Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hello My Dear Friends. I know today you thought you would be visited by extra terrestrial ships as promised, but the day is almost done in many parts of the world and nothing has happened. This was to be expected as we have not felt any change in the flow. It is hard to get promised something and to put so much energy and then it to receive nothing back. I do not know what these people are in contact with but I do know it is not extra terrestrial. Maybe they are trickster spirits as they have been doing this kind of thing for ages. These are human souls that are on a journey but they try to mislead us and play jokes on us. They feed of the energy we direct towards them and like drugs they make you feel good but they are leeching away vital things. I know that they will come back with a message saying how you have done some great good and they did not mean to disappoint as they want you to keep expending your energies to them. Do not go back to them. If you spend even half of the energy you have on their lie on the true path then you have done more than they can ever promise. Use this day my dear friends to see their misleading you for what it is and to stop giving them energy. Much love and respect to you all.

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Yo should investigate the law of creation: what you put out is what you get back.

You will see then more clearly. Best wishes
SoSoe Clinton is perfectly right. Believe me.

You spoke on Anti-semitism. Can you imagine that Hitler was a sort of "saviour" of our race?

Can grasp how large a shift in attitude he made in the lobal system. Believe me Hitler was sent here to make a quite extarordinary (from our perspective) KICK for the mankind, but belive me ore yourself, that he made this KICK towards evolution. Earth moved a larger step to Ascension, and we on't be here without Hitler and Nazis. They were part of a greater plan in order to esatblish an alliance among countries by defeating the Nazis. New political systems came. Etc. Development. From the highest point of view there is no evil. Nothing like that. There is a plan and the order of them, beside it we have free will as well but they coexist and moves us into higher awareness.

SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs?

Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation and other similar things, as we were limited and manipulated by a secret government on Earth. I suppose you not, but if someone here in SOE want to demonstrate it to you then let it be, though I will not do it now because it was discussed in many places and you find many sources on it. Try asking anyone, especially those in SoE who have greater abilities like chaneling or astral etc. Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad. Only the illusion of it. Read some more on polarity and connected things. I will not debate on it because it was hundred times.

SOSoe said:
The belief that Hitler was a "saviour" who made a "KICK for the mankind...towards evolution" is not one that I will respect.

You stated that "Clinton is perfect right." Clinton stated that it "is for us to respect all believes." As you mentioned, allied forces defeated the Nazis. Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Fascism? Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Antisemitism? I don't know what was in the minds of the men on the front lines, the men who liberated the Jews from death camps. But I imagine respect for the antisemitism and fascism were not in most of those men's minds. Had there been respect and acceptance, there would not have been war.

Again I firmly state that I do not respect the antisemitic beliefs of the Third Reich which were responsible for the slaying of approximately 6 million human beings.

Niceworld said:
SoSoe Clinton is perfectly right. Believe me.

You spoke on Anti-semitism. Can you imagine that Hitler was a sort of "saviour" of our race?

Can grasp how large a shift in attitude he made in the lobal system. Believe me Hitler was sent here to make a quite extarordinary (from our perspective) KICK for the mankind, but belive me ore yourself, that he made this KICK towards evolution. Earth moved a larger step to Ascension, and we on't be here without Hitler and Nazis. They were part of a greater plan in order to esatblish an alliance among countries by defeating the Nazis. New political systems came. Etc. Development. From the highest point of view there is no evil. Nothing like that. There is a plan and the order of them, beside it we have free will as well but they coexist and moves us into higher awareness.

SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs?

Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
dear kerrie I find that hitler highly offensive. my grandfather died in a concentration camp he fell from the guard's tower while shooting at the fleeing jews. I blame that man for organizing such madness and resulting in innocent deaths of the great aryane race. LOL JK!

love & light to you and I pray you find someone better than hitler to attach to love and oneness to

Kerrie said:

By resisting you cause them to persist, release judgment they are souls too, they are just more seperated from source we have all choosen a path for souls experience this is I understand a hard one to take on board but one that works for me and so many others and one that is healing our planet it would seem. Be the nature of your Divinity feel it, it is who you are "A God who can be pleased or displeased isn't a God of grace as the esence of grace is unconditional love' Imagine if we all sent light too those lost souls instead of judging them we would eliminate karma, create a world worthy of us we CAN choose this! the universe will serve it is up to US as a collective to GET IT! SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs?

Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
um who said anything abouy ships? it was just a visualization my dear sister
Maybe it is hard to believe for you, but all the jews before incarnating here decided to die, it is a plan for everyone, there is a fate for everyone how and when to die. The point is that you make this decision before incarnating into the physical world, and please don't treat with Religions here in SoE, because this site is not about religions. It is good if you cite definitions from them, but I will not argue about religions, because it is for another site. Religions are for those who are not fully aware of themselves. They not so developped in their consiousness, the are not worse the we are, simply we or most of us here have walked this path and learned from these faults or lessons. We respect theit evolution but stop there. They do their best in their religion until the awaken. Once again they are not less, everyone is equal, but they are still on the path to the light, which may take billions of years or just one second. It's up to them.

I recommend you the Conversation with God book, you find it in the forum posts, I guarrantee that you will get answer for everything.

Another great spice, which is good, listen to Magenta Pixie's videos on youtube on reincarnation you will get a more realistic and clear picture on it.

I would continue arguing with you but only after reading these suff, because I guarrantee you wont have such fundamental questions. They reveal many secret. But as you want.

SOSoe said:
"Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation..."

Yes, actually I'm quite familiar with the belief of reincarnation -- in the ancient eastern religious context, the Native American context, the New Age context, and the Scientology context. I'll speak to the ancient eastern religious context, since reincarnation is a central tenet of Hinduism, the oldest of modern religions, and many of the New Age beliefs borrow from the ancient eastern religions.

Samsara (reincarnation) and karma (actions) are fundamental to many of the eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma is what keeps the wheel of Samsara going, and the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions determines the nature of one's next life. Likewise, the conditions of one's current life could indicate the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions in a past life. In these religions, reincarnating is not a goal. The goal is to escape the wheel of rebirth. Additionally, "good" and "bad" must exist for reincarnation to exist. Were it not for good and bad, the wheel of life would have no fuel.

I could easily spin off into a discussion of the Hindu caste system and its basis in a belief in reincarnation, but I won't. I will only say that caste-based discrimination merits my examining whether or not I find the belief in reincarnation worthy of my respect, so I will have to think on that more.

"Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad."

Not everyone can affirm it. In fact, I believe "good" and "bad" and are quite vital to our human experience. It is my opinion that someone who says there is no "good" and "bad" does not have a conscience. And someone without a conscience may fit the definition of a psychopath, but I'm no psychiatrist so I'll leave that up to a psychiatrist to decide.

Additionally, as previously mentioned, "wrong" or "bad" are fundamental to the Samsara. Now, you can take reincarnation from the buffet of beliefs and leave behind karma, but I would ask you to explain the purpose of reincarnation without the valuation of actions. What's the point?

Finally, the original comment that you were defending was that all beliefs should be respected. Jews neither believe in reincarnation nor believe that "bad" is an illusion. So how about you show the Jews some respect by NOT defending the genocide with such beliefs as reincarnation and wrong/bad is an illusion?!?


Niceworld said:
Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation and other similar things, as we were limited and manipulated by a secret government on Earth. I suppose you not, but if someone here in SOE want to demonstrate it to you then let it be, though I will not do it now because it was discussed in many places and you find many sources on it. Try asking anyone, especially those in SoE who have greater abilities like chaneling or astral etc. Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad. Only the illusion of it. Read some more on polarity and connected things. I will not debate on it because it was hundred times.

SOSoe said:
The belief that Hitler was a "saviour" who made a "KICK for the mankind...towards evolution" is not one that I will respect.

You stated that "Clinton is perfect right." Clinton stated that it "is for us to respect all believes." As you mentioned, allied forces defeated the Nazis. Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Fascism? Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Antisemitism? I don't know what was in the minds of the men on the front lines, the men who liberated the Jews from death camps. But I imagine respect for the antisemitism and fascism were not in most of those men's minds. Had there been respect and acceptance, there would not have been war. Again I firmly state that I do not respect the antisemitic beliefs of the Third Reich which were responsible for the slaying of approximately 6 million human beings.

Niceworld said:
SoSoe Clinton is perfectly right. Believe me.

You spoke on Anti-semitism. Can you imagine that Hitler was a sort of "saviour" of our race?
Can grasp how large a shift in attitude he made in the lobal system. Believe me Hitler was sent here to make a quite extarordinary (from our perspective) KICK for the mankind, but belive me ore yourself, that he made this KICK towards evolution. Earth moved a larger step to Ascension, and we on't be here without Hitler and Nazis. They were part of a greater plan in order to esatblish an alliance among countries by defeating the Nazis. New political systems came. Etc. Development. From the highest point of view there is no evil. Nothing like that. There is a plan and the order of them, beside it we have free will as well but they coexist and moves us into higher awareness.
SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs? Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
Hello Dear Friend. You as you people, the members of this site who posted about this event. You can say that it was just a visualization exercise but from reading the information from the one calling herself Blossom Goodchild, it seems very clear not only to me but those of my people I showed the words to that the hope was an extra terrestrial craft would show. Do you not think this is why so many people are disappointed because nothing happened on that friday? let the true path shine and do not be mislead by false meditations. If you spent the same energy to meditate on your evolution and on the aid of others you we will have accomplished more and move towards the path the universe wishes of us. Much love to you.

Tony said:
>> I know today you thought you would be visited by extra terrestrial ships >>

Who is "you"? who thought they would be visited by extra terrestrial ships?, agree with Besimi on this one. It was a vizualization meditation. I know of no one who thought they would be visited?
Hello Dear Friend. I will reply to you and the other person who posted about Hitler. First of all let me say that many of my people died and were experimented upon by those doctors of the Nazis. This was not all about religion. They wanted our gifts from the universe and many of my people paid a dear price for having it. let me be clear in saying that you are wrong when saying that the world needed Hitler. The world is not better but worse for such a man. If you cannot see that, then you have been led away from the true path. The universe gives us the gift of life and that man Hitler abused it and led many people astray. Humanity is still recovering from such wrongdoings. Someone that is not following the true path is not one with us or with the universe. For you to say that the jews decided to die is horrific. They did not choose to die and my people did not choose to be experimented on. While my people are not religious in the sense you are using, religion has helped many humans evolve and to say that they do not understand as you do has let it been shown that you do not follow the true path the universe wants of you. You have this one life to live and will never be incarnated. Parts of you might move on and combine with other parts, parts of trees, parts of other people, parts of stars, and so on but you will never be you ever again. That is why the universe has granted you such amazing opportunity as life here Before you say such hurtful things as you have, maybe you need to meditate before clicking on the add reply button. Much love to you.

Niceworld said:
Maybe it is hard to believe for you, but all the jews before incarnating here decided to die, it is a plan for everyone, there is a fate for everyone how and when to die. The point is that you make this decision before incarnating into the physical world, and please don't treat with Religions here in SoE, because this site is not about religions. It is good if you cite definitions from them, but I will not argue about religions, because it is for another site. Religions are for those who are not fully aware of themselves. They not so developped in their consiousness, the are not worse the we are, simply we or most of us here have walked this path and learned from these faults or lessons. We respect theit evolution but stop there. They do their best in their religion until the awaken. Once again they are not less, everyone is equal, but they are still on the path to the light, which may take billions of years or just one second. It's up to them.

I recommend you the Conversation with God book, you find it in the forum posts, I guarrantee that you will get answer for everything.

Another great spice, which is good, listen to Magenta Pixie's videos on youtube on reincarnation you will get a more realistic and clear picture on it.

I would continue arguing with you but only after reading these suff, because I guarrantee you wont have such fundamental questions. They reveal many secret. But as you want.

SOSoe said:
"Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation..."

Yes, actually I'm quite familiar with the belief of reincarnation -- in the ancient eastern religious context, the Native American context, the New Age context, and the Scientology context. I'll speak to the ancient eastern religious context, since reincarnation is a central tenet of Hinduism, the oldest of modern religions, and many of the New Age beliefs borrow from the ancient eastern religions.

Samsara (reincarnation) and karma (actions) are fundamental to many of the eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma is what keeps the wheel of Samsara going, and the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions determines the nature of one's next life. Likewise, the conditions of one's current life could indicate the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions in a past life. In these religions, reincarnating is not a goal. The goal is to escape the wheel of rebirth. Additionally, "good" and "bad" must exist for reincarnation to exist. Were it not for good and bad, the wheel of life would have no fuel.

I could easily spin off into a discussion of the Hindu caste system and its basis in a belief in reincarnation, but I won't. I will only say that caste-based discrimination merits my examining whether or not I find the belief in reincarnation worthy of my respect, so I will have to think on that more.

"Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad."

Not everyone can affirm it. In fact, I believe "good" and "bad" and are quite vital to our human experience. It is my opinion that someone who says there is no "good" and "bad" does not have a conscience. And someone without a conscience may fit the definition of a psychopath, but I'm no psychiatrist so I'll leave that up to a psychiatrist to decide.

Additionally, as previously mentioned, "wrong" or "bad" are fundamental to the Samsara. Now, you can take reincarnation from the buffet of beliefs and leave behind karma, but I would ask you to explain the purpose of reincarnation without the valuation of actions. What's the point?

Finally, the original comment that you were defending was that all beliefs should be respected. Jews neither believe in reincarnation nor believe that "bad" is an illusion. So how about you show the Jews some respect by NOT defending the genocide with such beliefs as reincarnation and wrong/bad is an illusion?!?


Niceworld said:
Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation and other similar things, as we were limited and manipulated by a secret government on Earth. I suppose you not, but if someone here in SOE want to demonstrate it to you then let it be, though I will not do it now because it was discussed in many places and you find many sources on it. Try asking anyone, especially those in SoE who have greater abilities like chaneling or astral etc. Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad. Only the illusion of it. Read some more on polarity and connected things. I will not debate on it because it was hundred times.

SOSoe said:
The belief that Hitler was a "saviour" who made a "KICK for the mankind...towards evolution" is not one that I will respect.

You stated that "Clinton is perfect right." Clinton stated that it "is for us to respect all believes." As you mentioned, allied forces defeated the Nazis. Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Fascism? Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Antisemitism? I don't know what was in the minds of the men on the front lines, the men who liberated the Jews from death camps. But I imagine respect for the antisemitism and fascism were not in most of those men's minds. Had there been respect and acceptance, there would not have been war. Again I firmly state that I do not respect the antisemitic beliefs of the Third Reich which were responsible for the slaying of approximately 6 million human beings.

Niceworld said:
SoSoe Clinton is perfectly right. Believe me.

You spoke on Anti-semitism. Can you imagine that Hitler was a sort of "saviour" of our race?
Can grasp how large a shift in attitude he made in the lobal system. Believe me Hitler was sent here to make a quite extarordinary (from our perspective) KICK for the mankind, but belive me ore yourself, that he made this KICK towards evolution. Earth moved a larger step to Ascension, and we on't be here without Hitler and Nazis. They were part of a greater plan in order to esatblish an alliance among countries by defeating the Nazis. New political systems came. Etc. Development. From the highest point of view there is no evil. Nothing like that. There is a plan and the order of them, beside it we have free will as well but they coexist and moves us into higher awareness.
SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs? Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
Hello Dear Friend. I am glad you see how hard it is for people to understand now. It is because the way the words are written that people cannot understand. Much love to you.

Tony said:
obviously people read but not all understand

LilBunnyFufu said:
Hello Dear Friend. You as you people, the members of this site who posted about this event. You can say that it was just a visualization exercise but from reading the information from the one calling herself Blossom Goodchild, it seems very clear not only to me but those of my people I showed the words to that the hope was an extra terrestrial craft would show. Do you not think this is why so many people are disappointed because nothing happened on that friday? let the true path shine and do not be mislead by false meditations. If you spent the same energy to meditate on your evolution and on the aid of others you we will have accomplished more and move towards the path the universe wishes of us. Much love to you.

Tony said:
>> I know today you thought you would be visited by extra terrestrial ships >>

Who is "you"? who thought they would be visited by extra terrestrial ships?, agree with Besimi on this one. It was a vizualization meditation. I know of no one who thought they would be visited?
Hello dear friend and while there is no such thing as reincarnation. You have said some good things about respect. Much love to you.

SOSoe said:
"Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation..."

Yes, actually I'm quite familiar with the belief of reincarnation -- in the ancient eastern religious context, the Native American context, the New Age context, and the Scientology context. I'll speak to the ancient eastern religious context, since reincarnation is a central tenet of Hinduism, the oldest of modern religions, and many of the New Age beliefs borrow from the ancient eastern religions.

Samsara (reincarnation) and karma (actions) are fundamental to many of the eastern religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Karma is what keeps the wheel of Samsara going, and the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions determines the nature of one's next life. Likewise, the conditions of one's current life could indicate the "goodness" or "evilness" of one's actions in a past life. In these religions, reincarnating is not a goal. The goal is to escape the wheel of rebirth. Additionally, "good" and "bad" must exist for reincarnation to exist. Were it not for good and bad, the wheel of life would have no fuel.

I could easily spin off into a discussion of the Hindu caste system and its basis in a belief in reincarnation, but I won't. I will only say that caste-based discrimination merits my examining whether or not I find the belief in reincarnation worthy of my respect, so I will have to think on that more.

"Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad."

Not everyone can affirm it. In fact, I believe "good" and "bad" and are quite vital to our human experience. It is my opinion that someone who says there is no "good" and "bad" does not have a conscience. And someone without a conscience may fit the definition of a psychopath, but I'm no psychiatrist so I'll leave that up to a psychiatrist to decide.

Additionally, as previously mentioned, "wrong" or "bad" are fundamental to the Samsara. Now, you can take reincarnation from the buffet of beliefs and leave behind karma, but I would ask you to explain the purpose of reincarnation without the valuation of actions. What's the point?

Finally, the original comment that you were defending was that all beliefs should be respected. Jews neither believe in reincarnation nor believe that "bad" is an illusion. So how about you show the Jews some respect by NOT defending the genocide with such beliefs as reincarnation and wrong/bad is an illusion?!?


Niceworld said:
Then you probably haven't heard about reincarnation and other similar things, as we were limited and manipulated by a secret government on Earth. I suppose you not, but if someone here in SOE want to demonstrate it to you then let it be, though I will not do it now because it was discussed in many places and you find many sources on it. Try asking anyone, especially those in SoE who have greater abilities like chaneling or astral etc. Everyone can affirm that there is no such a thing as wrong or bad. Only the illusion of it. Read some more on polarity and connected things. I will not debate on it because it was hundred times.

SOSoe said:
The belief that Hitler was a "saviour" who made a "KICK for the mankind...towards evolution" is not one that I will respect.

You stated that "Clinton is perfect right." Clinton stated that it "is for us to respect all believes." As you mentioned, allied forces defeated the Nazis. Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Fascism? Do you think they did so by respecting the beliefs of Antisemitism? I don't know what was in the minds of the men on the front lines, the men who liberated the Jews from death camps. But I imagine respect for the antisemitism and fascism were not in most of those men's minds. Had there been respect and acceptance, there would not have been war. Again I firmly state that I do not respect the antisemitic beliefs of the Third Reich which were responsible for the slaying of approximately 6 million human beings.

Niceworld said:
SoSoe Clinton is perfectly right. Believe me.

You spoke on Anti-semitism. Can you imagine that Hitler was a sort of "saviour" of our race?
Can grasp how large a shift in attitude he made in the lobal system. Believe me Hitler was sent here to make a quite extarordinary (from our perspective) KICK for the mankind, but belive me ore yourself, that he made this KICK towards evolution. Earth moved a larger step to Ascension, and we on't be here without Hitler and Nazis. They were part of a greater plan in order to esatblish an alliance among countries by defeating the Nazis. New political systems came. Etc. Development. From the highest point of view there is no evil. Nothing like that. There is a plan and the order of them, beside it we have free will as well but they coexist and moves us into higher awareness.
SOSoe said:
I must say, Clinton, that I disagree with you wholeheartedly. I don't say this to be disagreeable. Beliefs are not to be blindly respected. Suggesting that anyone should respect another person's beliefs because "going against that grain" is "hurtfull for others" can be potentially harmful!

Consider beliefs that actually HARM others. Consider beliefs that HARM one's self. Should we respect such beliefs? Should we have respected the anti-Semitic beliefs of the Nazis? Should we have respected the slave-owners' beliefs that slaves were not equal to non-slaves? Should we respect the anti-LGBT beliefs of most Christian denominations?

Finally, isn't Nightfable's response to LilBunnyFufu disrespectful of LilBunnyFufu's beliefs? Clinton Doherty said:
The thing is lilbunny is that it is for us to respect all believes. If you go against that grain then you gonna attract this kinda energy in return. Believe me I have been there and you cannot do it. It is hurtfull for others who believe strongly in there hearts about something. Respect is the key... not to force.....
I would like to quote something out of the book "Destiny of Souls" by Michael Newton.

I have both of his ebooks if anyone wants to read them, they are eye-opening.

I know past life regressionists who have had numerous cases of heroic
souls who volunteered to participate in the holocaust in Nazi Germany.
I certainly have. Perhaps this is because so many of these souls from the
death camps are now living new lives in America. There are options for
all kinds of disasters. For the bad ones, sometimes souls are prepared
for what lies ahead for them by attending pre-life rehearsals, as
illustrated by this statement from a client:

I remember passing by a large group of souls in a preparation
class who were gathered in an amphitheater structure.
They were all listening to a speaker tell them about the
value of life even though they were only going to Earth for a
short time. They had all volunteered to be in some sort of
disaster where they would be killed together. They were
told to get mentally prepared and to make the most out of
the time they had and that if they wished their next lives
could be much longer.

Case 64

This is a case of euthanasia involving a subject named Sandy. She provided
me with another example of an instance where a death scene was
shown to the principals of a future life. As is so often true with souls
who must witness their death in advance of a life, volunteering is part
of the contract. During my intake interview, I learned that Sandy was
closely bonded to her brother, Keith, and that they were members of a
large family. As his older sister, she had taken care of him like a
mother while they were growing up. Keith was hot-headed and in his
teenage years he lived on the ragged edge, driving fast cars and getting
into numerous scrapes with the law. Sandy told me Keith lived as
though he had a death wish. She added that Keith had hurt some
people along the way with a capricious life style, but he had a good
heart and his zest for living each day to its fullest was contagious.
Sandy always had a premonition her brother would die young. Keith
was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at age
twenty-seven and died two years later. ALS is a degenerative disease of
motor movements that progresses into muscle atrophy within a couple
of years. Toward the end, many patients must be on a respirator to
breathe and they receive large doses of morphine to combat agonizing

When Sandy reached her spirit group during our session, we discovered
brother and sister were companion souls. Keith was the fun-loving
prankster in their group and over many previous centuries he had
been rather careless of others' feelings. In consultations with his guide
and members of the group, Keith recognized it was essential that he
learn humility in order to advance. Being a soul of temerity, Keith
asked for a life where he would be given a potent challenge toward
acquiring humility rather than have this lesson strung out over many
lives. He was warned that accelerated lives can be very rough. Keith
said he was ready. It was a bitter pill in the Ring to discover he would
have to volunteer for an athletic body which would be immobilized by
ALS. Sandy said that there was a point in the life selection room
where her brother almost backed out. I will pick up her narrative at
this place in our session. Dr. N: Please tell me as much as you can
about Keith's reaction to the body he was offered.

S: (solemnly) He was shown the worst—his body before and after the
illness struck. How his independence would be taken away to make
him dependent upon us. They kept nothing from him. Keith saw in
the beginning of the disease there would be much self-pity and
remorse, then terrible anger, but if he fought he would learn.

Dr. N: (switching back and forth from current time to the spirit world
with Sandy) And did he learn?

S: Oh, yes. Near the end Keith grew calm, accepting and appreciative of
what we did for him.

Dr. N: Do you have anything you would like to explain about how Keith
prepared for this life with you?

S: (after a long pause my client's face takes on a look of acquiescence) I
will tell you. It will be good to talk about this... I have told no one
before, (begins to cry and I work on keeping her in focus)

Dr. N: We don't have to do this if it is too painful.

S: No, I want to. (takes a deep breath) As we prepared to come forward
into this life, I was to be the oldest child in our family so I came first.
We had a long discussion just before my time. Keith said he was
prepared to suffer but when he reached the point where he was totally
incapacitated—when he couldn't take any more—I was to shut off his
life support system and free him.

Dr. N: You were going to do this in a hospital?

S: We planned for that in the spirit world but then, thank God, he was
sent home during his last seven weeks and that made our plan easier.

Dr. N: Is this about pain? Certainly Keith must have had pain

S: Morphine can only do so much. The last seven weeks were terrible
even with the respirator and pain killers. His lungs were so affected he
could not move or talk near the end.

Dr. N: 1 understand. Tell me about the plan you and Keith devised in
the spirit world before your lives began.

S: (sighs) We began our drill by creating a bed and the life support
system Keith saw in the screening room. He had every detail in his
mind. Then we practiced because I thought I would be dodging
doctors and nurses. 1 worked with the machine and studied the
advance warning signs of his illness. In the drill, we went over the
signals Keith would give me which would show he was ready to be
released from his suffering. Finally, he asked for my promise to stay
strong and let nothing deter me in the final moments. 1 gave him
this promise willingly.

After Sandy regained full consciousness we discussed her role in the
death of her brother. She said when there was a particular smell, or
"death odor," from Keith's throat area, she knew it was time to get
ready. I should add that this body sign did not necessarily mean Keith
was going to die right away. Almost without thinking, Sandy spoke in
her brother's ear, "Keith, are you ready to go?" Then came the
prearranged signal. At this moment Keith squeezed his eyes open and
shut three times for the "yes" response. Calmly, she detached Keith's
life support system. The doctor came to the house later, found the life
support system reattached, and pronounced Keith dead.
For the rest of the day, she felt no guilt. That night, lying in bed, a
doubt crept into Sandy's mind about her automatic reactions, and she
questioned herself. After tossing and turning she finally fell into a fitful
sleep. Soon Keith came to her in a dream. Smiling with gratitude, he
conveyed to Sandy that she had done everything perfectly and that he
loved her. A few weeks later Sandy was meditating and had a vision of
her brother sitting on a bench talking with "two monks dressed in
robes." Keith turned, laughed at her, and said, "Hang in there, Sis!"
To a devout religionist, this man's life did not belong to himself, but to
God. While it is true that we are given our bodies by an act of divine
creation, everyone's life belongs ultimately to them. The right to die is a
hotly debated topic in legal circles today, especially as it pertains to doctor-
assisted suicide with the terminally ill. It has been said that if death
is the final act of life's drama, and we want that last act to reflect our
own convictions during life, we should have that right regardless of the religious
or moral convictions of a majority. The opposing view is that if
life is a gift, of which we are the custodians, we have certain moral
duties despite our own feelings. Knowing what I do about how our souls
choose life, with the free will to make changes during that life, I believe
we clearly have the right to choose death when no quality of life
remains and there is no possibility of recovery. It is not intended that a
degradation of our humanity be prolonged. The next case provides a
more conventional representation of free will in terms of a full life.
Hello Dear Friend. While my people do not believe in soul rebirth or reincarnation I would say that it would be better for a person of Jewish belief to say if they decided to die or were reborn into other souls. At least give those people their own respect. Much love to you.

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