Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

date time both ears-left ear-right ear-times there are none how lomg they last I truly believe their is a lot more going on here than we realize and if we could volunteer these happenings surounding the ear tone mystery we may be able to work together putting together a accurate reason for this phenomona

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I hav had for two days know louder than normal very high pitched tone ,both ears ,hoh-stop...
i had another one today at work, only it was the full blown pitch isolation like the ones before, it was more like jolt of high pitch tone.

another thing I have noticed personally is an increasing sensitivity to the sound of the TV. it is high pitched and very very annoying.
I wanted to share this...

As psychic centers in his cranium burst open, he will hear the shrill note, likened to a nightingale singing, and then an inner voice, indicating direction and elucidation to his external consciousness like a breath of air. This inner voice remains with him as a permanent yoga of the external consciousness, an ever-ready guide to the unraveling of complexities in daily life. Should he come out too far into materialistic consciousness, the inner voice may be falsely identified as an unseen master or a god talking into his right ear, but, when in the clarity of clairvoyantly seeing white light and at the same time clairaudibly hearing the inner sounds, he knows that it is his superconsciousness, his inner self. Occasionally, in a cross section of the sixth dimension of the inner mind, when light merges into transcendental form, the young aspirant may view the golden actinic face of a master peering into his, kindly and all-knowing. He is looking at his own great potential.

It came from here (all about the clear white light):
Wow, thanks brandy rox. The song of a nightingale is similar to what I hear.
About noonish today the tone in both ears as usual went from a very low pitch to extremely high pitched tone very noticeble probaly the loudest Ive had yet and its still going strong.
I get those sometimes, Jim. Sometimes I get a whong, like something snapping back into place. Its like someone plucking a gutiar string that is inside my head, but it the way the speed increases is like those magnetic marbles that slam back togeather suddenly. Its hard for me to explain it.
Did you check out the link I post earlier? Listen to the audio files.
If there ever was a “skill” or ability that could be enhanced through self-hypnosis and specifically, Binaural Beats, then ESP is it! Do you want to develop your Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)? Perhaps you want to tap into other “paranormal” abilities such as remote viewing, clairvoyance, or telepathy?

The Unexplainable Store really specializes in just this type of program. After years of research, scientists discovered that people with enhanced ESP are operating in a Theta brainwave pattern that can be induced by listening to frequencies that fall in the range of 5-12 HZ – considered the “ESP frequency”. This is a very low tone that most humans cannot hear. That is, until Binaural Beat technology was discovered!

What researchers learned is that by introducing a certain tone in one ear, and a different tone into the other ear, the human brain has an amazing ability to merge the two tones into a unique third tone, and this tone is “audible” at a level below the threshold of our hearing. In other words, the ear never hears this tone, but the brain creates it, and when the brain creates it, if listened to for long enough it will start shifting brainwave patterns into the Theta state. And this is the state where ESP abilities suddenly come alive. Binaural beats unlock this “ESP frequency” so that anyone could develop their extra-sensory abilities.

What this means to you is that you don’t have to spend years training yourself to have an enhanced “sixth sense” or ESP, you only need to listen to the right binaural beat tones, and then relax as the tones work their magic . This recording series also includes hypnotic suggestions to program your brain to unlock the portions of the brain that are active in people with well developed ESP, but that are dormant for most of the rest of us.
If there ever was a “skill” or ability that could be enhanced through self-hypnosis and specifically, Binaural Beats, then ESP is it! Do you want to develop your Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)? Perhaps you want to tap into other “paranormal” abilities such as remote viewing, clairvoyance, or telepathy?

The Unexplainable Store really specializes in just this type of program. After years of research, scientists discovered that people with enhanced ESP are operating in a Theta brainwave pattern that can be induced by listening to frequencies that fall in the range of 5-12 HZ – considered the “ESP frequency”. This is a very low tone that most humans cannot hear. That is, until Binaural Beat technology was discovered!

What researchers learned is that by introducing a certain tone in one ear, and a different tone into the other ear, the human brain has an amazing ability to merge the two tones into a unique third tone, and this tone is “audible” at a level below the threshold of our hearing. In other words, the ear never hears this tone, but the brain creates it, and when the brain creates it, if listened to for long enough it will start shifting brainwave patterns into the Theta state. And this is the state where ESP abilities suddenly come alive. Binaural beats unlock this “ESP frequency” so that anyone could develop their extra-sensory abilities.

What this means to you is that you don’t have to spend years training yourself to have an enhanced “sixth sense” or ESP, you only need to listen to the right binaural beat tones, and then relax as the tones work their magic . This recording series also includes hypnotic suggestions to program your brain to unlock the portions of the brain that are active in people with well developed ESP, but that are dormant for most of the rest of us.
Ahother site I found reguarding ear-tones--------------------------------------------------------------
Jim ive been studying hypnosis for almost a year, Ive been reluctant to try anybody self hypnosis. I like doing things my way. Plus when using hypnosis, if you are deep enough you have no idea what they are programming you with. So first things first be carefull.
There are a few good places around the net to look more deeply into this. is a good starter. they have a forums section where you can discuss techniques, and learn how to do it yourself.

You mentioned bin-aural beats. Most place online will want your money for it. Nonsense! Frequencies are not needed. sure they can help. Now really there has been very little research, they know your minds creates a new tone and yes it can get you deep into trance, But lets be honest, Its just one method of getting into different brain rhythms, alpha theta beta. What most people dont relies is they switch between them all the time without noticing.

You know that hazy relaxed twilight feeling you get when your about to fall asleep? Just peaceful. Well that's theta dude, And you got their without binaurals.

Wanna know where i go when i want to get my theta? I turn my fan on, Close my eyes, breath deeply, and with perfect clarity i go to my happy place, Soft grassy hilltop under my oak tree, with the lake in the distance and leaves bristling. Thats my theta. Now introduce suggestions and train yourself to do this. Write a script about what you want to learn, record it, and play it when you are relaxed. Speak directly to your subconscious, say This is what i want, i can see aura's or i can hear tone's. Make sure you only use present tense words, and the word I referring to yourself. Your subconscious is very very literal. So make perfect literal sense.

Oh and dont worry. It works on most people. If not you can always train in the art of meditation. I haven't tried it yet. I don't know whats stopping me.
i have to agree with you Patricia. I have had similar feelings of discomfort when trying some of those things... seems like it has been a while. Just a quite room with a silent mind is all you need to connect, IMHO..

paTricia T. said:
I can appreciate your enthusiasm Jim for wanting to find ways to tap into personal abilities at a quicker rate, but I'm still not comfortable with using synthetic frequencies to activate things in my brain. Actually most of the sound frequencies that are offered to help activate things within us freak me out. I don't like the sounds they project because it is almost an offensive feeling I get. What I really like are more natural made sound tones. Like those vibrating music key thingys. Or singing bowls for another example. The after hums are quite lovely. :o)

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