Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

I got on this website and many others like in the thought that we could save the world.
We are suppost to be saving it right?
Whats being done?
I know ill piss off a few people around here with this but i feel its important, its my opinion you are entitled to your own, i just want to stir people into action, as i feel there is nothing being done. I come here to learn about the world, i come here for actuall physical ways of making the planet better. I come here to free humanity. And monumental task, and everyone here seems committed in a Spiritual sence. Its the physical that needs the attention. If your manifesting reality here, then its happening TOO slowly.

But the sad truth is, Is there any actual physical evidence that your actions are taking any effect on the planet. You may think they are but i can tell you right now, your imagination is a powerful thing, dependent on its ability, it can bring you anywhere and experience anything, But what good is it when you open your eyes and your back in your sick polluted reality?
In fact did you know guided meditation is a form of hypnotism? Its true Ive studied hypnotism and i understand how its works, and i see it happen here a lot, weather the authors realize it or not.
How can we tell people aren't hired by oil companies or paid by the governments to shut us up and keep quiet relaxed and peaceful as the world burns around us, and we don't notice cause we are too busy consulting with alien beings in our mind. Ive read too many promises from them to even remotely believe a single one now. They've turned the word soon into a new curse word. The word soon now means never to me. Another tactic used by the powers that be.

I just don't understand my species anymore. Ive been opened to reality, This one anyway, this physical one that i can see and hear and touch and taste. Ive been opened to it, and its made me sick. Its made me sick to my stomach. Its made me ashamed to be human. Ive lost my faith in humanity, my world is painted a dark grey of boredom and dread. I feel dead. and the fact that i need money to have an enjoyable life just leaves the taste in my mouth even more bitter. There is litraly nothing to do in my town that doesn't cost money, except watch a movie, hang out at someones house, or fuck, and Ive grown tired of all that.

From day one ive had that thing nagging in the back mind, part of me knows this is fake, but there is soooooo much of me that wants this all to be real and our reality is just a bad dream that we will wake from. Its a weakness i have, that all of us have. To believe everything will be fine. So we don't act! We stay quite and listen to channeling after channeling telling us everything will be ok.

Well ive seen the dark side of humanity, we all have and we live with it everyday. I dont get how humanity, all of humanity on some level know this world is fucked, but nothing ever gets done to fix it. My excuse is i dont have the funds to make any impact at all. I cant go out and buy an electric car, or solar panels, i cant make myself an invention that will cure all the problems cause im not smart enough and i don't have the money for the education. I cant go volunteer anywhere cause im stuck at work pretty much all the time. and when i do have the time i feel dead. But there are people who can that just aren't. all i can do right now is preach. Why is the human race content with pushing itself further to destruction?

Those powers that be aren't going away. They are damn smart. So we have to be smarter. In fact i see the world get worse and worse everyday. A fake epidemic, a fake vaccine that harms more that it helps, entire nations that depend on black gold, suppressed technology that can free us all, millions starving with out any aid at all, although we have the means to save them, cooperate control, planned obsolescence. enormous amounts of waste. dwindling resources, and has no one ever noticed since the economic meltdown the big companies bought the small ones, Now were does ALL your money go to hmm? Oh and last but not least the biggest mother fucker of the all the one we bow to, the one we bend over and take from. The giants son of a bitch himself, Money.

We are hopelessly addicted, we might as well crush it up and sniff it or inject it into our veins, we are fucking junkies. Damn i bet if there are other star nations, they'd pass right by us on the street thinking we are all no good fuck ups and a waist of life, resources and air. Its what i think. Its how i see humanity, that kid you see with so much potential but he threw it all away and wrecked his entire life. Now that cant be said for all of humanity, Its has its redeemable strong points, but right now its bad point outweigh and crush the good ones.

Ill tell you right now this HAS to change. Its is absolutely imperative that it changes, if not for our sake then the sake of life altogether. Money deosn't care about life, Its a cold hearted bitch. If money could, it would leave us all poor and out on the streets having to eat the rats.

So who out there actually wants to save this world? And i mean the physical world? Who here can be committed to making this world a better place? in any way you can? who here can do it without resorting to imagining it and leaving it at that. Who here can spread the message to every one in the world that we have been enslaved for too long and need to take matters into our own hand. All is not lost, but it will be very difficult, If we gain enough attention we might be killed. Its the most infuriating thing in the world carrying that weight. Knowing exactly how the world works. Every ounce of me is screaming to fix it. To fix the problems. but i don't know how i can. I don't know how anyone can, unless they wake the fuck up. Most people are so brainwashed they don't even know there is a problem.

Right now technology exists that can save us. Out there their are people strong enough to take on the bile that call themselves our leaders. There needs to be a mass information act, by the people for the people. There needs to be a transformation of power and wealth. We need to live again. We need to free ourselves. No one can do it but us The People!

Who will make a pledge to physically help the world in any way you can.
To live without greed, and contribute to our planet and all of her in habitants.

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what would you have wanted to do?

from the way i see it, we have to first educate our circles, because one man trying to change the world aint enough. we have to have our local circles' support. we can only spread the word for now. i dont know of any friends who own media networks. but i know of people who own their own media..........on Youtube. ;)
Reb said:
what would you have wanted to do?
from the way i see it, we have to first educate our circles, because one man trying to change the world aint enough. we have to have our local circles' support. we can only spread the word for now. i dont know of any friends who own media networks. but i know of people who own their own media..........on Youtube. ;)

All media is controlled anyway. I know what needs to be done but i don't know how to do it.
Your right all We can do is spread the message. You tube deosnt seem like its enough. The zietgeist movement has chapter all around you could join one. hold meetings, educate the public. But you can also demand that your litter be recycled and that you electiricty comes from renewable sources.
They problem is that inevitably if free energy or anything like if kick off it will cause world war three.
well we can't say about the future and there's no use talking about the past. we could only fix whats in the present. and sometimes we need to do this one step at a time. "Nature takes its time but everything is accomplished" -- Lao Tzu. That quote still illuminates me to no end.

Dont stop the passion though, that's GOOD. Love it. Do something with it!

BTW Adam raised up an interesting point, about 4th dimension, 5th density thing, but still needing your earthly body.

We Asians always know of astral travelling, doing work in the heavenly realms while in a vegetative state (you watch Bleach?), HOWEVER the 3rd density physical body is ALWAYS needed, because it is essentially connected to the 4th/5th/6th/nth body too (to the best of my knowledge). We've been bombarded with period dramas and Japanese animes on TV with all that jazz. Probably thats how it works...?

Thiaoouba sounds rad though.
I hear you, i'm going through the same thing except i don't see humanity a lost cause, i just see confusion, programmed, and negative people, but that doesn't say that they are not of light. Everyone is a light being. I would have to agree with Brad, but it takes alot of will and courage, as well as desire to change.

Since this entire monetary system and this whole life i've been living, i've lost so much will and desire for anything right now. I know i can try to do little things to help but usually they havn't really helped the world as far as i've seen. People in my neighberhood are not being more loving, they are getting worse, some of them are drinking and driving, some are just caught up in the partying every weekend and some are so nasty to others not just me but everyone. I try and do my best to not let my ego over take me and try to fight anyone, because i'm done arguing or fighting, i stopped that a long time ago.

When it comes to the whole financial system though the more i see how fake it is, the more depressing this world becomes for me. I do remember that Bill Hicks said it right, Life is just a Ride and we can always get off the ride and get back on. I believe whenever this is all over, i'm just going home and stay there for a while, until i can make another incarnation or how ever this universe changes.

I've been in such depression that is almost making me feel like a vegatable. I still have my health atleast but i just feel that i can't get out there and do anything, because of my financial issue.

I am passing out Zeitgeist Addendum Dvd's and that's alot of fun, but other than that, it is all i can do is just spread information for now.
And is'nt it great, all these reflections of duality. If we have contributed anything to universial civilisation it must be our great ability to step in and out of dark in so many and interesting ways and still come out shining.
We are all shining.

Timothy Levonious said:
We are all children, learning how to get along, and the more someone says there right, the more i know there wrong.
Hellooo Vaddix,

interesting perspective that you have about World situation...Indeed we are contributing to "World"...just by "Being" you are "doing" much things right now and in the future need first to focuse in your spiritual development ..because this "Physical" world is just a mere reflection of your inner self.

Start doing good deeds everyday for other people here and this "physical" world and you are going to be transformed because every time you bestow for others, the light of Creator correct you and make you grow spiritually...So i reccomend you start doing so much good actions everyday then you will see how wonderfull this world would be....You may be thinking and how?....Well i have learned from Kabbalah that you need a GREAT desire to make changes in this physical world because everytime you grow your inner desire doing bestowals for others you are increasing your inner desire for spirituality(by the way, that means connection indeed)...

So...In Kabbalah states that we are creatures( i mean we are will to receive) or (a desire to receive the light of God)...So as you start doing good actions for are "creating" new forms of inanimate objects, vegetal beings and animal beings as well....YOU ARE A CREATOR TOO!....The difference between any object or phenomenon is only the degree of this desire. A small desire forms an object on the still level of matter, a greater desire – the vegetative level, a greater yet – the animate level, and the greatest desire forms a human being. All the desires are interconnected in one system.

After all this you will "see" that you have changed your inner perception and also the Physical World because through this spirituality connection we all have the desires you have affect the entire system....
i still kinda want to know what people are doing physically to help, or even if they want to. I know i cant do it by myself, and thats another reason why it seems so impossible for me. Im the type of person that never gives up on a problem i cant fix, and its so infuriating that i cant fix this one. I don't know how i can even help. My financial situation defiantly doesnt help. The only thing Ive managed to do is to get my parents to start recycling. Ive joined the viewpoint commity at my job so i can help organize events. I haven't been to a meeting yet so i hope i cant start something big.
Ive noticed co orperate America have huge amounts of waste they just through in a landfill. i want that to change. Thats one of my goals. ive had several retail jobs and the way stock is handled generate enormous amounts of waste.

I also want to see oil become obsolete and unused, except for maybe plastics, and i want to see a way for the countries that depend on exporting it find a new method of providing for themselves.

Please i want to know what the saviors of earth are doing to help? so i don't feel completely alone in this. i read Melanie W's comment and it was inspiring.
RandomAnonymousLife said:
its at that place a gave ya
What place?

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