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Chemtrails: Synthetic Alien Biology and Climate Change War on Mankind


Chemtrails: Synthetic Alien Biology and Climate Change War on Mankind

Chemtrails: Synthetic Alien Biology and Climate Modification Sprayed From Planes


GLOBE NEWSWIRE: “Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research and is broadly described as the design and construction of novel organisms or devices, artificial biological pathways, and the redesign of existing natural biological systems”


Chemtrails and Alien Biology

The History of the “Chemtrails” Assault on Global Populations


Air_Force-Academy-Welcome-AlienThe Department of Defense invented and published the term “Chemtrails” in 1990 as title to a US Air Force Academy pilot training manual (PDF Download)

“Chemtrails” was published by the US government again in 2000 in House Resolution, HR-2977, sponsored by Ohio Congressman, Dennis Kucinich where the term is defined as an “exotic weapon”.

Far from being an internet rumor by USAF_Air-Force-Academy-Chemtrails Manualso-called, conspiracy theorists, the term chemtrails is a military invention, bought and paid for by the American taxpayer who has earned the right to use the term to describe unusual jet contrail emissions released into the atmosphere by military aircraft as a possible “exotic weapon”.

Since documentation and dictionary definitions available in 2014 are more than sufficient to define the term “Chemtrail”, there is no longer a rational reason that an unusual aircraft emission cannot be called a “chemtrail” in order to facilitate the distinction between the appearance of a normal vs. abnormal aircraft emission.

Impromtu rule-making by a few prominent activists to stop using the term “chemtrails”, and replace it with “geoengineering” are misguided attempts to replace a “description” with a “process” that offers no appropriate substitute term for describing the unusual emissions (chemtrails). The effect of an edict to outlaw “chemtrails” serves more as a “gag order” to silence open discussion where “chemtrails” has been globally accepted as standard parlance in multiple languages throughout countries in both hemispheres.

More importantly the confusion is multiplied when the term geongineering also applies to deliberate emissions of water vapor “contrails” from aircraft engines known to increase surface temperatures by virtue of trapping long-wave radiation as found on page 7 of “Aviation and the Global Atmosphere” published by the IPCC in 1999 (PDF)

“Contrails tend to warm the Earth’s surface, similar to thin high clouds”


Finally there is no evidence in 2014, that internet filters have succeeded in scrubbing the term “chemtrails” from Google or other search engine requests.

youtube-icon-square-66This video is one of hundreds that demonstrate the sober reality of covert aerosol spraying. The use of a high quality camera capable of astronomical magnification reveals too much to be denied. This video was submitted BOOK - Tim Ball deliberate corruption of climate science-smallto Climatologist, Tim Ball – author of the book: The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science following Dr. Ball’s visit to to suggest I review his book. The stunning revelations in Ball’s book indicates his interest in climate corruption that extends into the highly trolled and covert operation of aerosol geoengineering.

youtube-icon-square-66The issue of chemtrails vs. contrails is explained in this simple demonstration that compares the emissions from two similar aircraft traveling at approximately the same altitude. The normal water vapor conversion to ice crystals creates a contrail that keeps up with the speed of the aircraft while the chemical aerosol trail (chemtrail) exhibits an unnatural “persistence” that stretches out towards the horizon.

youtube-icon-square-66Former USDA inspector, Rosalind Peterson speaks to an audience at a 2007 United Nations Global Warming session. Peterson’s information is solid for covert aerosol engineering but completely ignored by the IPCC and their corrupt scientific process as Dr. Tim Ball reveals in his book (above).

Aerospace Engineer, Coen Vermeeren evaluatedCoen_vermeeren-PhD-b extensive documentation to conclude that aerosol geoengineering, aka chemtrails is a fact. The 300 page report (Available in PDF) was commissioned by the Belfort Group in a well attended conference that included several speakers from the EU. Dr. Vermeeren’s complete 1 hour presentation is posted in the article

Cliff CarnicomRetired government scientist, Cliff Carnicom began publishing technical reports of unusual aerosol emissions over the area of Santa Fe New Mexico in 1999. In 2005, Cliff produced what continues to be the most important video documentary, “Aerosol Crimes”, The content is exhaustive and covers all aspects of chemtrails including implications of electromagnetic, atmospheric conduction, weather modification and discovery of bio-engineered “filaments” associated with chemtrail aerosols sprayed from aircraft..

Cliff’s website at CarnicomInstitute contains many reports on aerosol observations and analysis through May 17, 2007, after which Cliff’s focus turned almost exclusively to research on the cross-domain bacteria (CDB), dessicated red blood cells and Morgellons syndrome – all associated with the covert aerosol geoengineering operation – aka “Chemtrails”.

Book - Clouds of Secrecy by Leonard A. Cole-small-BCarnicom’s list of publications begins with the 1994 Senate testimony from Dr. Leaonard Cole who testified to the long history of uncontrolled, open-air military experiments using biological and chemical warfare agents sprayed across the United States where millions of people were exposed to toxins and weaponized microbes. Much of the testimony is included in Dr. Cole’s book: “Clouds of Secrecy: The Army’s Germ Warfare Tests Over Populated Areas”, published in 1989 – just as the“Chemtrails” manual was being readied for printing for the Air Force Academy pilot training program in 1990.

The Gulf War in 1990 under Bush 41, in addition to the first Air Force Academy edition of “chemtrails was also a hallmark year for Global Warming/Climate change with the IPCC’s release of the CLIMATE CHANGE – The IPCC Scientific Assessment(PDF).

youtube-icon-square-66Elana M. Freeland’s startling book sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails versus contrails and how extreme weather is being “geoengineered” to enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations. Freeland’s provides a deconstruction of Book - Elana FreelandBernard J. Eastlund’s HAARP patents that point to other covert agendas, such as a global Smart Grid infrastructure that enables access to every body and brain on Earth, a “Transhumanist” future that erases lines between human and machine, and Nanobiological hybrids armed with microprocessers that infest and harm human bodies.

Ben Davidson, Space weather expert and polymath IPCC Climate Change Assessment Maurice Strong 1990-2at Suspicious 0bervers dissects the IPCC report to reveal a blatently biased approach that continues to ignore fluctuations in solar cycles, space energies, geological changes and “unknown-unknowns” [chemtrails], to un-scientificallyrestrict analysis of climate change, exclusively to man-made causes centered around geenhouse gas releases during the so-called “industrial revolution”.

“The impetus to create this page was the assertion that Maurice Strong wrote the terms of reference for the IPCC Climate Assessments to cover only man-made causes of climate change.(Continue)

ALIEN BIOLOGY: Activists Must Swallow the RED PILL


It must be considered that continued aerosol spraying of alien biology could result in mass extinctions – including homo sapiens.

12/3/2014 MARKET FORECASTGlobal Synthetic Biology (Bioinformatics, Nanotechnology, Gene Synthesis, Cloning & Sequencing) Market Forecast to 2018 – (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)

“Synthetic biology is an emerging area of research and is broadly described as the design and construction of novel organisms or devices, artificial biological pathways, and the redesign of existing natural biological systems”

Let’s be clear – Cross-domain bacteria (CDB) engineered by man or extra-terrestrial is an “Alien Biology” of mass destruction capable of simultaneously contaminating many terrestrial plant and animal species with threat of extinction.

We only need to review the history of Monsanto and the related demise of BEE colonies and other species to realize how the natural world is no longer sustainable to the profit satisfaction of the psychopathic Oligarchy. Spraying the skies with chemicals and alien biology is merely another way of increasing profits in a Ponzi economy.

Despite Carnicom’s 2007 published work establishing bio-engineered, cross-domain life forms are a product of chemtrails, today’s most prominent geoengneering activist websites rarely make reference to the mammoth public health issues that are arguably more dire than the current hysteria over heavy metals, ozone depletion, climate modification, floods, droughts, and concerns of arctic methane releases.

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Chemtrail Weather Modification Officially A Corporate US Gov Program Since 1966

No to geo engineering!

Quiet right these are for changing genetics just so we all know this is true not fantasy as we can see from the formula of what is in them - (Ba3 Sr x) Ti O3 & Al2 O3 link with what has been called demon dust which are nanoites designed for mind control to switch on and for the light as i understand it not very good for people as thee take away freewill and 'they' who ever they are can control every one or any one they wish linked with lateral horizontal energy scaler waves like HAAP uses so i believe this all linked and very real and not good for humans at all there is a report circulating the higher circles that the activation date for this program when they think most people will have had enough absorbed into their system is 2025 it is of alien original and was labeled 'demon seed' and these nasty aliens said there was and antidote for those shadow men so they could be in control after this switching on the light has been activating. This is actually a lie they will become slaves as all those others will.

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