Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

It is true that Spiritual Awakening is vital to brining the human race into the new age, an age where we are not controlled by the slavery of the banking cartels.

But the difference between Spiritual Awakening and Survivalis the same as the difference between Long Term Medical Recovery and First Aid.


I’m not dismissing the need for Spiritual Health, but I am saying that Survival is a priority. In order to survive we need pragmatism and community. 


We already have a reason to survive, it’s called a survival instinct, all creatures have this (with the possible exception of Lemmings).The question is what do we do with this driving force? Do we act as desperate selfish individuals and steel from and murder weaker individuals? (and this will happen, we’ve already seen it). Or do we act as a community, a coalition of individuals who support each other, who share our individual skills, and yes offer Spiritual Healing and teaching?

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Wow, I did not know that. You know that some urban myths just sit in the back of your mind and you just accept it as fact. I think some spring cleaning of the old widely (or wildly) accepted assumptions are called for. Somehow I'm not in the least surprised that Disney would go to those lengths though

Dam there goes my dream job"a lemming catcher":( need to find some other small furry creature to save .

 Any hoo back to topic, if you bring the survival instinct in to the equation any community has a chance of falling apart through the fight or flight reponses (which has been proven in the world through-out history of natural desaters), the people with the fight response are more likely to become opportunist and perditors & the people with the flight reponse will become prey this gives a shift in power toward the perditor, whither it will be though fear or protection.

This shift in power gives us the problem of how to will the perditors deal the people that they deem  not to useful in the community which bring us back to the ones with the power control the ones without which got us here in the first place.

That is where people like us come in, and it makes groups like this vital. If society fails, then it would be like a reset switch on humanity. On one hand it would be devastating and bring the worst out of people, on the other hand it would be an opportunity. But there’s always a risk, the risk we won’t succeed, the risk that the same selfish scumbags get in power again. That cannot be avoided, but we can look at the mistakes of the past, accept our own mistakes and flaws, not avoid them. Only then can we move forward.


Our ancestors had the right idea, native americans had the right idea (and they were called savages by the settlers). If we live with mutual respect, respect for our environment and work to support each other rather than what we can get for ourselves, then humanity will survive and evolve. I believe that a disaster will happen, because the universe has had enough of the misbehaving children known as humans and we’ll be given a choice, live for each other or not at all.

I agree with these points, but if you want to build a community/society on utilitarianism and respect for the enviroment you will have to remove the necessity of need and expantion,  for example as a community gorws so does it need for food,water and shelter,for this you need to have or aquire the resorces for these, this bring in the outside elements that might or might not be disruptive to the balance. A prime example of this was the Communist ideal  which crumbled in the former Soivet Unoin (which was based on the Marcsist Ideal of utilitarianism where greed and over population brought it down thourgh lack of resorces amongst other factors).

If you look at the way our ancesters lived there was a some mutal repect but there was a lot of brutality with inter Clan /Trible  dissputes over things like resources.


How do you remove  basic driving forces like these?


Kal'Narred said:

That is where people like us come in, and it makes groups like this vital. If society fails, then it would be like a reset switch on humanity. On one hand it would be devastating and bring the worst out of people, on the other hand it would be an opportunity. But there’s always a risk, the risk we won’t succeed, the risk that the same selfish scumbags get in power again. That cannot be avoided, but we can look at the mistakes of the past, accept our own mistakes and flaws, not avoid them. Only then can we move forward.


Our ancestors had the right idea, native americans had the right idea (and they were called savages by the settlers). If we live with mutual respect, respect for our environment and work to support each other rather than what we can get for ourselves, then humanity will survive and evolve. I believe that a disaster will happen, because the universe has had enough of the misbehaving children known as humans and we’ll be given a choice, live for each other or not at all.

Well we know a whole lot more about human nature now than our ancestors did. But as I said, it isn't without risk, you cannot cover all the basses, and when you try that's when you enter into utalitarianism. Fear and the use of fear as a political tool is where Fascism and utalitarianism come into it and that's what's happening now.

I have my own ideas on how a comunity can work, but the one thing that I don't want to do is to try and sell my own personal views of how a soceity should be run because that would be tantamount to fascism.

We've seen social experiments where a small group of people live as a Saxon comunity, they lived as a family and they survived. Lets keep it simple. What I'm saying is lets form small comunities who support eachother, not selfish indeviduals who are only interested in there own survival and personal gain.

All we can do is try, if it fails then it fails, but we tried to live better lives without greed and that's what counts.

By the way the communist ideal failed because it was corrupt. you can have all the riches you want in your house, but if you don't allow your walls to be built with strong meterial, then it will fall. Greed and utalitarianism destroyed comunism.

Anyway Darkwolf, I think we're getting a little off point. My main reason for this group is to survive the initial desaster, so why don't we start a new discussion forum.


Kal'Narred said:

Anyway Darkwolf, I think we're getting a little off point. My main reason for this group is to survive the initial desaster, so why don't we start a new discussion forum.


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