Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

hay all. Im seeing energy flows, like those i first started seeing/feeling when i started listening to the solfeggios some time back. Now, when i go to bed, after relaxing for about 10mins, they start. this has been the way for a couple of months now.
Im wondering if anyone else is experiancing this, and what it means. i guess its good :)


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Is this what U R seeing?.....

Mine started in August.Peace.88
erm, kinda. i usually see swirls of green and purple amongst the black of my closed eyes.
as to wether it's good.It can only be a vibrational match to how U R "FEELING",& if the feelings are Good,then so is It.
I see more violet clouds. But ive allays seen them. Whenever i shut my eyes they are there. My mum see yellow dots. To me i think its just neural activity bu i could be wrong.
hey Bishop,but you refer energy that you see with your eyes in sky or in any place?
its energy i see with my eyes closed when i relax. its often very vivid :)

Golden_K said:
hey Bishop,but you refer energy that you see with your eyes in sky or in any place?
Cool ! i too had seen this energy too when i meditate, but i don`t reccomend you that you see it. There could be a time when you see a intense enormous energy and I think can harm you. What i suggest is that focuse in feel energy not see it.

Bishop said:
its energy i see with my eyes closed when i relax. its often very vivid :)

Golden_K said:
hey Bishop,but you refer energy that you see with your eyes in sky or in any place?
haha cool, Do you see the intensity increase with the use of the Solfeggio frequencies?
well for me, it started when listening to the solfeggios, but has since started without listening to them. i think it is the same as seen during meditation, which i don't do much, but seen now as i relax to sleep. The flows are intensified if i really focus on them, and more so if i listen to the frequencies again.

I do wonder what they mean. Is this what Brad and Clinton see when 'reading energies'?

Bloodshotbuddah said:
I have always been able to see that, I dont think its anything special....unless it is and no one told me
There is a change, a Shift under way that is affecting every aspect of our third dimensional reality. This Shift is so far-reaching that our limited imagination cannot begin to grasp the transition and change we are now in the midst of experiencing. This Shift is affecting every aspect of life on the planet; political, social and economic structures, the environment, every institution, the wars, how we view our relationships, our work, every thought we think and every feeling we feel. It is altering Time, our memory, our DNA, the wiring of our physical and emotional bodies, our beliefs, our perceptions of good and bad, right and wrong and especially our awareness of what is possible.
The Shift is composed of huge waves of Light which hold massive amounts of information and instructions. These waves are re-wiring our DNA, upgrading the body’s physical, emotional and mental systems. These waves of Light are activating the fourth and fifth dimensional chakras, aligning us with a higher awareness. This Shift is providing new understandings of how to once again live in harmony with each other, the environment and All That Is. However, between this new “Heaven on Earth” and where we currently exist, there is transition.

Azlinn ;)

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