Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Blossom Goodchild's Channeling of the GFOL on Dec. 7th, 2008

16. Dec 7th.

Morning! Are you game for answering these questions that a 15 year old boy sent through? Would be something different don’t you think? I know you know many ask me to ask you questions … for some reason I know you want me to do this.

It would be interesting … for some of our ‘takes’ on the questions may differ from what their original intent is.

No matter. Let’s give it a go shall we?

We first of all ask you Blossom to go a little deeper within your position of your head space with us?

Did as I was asked. OK here goes.

1.What is their location in the universe?

The particular ship that we are communicating from has been circling your orbit for thousands of years. Therefore we do not have one position for we move when aptly convenient and necessary.

2. Are they much more intelligent than us?

We would say by your behavior as a species sometimes … YES. But in Truth …. NO. We KNOW of more things, but we would say that if the fullness of the human brain were to be in use we would be asking you for tutorage.

3. What do they look like?

We have stated before that aboard our craft there are many from many planets. Look at the differences within the human race and try to imagine the vast differences that may occur between those from different planets. We are from many places and each look very different. We say that some of us ‘put on’ an appearance in order to be accepted, as it is necessary to do so. There are those who visit us from THE HIGH COUNCIL that ‘adorn’ an appearance as they are simply DIVINE ENERGY. We, that are communicating with Blossom are a Conscious Energy. We embrace many. We are not necessarily as you may imagine. It is that we ‘give out’ an appearance in order to be recognized. We that are speaking now are an ‘All’. Yet we present to Blossom of ‘Star-kind Beings' as in … almost white transparency bodies, very lean, very tall, no hair follicles, with large eyes and a ‘line’ where ‘your’ lips are placed. Blossom is feeling LOVE more than the vision we present, as this is how we CHOOSE to appear for convenience purposes ... There is a large spectrum.

4. What exactly do they think of us?

It is not in the ways of your world. We do not form opinions or make judgments. WE LOVE YOU …EACH AND EVERYONE … for that is who we are and what we know. That is not to say that sometimes we find certain distinctions (?) baffling!

5. How many other intelligent species are they in contact with?

All. It is difficult for you to comprehend. For in a sense WE ARE All. WE THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT ARE PART OF IT ALL. From your position even trying to explain would not be understood. Please KNOW we are ALL … therefore in contact with ALL.

6. What are the other species like? What do the other species think of us?

We would be here for too long if we were to give you ALL of that information. And we would say there is too much to go into. Would we say perhaps, that any one thing that you could imagine or create in your mind regarding a species and a planet … Then there is one! From where you sit as humans, it is simply impossible for you to grasp the VASTNESS. It cannot be done by you in your position. It is never ending. There are never ending planets and species upon those planets. It is so. And yet … there is a place within the soul self, a place that one can KNOW of EVERYTHING. This may not be understood on one level , yet ask yourselves if it is TRUE and the part of your Being that IS THIS KNOWING will tell you this is so.

7. Do any of the ET’s want to or have they wanted to destroy us?

On this matter we would say there are those who were once ‘detached’ from the human race who have chosen to connect with forces that do not serve the whole … but the individual groups that yearn for power. It is not so much of wanting to destroy as to control, which could involve destroying if it became necessary. Yet we say to you … these ones that have succumbed to greed and allowed the forces that are not of the Divinest Light to engulf them, shall in time return , as indeed all energy shall … TO THE LIGHT FROM WHENCE ITCAME. This is all we chose to say on this matter. Other than , we have those in place that spend a great deal of energy focusing purely on bringing these Beings out of the position they have trapped themselves within and back into their rightful place. This is no easy task as they have allowed themselves to enter into the vibration of your planet in a fuller way than is of safety to do so. Once this takes place, it takes much work to undo the ‘damage’ that has been done. And yet we say …. There are no mistakes. Life unfolds. All life. It is as it is. No more. No less.

8. Do they know anything about 2012?

Indeed. We wish those who read these words to know that 2012 is a ‘predicted’ space in your time. How YOU AS A RACE perform the necessary upliftment shall determine WHAT actually takes place and WHEN …. and HOW. It is up to you. Many fail to realize this.

9. What are their and other species religious beliefs (if any)?


10. What do they do in their lives?

Upon our ship, it is like your world. It has to function. Therefore there are many that are assigned to the continual upkeep of the energies of the vessel. And in answer to many … our particular ship IS an actual vessel. We live our lives via energetic vibrations. There are those whose task it is to keep these vibrations on their correct frequency etc. So many many things that we do in order to function and adhere to our mission. We do not need sleep as you on earth do. Yet we have … shall we say ‘switch off time.’

11. Do they have a "base" on our moon like me and many others suspect?

We would not call it a base. We would say there is a ‘set up’ there. Just as there are ‘set ups’ in your oceans and in your caverns. It is unknown by many exactly how close certain undertakings by others that are not of your species are involved with your race. And this does not mean simply on a telepathic mentality. You would be very surprised at how close physically some Beings are. It does not mean that they are of the same vibration as yours though and this makes a difference …. Regarding in your world you say …. Seeing is believing.

12. How do their crafts/UFO's work?

Energy powered from crystal. Too large a matter to enter into. These crystals are our lifeline so to speak. That is another ‘job’ for many. These crystals are what we would call ‘sacred’ to a certain degree. They are strongly guarded and maintained.

13. What exactly is their plan for "fulfilling our planet's destiny"?

To assist. Only to assist. To show a better way. A way that is of Love. That is our plan in its simplest form.

14. How, why and when did they find out about us? Did they help in our evolutionary process?

Some of us created you! We have known of you since the beginning of you. We have been closely observing you ever since your creation. It is part of the plan when you were created to be observed in this way. To see how the experiment panned out.

15. Are they of the same or very similar race as we are?

Some on our ship are quite similar in appearance and yet with all respect we would say it is of appearance only in which there are similarities. You must try to understand that this ship we speak of is not small. It is probably beyond your comprehension. There are ships used in this ship to travel to different locations upon it.

16. Do some of our governments know about them? Are some of our governments involved with them or other ET's?

All of your governments know about us. All of your governments have been in contact with us. So much is to be revealed to you as your time in the near future of your days unravels. It is inappropriate to speak more of this at this time. The TRUTH will be revealed. There is a sureness of this.

17. How do most of them communicate?

Telepathically. It is quickest and clearest. Much can be transferred in one thought form. Words can be misconstrued. Feelings cannot.

18. Do they admire any of our inventions, art, abilities or accomplishments?

Your inventions were from us. Ideas put into your heads. That is not to underestimate the inventors! The ones on your planet who brought these ideas into palpable matter. Who made something from a thought, become a reality. Is this not ‘life’? For Art … we indeed are overcome with emotion at times (although many of you believe us not to have such a thing.) The beauty that is brought forth from the depths of Love within the soul into creations for another to purvey is indeed a human quality that thrills. It Lightens your planet. And accomplishments? Of course. We often find ourselves like proud parents. The bravery of some of your race is far beyond expectations and it fills us with hope. For indeed … YOU ARE PART OF US … JUST IN ANOTHER FORM AND DIMENSION. That is all.

19. Are they in any way sexually attracted to humans?
We are not of that way with the human race. Sexuality is a certain energy vibration upon your planet and it is not of our vibration. It holds a certain frequency. May we say … what was ‘designed’ with the creation of the human was something beautiful regarding sexual attraction and its activities. Much has been lost from its original intent and lesser Light forces have taken it from its place of beauty into a place that we do not consider to hold any light at all sometimes. Yet, would we say … those who take these activities within LOVE … experience a High level of the vibration for which it was originally intended. It indeed can be a place to ‘go home’ for a while. Freedom of choice. Some upon our vessel have ‘needs’ that are similar, yet different. Others are beyond this and have no necessity for it in their energy.

20. Will they accept any humans into alliances or relationships with them?

We will accept ALL those willing.

21. What sort of animals are there outside of our solar system?

It would depend on what dimension you are residing within!! A vast amount of different ‘animals’ exist. Although not necessarily the name that is given for such energies elsewhere. Again this is a subject that could take an eternity to embark upon.

22. What is in store for our race in the future?

That is entirely up to your race. You choose!

WELL ... THANK YOU ! Just thought I’d go for it. Variety is the spice of life. In case you don’t know the young man’s name is Curtis.

We knew.

Thought you might! Till next time. Gotta go or I might topple of me perch!

One more thing … When each one of you takes a silent moment to connect with us … notice the ‘feeling’ in your Being. We are saying HELLO.

Cool. And I’m saying goodbye!

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again, no straight answers???
all just love & light, no answers.
maybe they are right and we wont fully understand, but we have a brain and are able to digest imformation.
give us the answers in a straight manner, we will then let you know if we understand.

once again, the ONLY question we want answering was NOT answered.
Im not interested in anything else, just the proof that this is all real................
Andy (UK) said:
again, no straight answers???
all just love & light, no answers. maybe they are right and we wont fully understand, but we have a brain and are able to digest imformation. give us the answers in a straight manner, we will then let you know if we understand.

once again, the ONLY question we want answering was NOT answered.
Im not interested in anything else, just the proof that this is all real................
they said it was up to us. But that leads to the same point as before. Most of us cannot beleive in anything without seeing first hand. they even acknowledge it,"Regarding in your world you say …. Seeing is believing." Which is indeed the case at hand. If we are to move forward into ascension the need to show us the paths, globally!
everyone will just think we're kooks if they dont. They have a certain responsibility on their part. Humanity will not just one day wake up and say hey we ant et's to say hello, when most of planet doesn't even think they exist.

how can we ascend if we dont truly know how to.
learn to love, sorry but that all sounds a bit religious to me.
i am human, i know what ive been taught, i know what i see, feel, touch, smell.
show me the way then i will gladly guide others around me
Jan said:
Cant say I am very happy about answers to Question 14 and 18

So we are just an experiment that they want to "see how it pans out" and all our ideas and thoughts are from them?

Even if this is the truth, does not mean I have to be happy about it.

And If we where created where does the soul/light come into it all?

This kind of irked me as well. I'd like to think that we are more then just someones experiment. Any experiment that causes as much mass suffering as this human one has, is an awfully cruel one. It would be a kinder experiment if they would have shielded this planet from the dark forces in the first place. Or maybe they were curious to see the extent to which the dark forces would manipulate us. I can only hope that we are not just the product of some sick experiment. If so, please let this experiment end soon and let us ascend.
Funnily enough this also annoyed my partner Matt.... He said exactly the same as you did apart from the ascension bit.... of which he is still on the fence about...

ANd yeh that would irk me too to a degree actually i think a lot of poeople would be peed off about that...

But apparently we all agree to come here to learn and as we live a life of duality and forget then maybe this makes sense.....
tranceman said:
Jan said:
Cant say I am very happy about answers to Question 14 and 18

So we are just an experiment that they want to "see how it pans out" and all our ideas and thoughts are from them?

Even if this is the truth, does not mean I have to be happy about it.

And If we where created where does the soul/light come into it all?

This kind of irked me as well. I'd like to think that we are more then just someones experiment. Any experiment that causes as much mass suffering as this human one has, is an awfully cruel one. It would be a kinder experiment if they would have shielded this planet from the dark forces in the first place. Or maybe they were curious to see the extent to which the dark forces would manipulate us. I can only hope that we are not just the product of some sick experiment. If so, please let this experiment end soon and let us ascend.
Since the soul is eternal and we are really light beings playing out human experiences we are nothing but an "Experiment" thats panning itself out. Don't let your egos get in the way on that one guys its simpler when you understand that the higher you the soul, light, god, divine self is the real you not just this vessel that is the current waking life.
I totally agree with jenny!!!
there's a huge contradiction between 2 and 14... how some of them could create beings (us) that could eventually become more intelligent than them?? :/

anyways, I do believe in every 2012 fact/prediction...
Jenny said:
You know the only way I can make sense of all this is to believe that our higher selves( soul) asked to have this experience in this 3rd dimension because of the learning that is possible here. We wanted to be part of this experiment. We asked to be here at this momentous time...we just can't remember. We apparently are highly evolved beings of light who have been caught up in the duality of this planet and most of us have been playing out karmic roles for many lifetimes. Therefore, with ascension comes the realisation of who we truly are. We are all part of the whole and come originally from light and love. Therefore to raise our vibration so as to be able to ascend to 5th density we need to love ourselves and others unconditionally. As to question 2 maybe we are seen as being able to tutor them once we become our true selves because of all the learning that we have done in this vibration. Living on a planet of duality. I believe that maybe lots of beings have not experienced that type of learning so could learn from us. Anyhow that is the best sense I can make out of this so I guess we'll know soon enough.

very interesting analysis. sounds plausible. nice job trying to make sense of things :)
The way I view this is... The experiment is that of the physical form and how the functioning of it is effected by the presence of spirit. Can we adapt to this form and how do we utilize it? We are all here as willing participants to find out the workings of what is the 3rd dimensional plane. So what have we found out so far? For many they have been able to surpass the limitations set by the physical. They've gone within to realize who/what they are and have been able to set up functions to create fluidly with source thereby bringing into the physical by simple thought creations that bring them love & joy. Then there are those that are entrapped by the body and the infuences of it's physical surroundings and have not seen who/what they are in spirit and so will struggle against the fluidity of source. Functions are set up by them as well, but because of the unawareness of spirit within, many of these functions are set up as reactionary devices of protection and so the fluidity of source is blocked and experiences are based in fear and struggle. How the ego translates in this I suspect, is as the protection device and in it's attempts will try to make things 'comfortable' but has no direct link to source.

The ability within us to create is the utmost profound finding of this experiment. From what I understand it is cause for great celebration and joy in the higher dimensions as it is something they didn't consider to turn out quite the way it did. We are all considered equal in this universe, no one more or less intelligent than the other because we are all from source. But I think by the expansion of this experiment to the levels we've reached so far, by the means of the golden ratio, it truly is just a short time before our minds catch up with our spirits and an explosion of infinite knowledge will be made available to us within this realm.

I also have the belief that this is important to ascension in this physical existence, because it brings a whole new level of discovery from this experiment.

The appearence of or the attendance of higher dimensional beings is hardly of consequence in this experiment I think, because we are the actual conductors of the experiment and we are higher dimensional beings. This thought process for me has definitely brought my consciousness to higher levels of understanding who/what I AM and I'm in constant state of becoming. Something I also value in who I am is the concept of 'I will see it when I believe it'. It seems to allow more bigger and brighter possibilities for me. Much love and joy to you all :)

I am listening now to this channel that Tony has posted

It is very relevant to this discussion and perhaps having a listen will help to answer many of the questions you may have.

I am resonating with it very strongly.

ow, well that can be the anwer

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