Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Early tomorrow morning a snowstorm is going to hit my area in Southern Ontario. It is apparently going to bring about 8 inches of snow and very dangerous driving conditions.

I noticed last week that the Saviors of the Earth took claim of preventing an earthquake along the east coast of the American continent. Predicting an earthquake is a very tricky thing and there really was no way to tell if an earthquake was prevented or not.

So for this skeptic I would like to present you all with the first of 3 challenges that (if successful) would make me a believer.

The first is this. This snowstorm on Southern Ontario is a very sure thing. Stop it and you will pass the first test.

Good luck and lots of love to all of you.


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yes!! I looove brrroccoli! Igor gives me some troubles in obtaining it sometimes.

As far as your challenge I'll give that a shot...but after Christmas :-D I am a calm person to begin with but this time of the year is when a lot of people are at their worste, hah.


Ullan said:
Dear Count Duckula. (Do you eat broccoli as well?)

Upon reflection, yes, your question is entirely valid. It would have been an excellent moment for a demonstration. Sadly, it would appear that at this time, nobody is willing to give such a demonstration away, and so be it. Free choice must by definition apply to everyone, and as you choose to question, we have chosen not to indulge at this point.

However, there is something else that, perhaps, I might be able to persuade you with. As far as demonstrations go, it is much less spectacular and grandiose than stopping natural phenomenons, but still I believe it to be perhaps the greatest manifestation of your own personal power: the ability to shape your own reality.

Before you go trying to create something out of nothing (which is not what this is about) allow me to explain. For this to be demonstrated, I will require you, Count Duckula, to think positive thoughts about everything and everyone you meet, see or interact with, for a period of at least a week. I will require you to see negative experiences in full context and think about what they have taught you by manifesting. I will require you to remain calm and serene for that entire period, rushing no more than absolutely necessary, and never raising your voice in anger.

This is an experiment I propose to you, in demonstration that everyone has the ability to change the way life happens to them. You may argue that this only changes perception of life, but I must counter that with the argument that life is exactly as we perceive it to be. This actually works, though I cannot explain how. Be it on a metaphysical, psychological or logical level, something very much changes by approaching life from this angle.

Please indulge me, and suspend disbelief for the period of that one week. See what happens.

Warrior: Relax.

to answer your questions.

1. Your general tone is aggressive. Talking down. You sound more like that boy from high school with nothing to prove than a lightworker who is full of love that behaves like a gentleman. I was hoping for something more constructive here than a list of excuses.

2. Show me evidence it was going to hit. Again, there is no proof either way that the earthquake was or was not going to hit. Man cannot accurately predict earthquakes.

3. Prove to me spirituality or God exists.

You keep pulling things away from the topic at hand. The challenge I proposed. If you can't/won't take the challenge then fine. So be it. The request was a simple one that would have nonetheless been an impressive feet for the SOE.

I'm done with this now. I'm just re-iterating the same points and all I'm getting are excuses. If you can't do it then you can't.


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Why do I not find it unsurprising that you will once again disregard a very important point as "nitpicking", if you would have read and acknowledged what I said, you'd understand that the discernment which I have made.

A lack of evidence is not the evidence of lacking. Again, you attempt to disregard what I say and sway into some irrelevant matter, in this case ernie and his banana.

You've yet to provide any evidence to many things that I have requested. Here I'll make a little list for you:

1. provide evidence that I ever projected anger towards you or any other member of this community. as proposed in your seemingly baseless claim.

2. show us evidence that an earth quake wasn't going to hit. At least give us something that you deem satisfactory hard evidence proving that your belief that an earthquake would not hit the west coast is not just faith based, but rather can be scientifically proven.

3. Prove to Us that spirituality doesn't exist and that we're all just suffering from the exact same kind of a delusion about being able to perceive things & possess skills that you do not.

And you know you but you don't realize it that nothing is set in stone. Are you claiming that the snowstorm happened because it was 100% sure to happen? Maybe it happened because you, along with thousands others Ontarians were EXPECTING to hit, thus creating your own reality. As you've mentioned yourself that you never believed that our powers would work, and that is of course true because you would not have allowed them to work in your present state of mind.

What can a dozen focused individual consciousnesses do in face of thousands of just as equally focused individual consciousnesses on the other side?

This is why I called it out a waste of our energy to begin with, since it is a futile attempt designed to backfire at us. Honestly I wasn't sure and I was always being doubtful & skeptic of your truest intentions(those which you may not even realize yourself), but as you've kept this conversation going it became more clear as to what exactly this was all about.
Dear Count Duckula.

Thank you for accepting my challenge. Though I wish you would have started immediately, I fully respect your wish to start at a later date.

As for point three in your reply to Spiritual Warrior (contradictio in terminis?), the issue is not that we cannot, more that we did not or will not. The one should not be confused with the other, or seen as evidence of such..
Yeah that came out kinda wrong, hah. Sorry about that. It was more directed to Warrior than the rest of you. I've gotten more constructive explanations from the others here, not just excuses.

In the end the debate with him reminds me of one I had with a flat-earther (someone who believes the earth is flat no matter what evidence is presented before him). You could shoot a flat-earther high into space and show him that the earth is a globe. He would still say it's a conspiracy and the earth is really flat.

Anyhow Ullan, I apologise that my words came across as directed to you and the entire group.


Ullan said:
Dear Count Duckula.

Thank you for accepting my challenge. Though I wish you would have started immediately, I fully respect your wish to start at a later date.

As for point three in your reply to Spiritual Warrior (contradictio in terminis?), the issue is not that we cannot, more that we did not or will not. The one should not be confused with the other, or seen as evidence of such..
Apology accepted, Count Duckula.

If you would like to enter a discussion with me, by all means, send me a mail message. I'm open to any and all debate.

My replies might not be what you expect ;)
1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier.
2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.

Yeah yeah yeah, you have your own definition of warrior yet you go and point out a couple minor gramatical flubs on my part. You're being petty.

All I read about here are personal truths. A person can say that they are absolutely right because of their 'personal truths.' Every debate seems to end with 'personal truth.' It's like a new Godwin's Law. Once someone uses the words 'personal truth' on a spiritual debate, the debate is over.

If my personal truth said the sky is pink and another said their personal truth tells them the sky is red, who has the correct personal truth?


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Of course you'd appreciate if I relaxed and dropped the focus on exposing your silly little game, but unfortunately thats not how it works.

1. And just because my overall tone might seem to you "aggressive" that does not count as evidence proving that I have projected anger towards you or anyone else. I expected full quotations of my being "angry" as evidence, and even then seeing as though you really enjoy twisting reality to fit your own, it will definitely be up for debates. But now that you've went from seeing me as someone whose "angry" to someone who has an aggressive tone, I would not consider your initial statement valid.

2. Did you forget about web bot? The thing that started it to begin with? I would count that as evidence considering the fact that the bot had predicted many events in the past to be true. Now what is your proof that it WASN'T going to hit?

3. For the 10th time, regardless of how much effort I will put into proving you spirituality is real you will just go ahead and disregard it, just like you have with every other point I made. The reason for it is that right now you are undergoing a phase of ignorance in which I could prove to you that X = X and that Y = Y, and you still will be obliviously blind to it(spirituality). Spirituality isn't something which can be easily proven to someone, the person himself must prove TO himself in order to be 100% convinced(which you the point that you constantly ignore and consider an excuse). At this point you just do not have the eyes or the mindset to see spirituality. You asking me to prove my truth puts you in a position where you must be able to prove YOUR truth to me as well.

Hence why I challenged you to prove to me that your "personal truth", which claims that spirituality is just some sort of a delusional mind disease which we are all suffering from and it is not you who is under some kind of a condition which blinds you from the truth can be backed up by hard evidence which you MUST have accumulated in order to arrive to your current conclusion. Unless of course your conclusion is faith based.

The topic at hand is that even though you claim to be so evidence orientated you've yet to back up ANY of your personal truths with the evidence. And if you're not going to play your own game with your own set of rules, why should we?

Yes, you are reiterating the same points, and that is because your arsenal of arguments is extremely impotent, so you are forced to stick to the same old strategy of repeat and ignore.

I have made no excuses, only analysis and conclusions.

"contradictio in terminis?"

not at all. Unless of course your understanding of the meaning of the word warrior is limited to fit the earthly context and definition of war.

And CountDuckula, if there is anyone resembling a "flat-earther" here it would undoubtedly be you. Seeing as though you have consistently ignored all my points just to keep on beliving your own fabricated version of reality.
Actually, I think it's time I quit this altogether. My original intention to debate the SOE entirely was my fear of some of the teachings. Ascension frequencies were the ones that made me shudder. I was terrified that I would see another heartbreaking cult incident much like the Heaven's Gate incident years back. When people didn't 'ascend' as promised, what were they going to do? I was afraid that when people didn't ascend that I would see another faction of the SOE break off. Essentially a suicide cult. Due to personal experience I couldn't sit by and watch that happen. Allow families to grieve one of the worste tragedies of all.

What I have come to learn is there are a lot of reasonable, intelligent people here. People who would no doubt try their darndest to prevent others from doing the unthinkable. To prevent them from shedding their 'mortal coil,' as it were.

What has become apparent is my intentions to point out the absurdity of a lot of these situations is almost taken as a threat. I realize I am a negative influence for a lot and that won't save any lives (IF my fears became validated).

So I leave you now in hopes you take my words into heart. Please carry on with my original mission and please promise me in trying to ensure that no one unecessarily causes themselves or loved ones any harm. I'm leaving this account going but not posting beyond e-mails any longer.

-Duck, Doc, Tom, whatever ya like.
Dear Tom, I understand your concerns, such an obvious capacity for love. Of course you are right that everyone here would take responsibility to prevent a misdirection such as taking ones own life, or from allowing such a control to decend upon us. But do not leave under the assumption that you are a negative influence on us. It is quite the opposite infact. We are all on a journey of discovery of who we really are, and your presence here has only strengthened that by yours and ours reflection to one another. Just always be yourself. I have watched your posts and have grown further by them and the responses they've inspired. This last thread has been a delight to me and my responses to you here have been from the same source of love that I respond to any of the discussions here. I have times that I struggle with things that are being said or what I precieve as 'good or bad', but that is the point of all this. We are coming to learn to accept one another no matter what our personal journey is. Because we want to come together and create a more loving world that we can find joy in and peace and love. You can bet that is happening and if you could know me and who I was and what I'm becoming, that would be proof for you. If you decide not to participate with us any longer, then know that I truly love you and wish for you to find bliss. If you stay and wish to become involved with the creation of a new age, I accept you with open arms. Much love & joy to you... Dana
so how? was there a snowstorm? lol
Wow, we lost another one. What is going on here?
Breaking my rule just once here, but I haven't gotten a single shred of evidence from you either :-)


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Beings who are still living on the lower vibrations cannot co-exist in the same environment as beings who are on a higher vibrational frequency. This is what is happening now all across the planet, ignorance and denial have no place in face of truth and logic. We are entering a new paradigm where the outdated system has become obsolete and replaced by a new more sophisticated and efficient system. Look up DAKALA.

And as for the Duck, I find it quite ironic that he's left without leaving a single shred of evidence which supported any of his claims, perhaps the realization that his belief is based on a form of faith and that he never really had any evidence to begin with has overwhelmed him.

All I can hope for is that he's learned at least something useful about himself from all this experience.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Wow, we lost another one. What is going on here?
Eh, web-bot I wouldn't consider evidence. An autopsy on a Reptilian body I would consider evidence.

If the reptilians are so in control of everything than why haven't they censored you?

Anyhow, I don't feel the need for a spiritual journey. I'm very happy at where I am in life and we'll leave it at that. :-) That's what counts, no?

Yikes, and I've been breaking my promise to myself. hah. Take care all.


PS- Nice Duke pic!

Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Which of course doesn't justify your lack of evidence. With that being said, I DID provide you with at least 1 piece of evidence, among countless arguments and a large array of knowledge and wisdom in this and my previous topic. But you were quick to ignore and forget all of it on the spot, just to continue living your life of ignorance and denial. I don't think you're a lost cause, I see this as a learning curve that you must undergo through in order to grow and evolve. I know this because I've been there myself.

CountDuckula said:
Breaking my rule just once here, but I haven't gotten a single shred of evidence from you either :-)


Spiritual Warrior of Light said:
Beings who are still living on the lower vibrations cannot co-exist in the same environment as beings who are on a higher vibrational frequency. This is what is happening now all across the planet, ignorance and denial have no place in face of truth and logic. We are entering a new paradigm where the outdated system has become obsolete and replaced by a new more sophisticated and efficient system. Look up DAKALA.

And as for the Duck, I find it quite ironic that he's left without leaving a single shred of evidence which supported any of his claims, perhaps the realization that his belief is based on a form of faith and that he never really had any evidence to begin with has overwhelmed him.

All I can hope for is that he's learned at least something useful about himself from all this experience.

H.R. Pufnstuf said:
Wow, we lost another one. What is going on here?


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