Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This here is just my take on things. Share your ideas please.

One thing to keep in mind is that if you're searching for yourself in thought you create a negative emotion field that will manifest similar life situations to match that negative emotions being released/experienced. I like to think of it this way, whatever frequency you are choosing to live in (you can tell which you live through your thoughts and emotions at the Present Moment) determines the dimension you live in, which is ever changing. If you were to actually look at the 3rd, 4th, 5th... etc. dimensions you'd see that all dimensions have many planes which we are constantly choosing from, through our thoughts, emotions, and reaction to 'form'.

So we all should know by now that 'The Matrix' we live in is in fact not solid but like clay, it's malleable........ yea. That's all for now.. Any ideas to add?


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Well i know this is a world of perception...your whole perception determines your whole reality...but as well this Matrix is a whole illusion envolving all of us though also each one of us inside of it have it own perception as i said...i do not know very much about others dimensions...but i am sure that for each person there are coexisting several "you" acting and same time...but with differents degrees of perception and development...i mean with this is that for example...the "you" of now evolve into...let`s say "10 years" because there is no time....then this "you" of "future" is other "you" more evolved and with different perception of your previous one...Well thank you for posting.
If there is soooooooo much to be angrey about how to we get out of the bad dimention? I have a pretty bleak world perception. I dont think humanity has the balls to fix anything untill the precipice, or its too late. How do i change that perception? the people in charge generally need to get the fuck off this planet, cause the are fucking it up too much. cuaseing too many problems for too many people. Im sick of standing for it. im literally sick to my core about the state of this world.
Hii Vaddix...i reccomend you study Kabbalah...with its knowledge you can light your perception...through a special light that comes into you...called "ohr makif" by kabbalistics. With the proper understanding of will feel a new enlightened being because helps you to overcome this "bleak" perception that you have that is no more your ego playing with your thoughts and emotions...

Vaddix said:
If there is soooooooo much to be angrey about how to we get out of the bad dimention? I have a pretty bleak world perception. I dont think humanity has the balls to fix anything untill the precipice, or its too late. How do i change that perception? the people in charge generally need to get the fuck off this planet, cause the are fucking it up too much. cuaseing too many problems for too many people. Im sick of standing for it. im literally sick to my core about the state of this world.
Our leaders are just a reflection of each individual ego.... They are scrambling to hold on to the current system because they are aware that this shift is taking place... They are so unfamiliar with the new state of being that is emerging on the planet that they become fearful, causing a panic within themselves they basically lose there minds and have no more control. I believe we cannot hate these lost humans but embrace them with love to help them wake up. Every time a person forgives themselves (ego) it causes a quantum ripple effect that will cause a change in many people. Once we truly forgive ourselves we become unconditionally loving to every being, true forgiveness is the key.

I am unfamiliar with Kabbalah but be cautious that the ego doesn't get caught up in any spiritual teaching. Golden_Angel could you post something maybe on Kabbalah?

Much love
i have a love to you brother <3 <3 <3

Joshua said:
Our leaders are just a reflection of each individual ego.... They are scrambling to hold on to the current system because they are aware that this shift is taking place... They are so unfamiliar with the new state of being that is emerging on the planet that they become fearful, causing a panic within themselves they basically lose there minds and have no more control. I believe we cannot hate these lost humans but embrace them with love to help them wake up. Every time a person forgives themselves (ego) it causes a quantum ripple effect that will cause a change in many people. Once we truly forgive ourselves we become unconditionally loving to every being, true forgiveness is the key.

I am unfamiliar with Kabbalah but be cautious that the ego doesn't get caught up in any spiritual teaching. Golden_Angel could you post something maybe on Kabbalah?

Much love

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