The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
If something happens and society fails, what next? How do we ensure the greedy are not in power. we need to look out for each other. learn from our mistakes. we need to be organised. Anyone who is on this site is welcome.
Members: 13
Latest Activity: May 31, 2011
Just a wee note for new members. When you join please say hi, introduce yourself, where you are located and a short list of your skills. This way we can form small community groups who can support each other when the lights go out.
Thank you :)~Started by paTricia T.. Last reply by paTricia T. May 20, 2011. 14 Replies 0 Likes
Gardening is one of my passions although I really no nothing about it. Total amateur, but I am so willing to learn. My dream is to have a lovely and productive garden. This includes,…Continue
Started by Kal'Narred. Last reply by paTricia T. May 19, 2011. 16 Replies 0 Likes
Ok, here’s your chance to share survival tips. Don’t worry if you think your tip may be obvious, we’re all friends here and some people might not have thought about it. Example, the best item for…Continue
Started by paTricia T.. Last reply by paTricia T. Feb 3, 2011. 11 Replies 0 Likes
I must say that I am very fortunate that I do not need to go out and start up a community. Here where I live we are about to celebrate our 50th year community anniversary. I on the other hand am…Continue
Tags: Community
Started by Kal'Narred. Last reply by Kal'Narred Jan 15, 2011. 7 Replies 0 Likes
Ok any takers on this one? Obviously we know that the current situation in the western world is heading towards Fascism, so when the lights go out and we start to re-build how do stop the criminals…Continue
Hi P, I may know of a controversial device that may neutralizer radiation in water. It's called a Water Re-vitaliser and it was invented by Johann Grander.
The website is but before you get one watch the following documentary.Peanut butter -Jerky-powdered milk -Crackers they need to be stored in a air tight enviroment -Rice-dried Beans- Corn (May be needed for fishing bait to)Vitamin D3-B6,B12-C-E -Fish oil- (I dont trust multi vitamins manufactures)A 12 volt solar panel charger, fishing pole and tackle,,And if you want to take on a little project that would be very beneficial to your needs is to build a small simple alcohol distiller you can get plans for some off the internet If I could find the set of plans I used to build mine I wold post them so you would see its not at all a complicated process to make alcohol,There not at all that complcated to operate or build ,you can use alcohol for fuel in you vehicle and fuel for camp stove.And other many other things you can even drink it .(DONT DRINK IF MADE OUT OF WOOD THATS POISONOUS ) I do know as soon as I am out of this leg cast I am going to go into town and pick up some pea seeds I know those grow fast and the best ones that I have ever come across are the sugar pod pole peas because you eat pod and all and if you plant the last week of this month you will have ripe peas by the first of June .There are other alternatives to growing food indoors to if you dont have access to any property .And a food dehydrator for making my own non perishable fruits and some vegitables to I have never done it before I wander if anybody hear on SoE has any experience in this area .There are many things more that Ihave over looked but I have dedeicated a couple hours putting together a emergency supply area will be a small area large enough to hold 4 brand new 40 gallon plastic rubbermaid upright containers most peoplew would use them for there garbage cans .the reason I chose these because they had wheels on them and lids that sealed tight and water proof .If needed to leave in a hurry I could also have every thing wheeled out and loaded up in either the SUV or my pick-up-truck.,Plus it keeps the items out of site and most people looking for items food and other things to loot for there will like it or not a lot of hungry people who will do desperate and would be targeting those who they suspect
Here's something we can all do now to start taking our planet back. If we all donate to the development of free energy it will completely undermine the Military industrial complex.
Watch this video
then go to this website
click on the "contact" tab then think, "what can I do right now? What will happen if we make this go viral?" Then whatever you do next is your decision.
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