Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Did you ever wonder why Ireland seems to hold the key to an ancient civilization ?

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Ireland is the KEY that WILL Unlock Everything. It MUST Begin in Ireland!


Because Ireland represents The Golden Key to opening the Star Gate Portal that is theThird Eye for all of Humanity to finallyremember who we really are.

How so?

“The planet Earth, like the human being has an energy body and that body has vortex energy centers called Chakras, As Above, So Below. The heart chakra of the earth is Ireland and Britain and the throat chakra is Egypt. According to the processes of the Alchemical Wedding when we unite the two lands of Ireland and Egypt we are uniting the Heart and Throat/Tongue of Planet Earth, the two eyes of the mystery schools coming together, the right eye of Ra the heart and the left eye of Thoth the tongue/throat. With this perfect fusion we will open, once again, the energetic portals/star gates of the Halls of Amenti that connect the ancient power sites in Ireland with the sites in Egypt, in particular Newgrange, Knowth and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. The fusion of the two lands of the conscious and the sub conscious, the return of the goddess, the feminine, the intuitive, creative, the telepathic, a return to the land of the immortals. The opening of the Hall of Records, the Star Gate portal that is the Third Eye”

Did you know the huge connection between the Irish, the Egyptians and the codes in their DNA connecting all of us with a Higher Conscious Civilization?

Is it possible that we actually were Co-Creators within that Higher Conscious Civilization thousands of years ago and we forgot?

Is it possible that our real history has been hidden from us to the extent we lost almost all memory of it?

In the meantime, we Spiritual BEings having a Human Experience in 2014, are gradually remembering how to Think with the Heart, Speak with the Body and Love with the Soul, because we are starting to understand that Fear is the root of the virus of the mind we call duality, and we are beginning to operate from the Heart Chakra and its root of Love that is more congruent with our nature.

Now, you and I know how powerful the heart chakra is in our electromagnetic body. Exactly 5,000 times more powerful than the brain magnetically and 100,000 times more powerful than the brainelectrically. Think about it…Your heart and your brain working together.

Can you imagine what it would mean for each one of our hearts to ELECTROMAGNETICALLY RE- CONNECT with the Heart Chakra of the body of the Earth in the oneness of ONE HEART? It would mean each one of us has gotten the perfect tune of our personal keynote ready to sing in co-creative coherence the song of all creation once again!

It would actually eradicate Fear, the root cause of the virus of the mind with its “Divide and Conquer” duality along with it for good. It would collectively seal the shift of the paradigm from fear to Love. From war to Peace.


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