Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is a time for bringing the many scattered pieces back, as that which was sent out, comes back. On one level this is the inbreath of God, calling back some on the solar winds to home. But for others, the opportunity is now for reclaiming the power which has been given away. Power has been a comodity in the past times on earth, and now the energy given away to others, will be returning to the owner. This is the true Jubilee when all the slaves go free. What you will feel coming back to you will be felt in your solar plexus and the ability to steer your own destiny.

The cloud is lifting that was like a murky film over your life similar to the chemtrails which will fade away as well. Steering by your intuition and heart center you will be guided by your own higher mind to move out of the old ways. Keep your mind free and your body will follow. The energy is with us all and the pendulum is swinging the way of freedom with responsibility and high intention for the good of all concerned. Magical happening are about to explode. Can you feel it?

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I sure can friend. I feel wonderful things unfolding as we speak. Time means nothing to me any longer, just more and more seconds of experimenting and having fun with this 3rd dimensional realm we're only VISITING
Alexander…….you sound like you are all strapped in as the roller coaster climbs to the top of the pinnacle and having the time of your life. I am holding the dream and having bouts of giddiness just thinking about what is up ahead. Thanks for responding to my musings.

Blessings and Lovelight

Hello Mike.
I appreciate reading your point of view. I always said I wanted to stick around to see the finale of the play but I never expected the many twists and turns this plot is affording. I wouldn’t miss it now since it’s getting so ripe with potentials. We are helping to write it Mike so make it amazing!

Upward and onward
Ive always known a BIG event was eventually going to take place, ive always believed..
Hopefully IT WILL be in my life time, what role i have to play???
who knows, but let it unfold
It's happening now Andy. The old is being swept away. You are right now playing the role you came in here to play. You are infusing love and light and harmonious thoughts into the earth. When others send hate or fear out it has to go somewhere and so it goes into the earth. You and all of us are balancing all that negative energy by sending love into the earth, into the collective and into the ethers. We are changing things rapidly and so Brad is right on when he says We are the Saviors and We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Love and ((hugs))
Im going to be honest. I dont feel it. Is there something i should be physically feeling? Cause i really don't feel anything, nor do i feel any energies. I really do want to feel it.
Is there something i should be doing in order to feel this? Ive been studying up on this for almost a year now, and im still not feeling anything.
How do i start? how do i know?
I think you may be right, we are all being brought together for a reason, I do believe I was reincarnated into this life for a purpose, this is what I chose before being reincarnated. (MY BELIEFS).
Maybe I have a direct involvement?, or maybe my children do, who knows, but im excited..

David Walker:
I dont feel energies, I ust FEEL, hard to explain, but all ive believed in my whole life seems to be coming to fruition now..
Hello David,
When I said 'feel' I did not mean in your physical body, however some sensitive people will feel energy shifts. Sudden bouts of happiness for no apparent reason or an inner knowing that although the news looks bleak financially what you sense is excitement and anticipation. You can't explain it to friends or relatives. You can't figure it out with your mind. Instead of trying to feel or do or be, just stop trying and be still and listen to that voice within. Get out into nature and allow the perfect balance to surround you. The inner teacher is within but sometimes it can't be heard because the mind is going 100 miles an hour. There is no right or wrong way to be. Never judge yourself as lacking anything since you have all the tools you need right now.

Blessings, Suz
Hello Niamh,
The Hopi Indians in Arizona have been holding the balance on this planet for thousands of years along with many other native people. They were told by Spirit to do their chanting (prayers) dancing and drumming together.

They say that while they were doing this their brothers on the other side of the earth were doing similar ceremonies. What they feel when they dance is joy, gratitude, they connect with Spirit by drumming. They send love to the earth. Now think of the chemicals and pollution sends to the earth and the wars and hate and greed. So now you can see what we ALL have been born to do. At this critical time in earth history we are here not by accident. We came to be space holders for the positive energy and to embrace mother earth. Love is much much stronger than hate.

Thank you for adding your drop of purity to the collective ocean
Sueiszen said:
Hello David,
When I said 'feel' I did not mean in your physical body, however some sensitive people will feel energy shifts. Sudden bouts of happiness for no apparent reason or an inner knowing that although the news looks bleak financially what you sense is excitement and anticipation. You can't explain it to friends or relatives. You can't figure it out with your mind. Instead of trying to feel or do or be, just stop trying and be still and listen to that voice within. Get out into nature and allow the perfect balance to surround you. The inner teacher is within but sometimes it can't be heard because the mind is going 100 miles an hour. There is no right or wrong way to be. Never judge yourself as lacking anything since you have all the tools you need right now.

Blessings, Suz
Thanks Sueiszen. I thought something must be wrong if everyone else can feel it but i cant. Yeah my life is pretty hectic, it can be hard to just hear my mind, as you said. mine goes like a 100 miles an hour 24/7.
Hello David,
The fact you are aware of the changes and not asleep like so many others says a lot. I believe you mentioned study. Reading can be very good and keep you informed about what is going on outside, but only accessing the inner teacher can inform you about you. Deep breathing, slowing down and releasing the mind chatter puts you in touch with thoughts that were never able to surface before. It can be astonishing what realizations are made.
Hello Siren,
The collective mind on earth appears to be like separate drops in a sea, but all these drops share a oneness that makes the sea. This is how there can be many and yet also be one. On a deep unconscous level we all share concepts and truths which are filtered through our conscious mind and come out in the form of movies, stories, books, songs and poems. Each is an individual expression but part of the whole. A person say, who only reads books can get the same concepts as one who only listens to songs. We exist within living intelligence. It is no surprise then that answers can come from anywhere and that is the magic of it all.

Love and Light
Sueiszen said:
Hello David,
The fact you are aware of the changes and not asleep like so many others says a lot. I believe you mentioned study. Reading can be very good and keep you informed about what is going on outside, but only accessing the inner teacher can inform you about you. Deep breathing, slowing down and releasing the mind chatter puts you in touch with thoughts that were never able to surface before. It can be astonishing what realizations are made.
So kinda like meditation? I find it hard to release the mind chatter. its always going. Ive read some things on mediation. I'll look it up.I know there are many types.

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