Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

hey guys i was wondering if anyone could help interpret a dream i had last night?
its very sketchy so bear with me.

In the dream i was living in a very big house with 5 kids. It became clear that we had to move house as we simply couldnt afford to live there so we moved a small terraced house further down the road. The new house was in total disrepair. The next thing I see is water dripping from all of the celings and running down the edges of the walls. All of the lectricity goes out. It then feels like a few days of living like this, watching the drips get big on the celing and the water running faster. I remember looking up at one of the celings and seing it was beginning to collapse under the prssure of the water on top, i knew it would cave in.

I phoned a builder to have a look and he informed me it would cost £10,000 to repair which i panicked about because i knew there was no way i could pay for it.

At the same time a man comes (from where i dont know......i guess thats how it happens in dreams!) He kept just appearing, then hugging me and holding me telling me it would be ok, but everytime he did i injured him in some way, the main one i remember is cutting his foot with my toe! which is odd because i checked my feet and thought "how could i have hurt him when my feet arnt sharp?" All i knew is how much love there was between us and that there was a strong connection that icouldnt describe.

Next thing i remember is, i am standing in the house in one of the rooms with the children looking up at the celing and saw it was about to all crash down around us. I was screaming "get out, run, get out of here!" we all did, and later when i went back in most of the celings had collapsed and there was water everywhere. I was lost and dint know what to do and how to pay for it.......but then (again from nowhere) another builder appears, and simply informs me i can get it all fixed and decorated on home insurance so it wouldnt cost me a penny.

I then find myself on a beach with the same man i mentioned earlier, im hiding from him for some reason, behind rocks, wherever i can, but he keeps finding me because he always knows where i am. He always finds me with a smile, a gentle strength. i dont want to hide and i want him to find me but for some reason feel i have to.

and then i am in the sea and i cant get out, the mountains around me are huge and there is no place for me to climb out. The waves are massive and keep taking me in, turning me over and over. I cant swim up because they are dragging me down and i cant breath. I feel like i am in a washing machine.

And thats about all i can remember, sorry its a bit all over the place but you know what dreams are like !! anyway, if anyone has any opinions on this id really appreciate it.

lots of love to you all

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yes thats kind of what my interpretation was, i was just interested in ther opinions so thank you for your reply, i appreciate it. hey and thankyou for your friend request, i will definately accept with love


Simone said:
My interpretation...
When things seem to come crashing down all around you, everything will be okay, everything will be taken care of! No need to run and hide, trust, God loves you!

The ocean one I've had before too, probably another symbolism of feeling trapped or closed in on all sides and going through a lot of turmoil.

Interesting dream, thanks for sharing Andromeda!
Hi Andromeda!
water always represents emotions, the more water and the more you feel like you were drowning the more powerful the emotions.
The man represents that force which is telling you its going to be ok, just like Simone described. Trust that all is going to be taken care of and you will always find the strength to overcome situations that are difficult.
May the Universe shower you with Love and Light on this day Andromeda....
You and the parts of you the children represent (new ideas, new you) have to move house - this means you are completely changing your mind (not like changing your mind about one thing, but changing EVERYthing about your mind). Your new house (or your new mind) is in a shabby state, and water (which represents "experience") is dripping in. This shows that you may be paying less attention to the state of your mind and that your life experiences are becoming the focus for you right now. The repair man, who in this dream represents your higher self, quotes you 10,000. This number highlights the power of individuality. (So he's telling you that your individuality is what will fix this situation.). The man you loved in your dream is a part of you that you keep hurting when you try to get close to him. Men will represent strong parts of you, maybe ambition, maybe even aggression...he will represent your powerful willful side. What does this mean? Maybe that you are keeping this part of yourself down, and not letting him be the part of you he's meant to be in your life.

Your ceiling crashes in, this is the "experience" taking over your mind in full force. Also, the ceiling represents the barrier between you and your superconscious (your higher self, the all knowing part of you). This inrushing of "experience" has opened up your house (your mind) to your higher self. The other builder, another representative of your higher self, says, in effect, don't worry be happy, it'll all be taken care of and you'll be alright.

On the beach (a place where water, or "experience" meets land, or your subconscious), you're hiding from the part of yourself that you love but can't get close to. Then you are submersed in the water (life experiences), and it is very turbulent. The mountains won't let you out. The mountains represent challenges in your life right now. You feel your life's experiences are drowning you.

What I can suggest for you is more meditation. I know, it sounds cliche, but in fact if you can sit there for even 10 minutes a day, relax your body and try to keep your mind empty for just 10 minutes, it will do wonders in helping you stay relaxed throughout your day, even when times are hard. I know its not easy to keep your mind empty that long, just whenever you notice thoughts wandering in, push them out during that 10 min. and keep doing so. It helps to stare at something on the wall, or focus on your breathing, that gives your mind something to focus on.
very nice job onterpreting these various symbols; i will use your information, as well


honeybee said:
You and the parts of you the children represent (new ideas, new you) have to move house - this means you are completely changing your mind (not like changing your mind about one thing, but changing EVERYthing about your mind). Your new house (or your new mind) is in a shabby state, and water (which represents "experience") is dripping in. This shows that you may be paying less attention to the state of your mind and that your life experiences are becoming the focus for you right now. The repair man, who in this dream represents your higher self, quotes you 10,000. This number highlights the power of individuality. (So he's telling you that your individuality is what will fix this situation.). The man you loved in your dream is a part of you that you keep hurting when you try to get close to him. Men will represent strong parts of you, maybe ambition, maybe even aggression...he will represent your powerful willful side. What does this mean? Maybe that you are keeping this part of yourself down, and not letting him be the part of you he's meant to be in your life.

Your ceiling crashes in, this is the "experience" taking over your mind in full force. Also, the ceiling represents the barrier between you and your superconscious (your higher self, the all knowing part of you). This inrushing of "experience" has opened up your house (your mind) to your higher self. The other builder, another representative of your higher self, says, in effect, don't worry be happy, it'll all be taken care of and you'll be alright.

On the beach (a place where water, or "experience" meets land, or your subconscious), you're hiding from the part of yourself that you love but can't get close to. Then you are submersed in the water (life experiences), and it is very turbulent. The mountains won't let you out. The mountains represent challenges in your life right now. You feel your life's experiences are drowning you.

What I can suggest for you is more meditation. I know, it sounds cliche, but in fact if you can sit there for even 10 minutes a day, relax your body and try to keep your mind empty for just 10 minutes, it will do wonders in helping you stay relaxed throughout your day, even when times are hard. I know its not easy to keep your mind empty that long, just whenever you notice thoughts wandering in, push them out during that 10 min. and keep doing so. It helps to stare at something on the wall, or focus on your breathing, that gives your mind something to focus on.
I've read online that "house" is often symbolic of your soul... So lets look at this from that perspective "Inside your house"

Oh I love dreams like this where you have comfort and you recognise the loving connection too~~

I think you want to trust this person you recognise he is good because of the way he makes you feel... and he appears to show up , when the storms come, and it feels like everything is crashing down on you.....or that you are drowing

trust how this dream made you feel!! trust the connection :-))

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