will lowers your vibration, but technically it is a natural plant that mother earth provides. All past cultures have used this some way or another, if you do your research. But in my personal studies i think it opens your mind to think on different relmes, or a baby sept into a different dimension. I don't want to sound like a drug addict which I'm not at all. I've been doing the best i can to raise my vibration.But the higher ones speak of loving earth and all the it is. And this is very much a part of earth. I'll tell you that my friend would have never gotten through cancer if it was not for this power that this type of plant can hold. So open for talk. What do you think, can it help the mind get you to were you want or no. ?? If you do not want to take part in this topic i understand. NAMESTE.

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good post

I personally love mari J. i have smoking now since i started university some 4 years ago. I smoke daily, but not over the top amounts. 3 grams lasts about 1 week. only smoke pure with a pipe, no harmful tobacco.
I would say that it certainly does help unlock your mind. I am a creative person, and i have learnt much wile high, and am most creative wile high.
I would say that if it does help unlock your mind, which i believe it does, this power be known by the elites, that for them is a good reason for them to IL-legalize and control it, to keep us from this amazing herb that helps to free your mind. they don't want to legalize because they will lose some power.
I sometimes listen to the solfeggios after a smoke, and often find the experience is far more intense.
Like you say about higher beings saying that drugs are bad, i don't believe that weed is a drug. more a sacred herb fit for god himself.
I look forward to seeing what others have to say on this topic :)


Some more information on the subject, not a user myself but if I was to start it looks like a vaporizer is the safest method of ingestion :)

Joey said:
BUT since it is addictive *dont say its not. it is* it can cause braindamage or even worse u can harm yourself in a in-direct way. If youre an addict, and you have none.. u get harmfull,annoyed,pissed at everything and everyone. If you look at that way. it is indeed harmfull..
Well acctually it's created by human's, they mutated an earth plant, and in the years it kept absorbing human things. like Co2 and alot more gasses, which over the years it got alterd in such a way, that it eventually became addictive, and able to get "high" from it.AFAIK

*deep breath* You shouldn't make an argument that is false and then say "don't say it's not".

Marijuana has never been proven to be addictive... and unless you're using the broadest sense of addiction, as we know from psychology now that ANY emotion is addictive to a certain extent, you are wrong.
And don't say I'm not right. Prove it.

Also, where did you hear that we engineered marijuana? Sure, in recent years growers have been crossing strains to increase the amounts of THC, but it's not like anyone "made" marijuana.

Finally, marijuana has no withdrawal. People DON'T get angry or anything if they stop. They simply aren't high anymore lol
I know... I almost had a problem with painkillers last year, and the withdrawal from those is very real. You get moody, you get sick, it sucks so much you almost want to take another just to make the withdrawal stop. Being a pot smoker nowadays, I've never had anything close to such a reaction.

Before you state things as fact, try to know what your talking about... I can appreciate your input, but having an uninformed opinion can do more harm than good.

Here's a good article on the spiritual side of mary jane:
CO2 is a gas that FEEDS the plants! They are breathing it like we are breathing fresh air. Plants need CO2 for living. "Ecologists" are trying to convience us that CO2 is bad which is basicly twisted. Marijuana is well known since ancient times and was used to perform rituals. So humanity was getting high long before we can imagine :)
joey, i wasn't coming at you.

it's cool you responded defensively... i might have provoked that. since you understand how i misinterpreted your post, why be negative? i'm feelin passive agressive vibes. seriously, not everyone knows what "afaik" means.

so... chill. and i'm sorry.
wow guys chill :)

on the topic of addictiveness, it is not additive in the way you develop a physical addiction like that you do with heroin or even pain killers. you may however develop a mental dependency to it. you will want it, and may get a bit tetchy when the supply is dry, crave a little, i know what that is like. then it may only take 2 or 3 days without to be ok without it again. it sure is not as addictive as nicotine. (avoid tobacco).
Eventually, i think a lot of people get to a point where they get board of getting high, and just kinda phase it out.

Be cool guys :)

Do you know the incredible industrial uses for Hemp!!!! If only it was legalized.
Also you know about the elders of the native Americans? they could contact nature and their higher selves. It was through smoking peyote and other things like weed.
It completely boogles my mind to why its illegal. is it cuase i maybe smells a little.
You know america invests more money in research for making old men have giant erections, you see the ads on tv all the time. Weed shouldn't be under law as a drug, it should be under the agricultural law.
Basically, If you're using natural drugs to have an experience of higher consciousness, then you really need to be in alignment with that vibration, otherwise you're just getting high. It's like everything else a person would do to raise their consciousness... intention and bringing the experience to your state of being. It's a tool like everything else is, but most drug use is recreational and not in alignment with that state of being. That's pretty much why I think if you're using it as a tool to raise consciousness, it should be in moderation and certainly not a daily occurrence. Also, if you can, try and seek out a shaman or someone who's accustomed to these experiences and can help to set the vibration. I should add, I wouldn't recommend the use of non natural drugs for the raising of consciousness.
ok people here are some facts about mj becareful what you read and what your source is....

1. mj is not physically addictive it is highly psycologically addictictive ONLY...

2. over the years cross pollination between different strains have been successfully produced in
order to produce strains with higher THC content....

3 Co2 is used in grow ops to increase growing time that is what a plant takes in unlike animals which
uses oxygen this does not alter the plant in anyway.....

4 hydroponics are mostley used today to grow mj,,,,are the chemicals in the hydroponics dangerous to humans?
not sure but they are being used to grow some of the food we buy at the grocery store....

5. i have a friend who is an addict and when he doesnt have any then oh well it doesnt bother him one bit....

6. does it cause brain damage?.....the only thing i can say to that if you are a chronic user then it will adversley affect short term memory but thats about it im not sure where your reading that it doesnt cause lung damage but i would disagree that it doesnt....

7...have you ever tried deep meditation wrecked on weed???......good its fun to see
how long you can do it for....

8. as far as recreational drugs go mj is probably the best one out there and the the benifits of the drug can be far more
benificial then other drugs especially alchohol.....thats right up there with crack in my opinion....
i'm sorry to hear your ex-fiance was a lazy stoner :] i've been through that too lol

like anything else, it should be practiced in moderation.
also, people have very different first several experiences with it, so don't consider your first use as the ultimate reality. its one of those experiences where your attitude going into the experience greatly affects the outcome.

Choshu said:
I have a problem with this topic mainly because my ex-fiance use to say the same thing. However, he claimed to practice native American shamanism and that pot helped him open up powers. Back then he was maybe doing it once or twice a week.
However towards the end of our 5 yr relationship he smoked it 24/7, all he wanted to do was smoke pot and play video games, made the energy in the apartment and him stagnate. He talked me into trying it once and told me that it would help my gifts but all it did was shut down every one of my senses and made me feel claustrophobic.
So I can't see how pot can help increase your powers all I can see it as is a crutch and something that will lower your vibration and make it stagnate. I feel that the only thing that can raise your vibration is yourself and not relying on things like pot.
Bishop said:
good post

I personally love mari J. i have smoking now since i started university some 4 years ago. I smoke daily, but not over the top amounts. 3 grams lasts about 1 week. only smoke pure with a pipe, no harmful tobacco.
I would say that it certainly does help unlock your mind. I am a creative person, and i have learnt much wile high, and am most creative wile high.
I would say that if it does help unlock your mind, which i believe it does, this power be known by the elites, that for them is a good reason for them to IL-legalize and control it, to keep us from this amazing herb that helps to free your mind. they don't want to legalize because they will lose some power.
I sometimes listen to the solfeggios after a smoke, and often find the experience is far more intense.
Like you say about higher beings saying that drugs are bad, i don't believe that weed is a drug. more a sacred herb fit for god himself.
I look forward to seeing what others have to say on this topic :)


Wow thanks man, great impute on this topic. Yeah it really clears things up in my mind. Thank you for taking time to talk about it. Yeah i got a bunch of responeses over this one. But most all of them are good in a way.
Joey said:
Well.. imo Marihuana itself isnt causing braindamage or any other sort of damage...

BUT since it is addictive *dont say its not. it is* it can cause braindamage or even worse u can harm yourself in a in-direct way.

If youre an addict, and you have none.. u get harmfull,annoyed,pissed at everything and everyone.
If you look at that way. it is indeed harmfull..

"And this is very much a part of earth"

Well acctually it's created by human's, they mutated an earth plant, and in the years it kept absorbing human things. like Co2 and alot more gasses, which over the years it got alterd in such a way, that it eventually became addictive, and able to get "high" from it.AFAIK

Thanks for your thoughts joey, though i will say that we did not make it, but we have made it was it is to day, in a sense were everybody thinks it's bad. I can say there is a number of people that had bad tastes with it, and more that has good times with it. But then it all comes down to that person and there mind. Thats what i really wanted to find out. Thank you very much on jumping in this topic man, It was good to hear other thoughts/. Nameste

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