Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

March 1st .

Good morning to you up there! I am wondering if you are about for a chat and if so what words of wisdom you would care to offer?

Yes dear lady we are able to be with you this day. We thank you for your continual support regarding our mission to assist earth and those that reside therein.

Welcome. I reckon most in my position would do the same.

You would be surprised. Responsibilities are not always easy to adhere to, and yet what was agreed before your earthly life resumed once again, has been carried out by you and indeed many others as the uplifting of the TRUTH settles into its rightful place. Yet it is not over.

Nope… can’t hear the fat lady singing! …

? ?

Pray continue …

May we ask you a question?

Of course…

Considering all that has taken place upon your planet in the days of old, do you suggest that we appear in your near future, or would you propose that we wait for a few more of your years?

My immediate reaction was … let me go and get my flags and landing lights …., but if I am to be Truthful, I really don’t know. Of course there are many of us, many many of us, who are ready to welcome you, and yet, is it that there are still many who would be of great fear? But then, wouldn’t that always be the case? And … I mean … what on earth are you asking me for? Surely you have collected data that lets you know how we would react as a whole?

This is our dilemma dear lady. For we are unable to determine the reaction of such an appearance. We have painstakingly revised all information for it is without a hitch that we wish this undertaking to go ahead, and yet we are unable to account for how your world as a whole will react.

With all respect … unless you try you will never know. My thoughts( although I am not a political person AT ALL,) are that maybe now … if you dropped by for a cuppa … there wouldn’t be the threat to human life from those darker energies down here. Maybe it is safer now, what with the new president etc. I really don’t know. I sort of feel that when you show, you show, whether it be now or in four years time. Some will freak out … others will find heavenly bliss. And if your GOLDEN RAYS of energy that you bring with you shower upon us, wouldn’t that help calm those who have been indoctrinated with ideas that are not of TRUTH about you?

We are hoping this is the case. Yet, this is our one confusion. We cannot detect how the reaction on mass maybe, and we are apprehensive because of this. We would say that there have been great councils that continue to discuss these matters for our only desire is to show a better way for you … to show you the pathway to a Higher plane that allows your souls to be who they Truly are. We feel that the time is upon us where it is ‘NOW or NEVER”.

Why … or never?

Dear lady …

Whoa.. suddenly filled with tears … what are you about to say?

Those of you who are aware of our mission consider facts and figures and assume that once we arrive, then all will be well. It seems you of earth feel from what we can gather that our appearance will show the TRUTH for all to see and everyone will know once and for all of life’s existence elsewhere and you will all live happily ever after. From our studies this will not be so. For there will be great upheaval upon many levels when we allow the veil to be lifted. In a sense your world as you now know it will never again be the same. This we know as a certainty.

So why the NOW or NEVER.

Because of the world that is predicted of your 2012. This has been an exposed time when the transition would take you through to the NEW WORLD. For those who have chosen it. In order for this transition to be accomplished it is a necessary part of the plan that The Federation Of Light present themselves to those on earth. The New world is not one of separation. It is one of unity. Therefore it is essential that we become ONE and this cannot take place if many on your planet refuse to accept our existence. Do you see? Time as you know it, in a sense, is running out, if all is to go according to what is written. By presenting our ships in your skies there can be no doubt. Yet this is merely STAGE ONE of the great master plan. That would be our introduction to you … to ease you in to that acceptance. It then would be that stage two would come about … which would be the communication and interaction between souls of earth and souls of our ship. We mean this in a general sense as opposed to an elite few. Our intentions are for ALL of the human race to be given the same opportunities. We do not feel it correct to be ‘choosy’. For indeed we are all equal. This interaction would need to take place after an interim period of time after our initial unveiling. Step by step we desire to lead you forward on the path of your enlightenment.

Hence our predicament. Hence our statement. NOW OR NEVER. If this does not take place soon, if we continue to be hesitant, it may be that we ‘miss the boat’ so to speak. We are coming to conclusions that we must act NOW and deal with all consequences as they arise. For we too wonder if this in fact would be the scenario whenever we take the initiative to say our ‘BIG HELLO’.

I have to agree. Indeed it feels like the hugest thing that could ever occur on this little planet … better get my best china out and I’d make a cake if I could cook! I have to say though …. as you have already said …It certainly would change things for ever … are we ready for that change?… many are so afraid of change … and yet, if we can ALL accept as a race … as ONE , that this change is definitely for the betterment of our kind , I feel sure we would adapt far more readily than you may think. And as I am SURE you are aware, this little planet of ours is in great need of redemption (not sure if that is the appropriate word!) I KNOW in my soul that each and every one of us are made of far greater stuff than that which we are portraying at this time. Therefore I say …BRING IT ON … lets change ourselves and allow ourselves the opportunity to display the human race in the way we were originally designed. For am I right in thinking it is only because of free will that we stuffed it up in the first place?. Let’s make amends … time to get right back on track … and I feel very strongly as I write this, in answer to your question … YES WE ARE READY. WE ARE READY FOR THE CHANGE THAT WE LONG FOR ….. SO, COME ON DOWN!

We are able to pick up on your energy and it excites us. It is mutual exchange for we agree most whole heartedly. Thank you dear lady. We know that your enthusiasm is the voice of many. Many more than you are aware.

Shall I put the kettle on then … and don’t call me Polly!

Of course you understand that it would not be appropriate for dates to be given.

Don’t even go there!!!

Yet our excitement is renewed.

Ooh-wer! Getting teary again. One day, we will know each other face to face, and I will bow my head in reverence and recognition …. Then throw my arms around you and say ‘What kept you?” … then I’ll make the tea!

In Love and Light. …. And of course, thanks.

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Great good news. ready, steady, go, there is not time and space for hesitation. The world had to face much harder situations before like the world wars. We will survive your appearance all together and we are waiting for you with all our longing. This time its no shocking event, it is time to celebrate your appearance. So don't let us wait any longer. Namaste, Petra
been ready and waiting since october!!!!
I am the same way, my soul is eager to leave the atmosphere, it doesnt want to be trapped on this earth. All I want to do is meet my ET brothers and experience their company and technology. I want to LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to MEET!!!!!!!! I AM READY AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN READY I WILL STAND BELOW THE SHIP LIKE INDEPENDENCE DAY EMBRACING EVERY MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vaddix said:
Message to the federationof light.
DONT miss the boat! Dont dare miss the boat and condemn us to a life of mediocrity. Unfortunately i for some incredibly dumb reason decided to incarnate on this hunk of crap rock. I love the earth in general but i despise the corruption cuased by the little asshole fragments of sorce. Ever since i can remember Ive always looked up at the stars and wanted to go home. This is not my home! Ive always read my sci fi and envied how my life will never be close to that. Its maddening being stuck here. How the best i can hope for is to find love, and hopefully seed a few baby's then die. I was meant to live for more, we all were and we are being robbed of it, by corruption lies and greed.
I still go by the spiderman quote" With great power comes great responsibility".
All you have to do is say hey dudes we exist. Thats all. just showing up will be a huge service for humanity. Its ridiculous to not think there is life out there in the universe, but people still don't believe in it cause they are so dependent on the system to keep them safe they will believe any lie they throw at us. But these lies are getting sloppy, Everybody on some level knows politicians are no good. I dont know a person who doesn't. They've already forced another depression on us, and i dont know how long people will take it anymore. There has already been mass riots worldwide. Showing up will prove to us that they have been lying for over 70 years. And once that starts so does a chain reaction where the lies of the rich expose themselves and the power will return to the people.
You see you have the power to do immense good just by saying hello.

I'll tell you what if i was in the federation of light i woulda jacked one of your ships a LONG time ago and landed in the center park! And with a smile i would laugh at your non interference rule, And speed off through the stars. You'd have to catch me. Cause I for one believe that if its within your power to save a race, There is no dithering around, there is no questioning. There is litrally NOTHING, nothing more important that it. YOU DO IT, and you do it cause its the right thing to do!

Think of the greater good! So what if some people cant accept it, That is just a lesson they will have to learn. And you know you have us. ALL OF US! if you were to announce yourself, every single lightworker on the planet will be spreading the good news. You have 900 of us here from all around the globe. You have millions over the world. Even the people who just believe, you have all of them on your side. If you were to show up, We would not let you down because all of us are longing for more than a 9 to 5 day!
Why dont you come before more people die in riots, or more people get killed for oil so the rich can have their fancy cigars. before more people die of curable diseases that have been suppressed, before we kill our planet because they have got us suckling off the tit of black gold! Would really miss the boat just cause some people wont be happy of your arrival!
"Yawns" are they here yet? I got brownies.

Love brownies that is.

-L&L- :)
IT IS MOST DEFINATELY TIME! Fair enough, we are starting to see the evil doers fail but I cannot see nor feel our people gaining the rights and means for interstellar travel for a fair while still. How else are we going to ALL find out there is plenty of life out there??

It'll take to long. This needs to happen very soon. PLEASE PLEASE !!

As a mass, I am almost sure that majority of earthlings will accept the fact that we are nowhere near alone especially if our galactic brothers & sisters bring in this hightened LOVE vibration they mentioned. Who will want the world to be the same??!! The filthy rich and powerful, that's who.
Stop with the hullla hulla and show up already. With your technologies, we will be able to take care of those who will be in shock. SHOW UP ALREADY PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next channeling has to be YES OR NO we can't wait for few more years or next year we need you now in 2009!!! We are ready, you (gfol) are ready so go go go!!!
Simmy said:
I also feel, deep in my heart, that the time is NOW. If not, I fear it will be too late for humanity and for our wonderful, beautiful Mother Earth. (please Vaddix, don't call our magnificent planet a "hunk of crap rock"! It really hurst me!)
If you read further i said its not the earth in general, i hate its the corruption and greed caused by the wealthy, Im sorry i called your planet a hunk of crap. Perhaps i should have worded that diferently. I was just angrey and the amount of twiddling thumbs that seem to be happening with the GFOL. I love the earth. I have been actively researching ways of free energy for almost two years so i can help save it.
I'm truely sorry for that outburst simmy. I am third dimensional and still prone to those outburst though i am working on it.
Kerrie said:

Vaddix said:
Message to the federationof light.
DONT miss the boat! Dont dare miss the boat and condemn us to a life of mediocrity. Unfortunately i for some incredibly dumb reason decided to incarnate on this hunk of crap rock. I love the earth in general but i despise the corruption cuased by the little asshole fragments of sorce. Ever since i can remember Ive always looked up at the stars and wanted to go home. This is not my home! Ive always read my sci fi and envied how my life will never be close to that. Its maddening being stuck here. How the best i can hope for is to find love, and hopefully seed a few baby's then die. I was meant to live for more, we all were and we are being robbed of it, by corruption lies and greed.
I still go by the spiderman quote" With great power comes great responsibility".
All you have to do is say hey dudes we exist. Thats all. just showing up will be a huge service for humanity. Its ridiculous to not think there is life out there in the universe, but people still don't believe in it cause they are so dependent on the system to keep them safe they will believe any lie they throw at us. But these lies are getting sloppy, Everybody on some level knows politicians are no good. I dont know a person who doesn't. They've already forced another depression on us, and i dont know how long people will take it anymore. There has already been mass riots worldwide. Showing up will prove to us that they have been lying for over 70 years. And once that starts so does a chain reaction where the lies of the rich expose themselves and the power will return to the people.
You see you have the power to do immense good just by saying hello.

I'll tell you what if i was in the federation of light i woulda jacked one of your ships a LONG time ago and landed in the center park! And with a smile i would laugh at your non interference rule, And speed off through the stars. You'd have to catch me. Cause I for one believe that if its within your power to save a race, There is no dithering around, there is no questioning. There is litrally NOTHING, nothing more important that it. YOU DO IT, and you do it cause its the right thing to do!

Think of the greater good! So what if some people cant accept it, That is just a lesson they will have to learn. And you know you have us. ALL OF US! if you were to announce yourself, every single lightworker on the planet will be spreading the good news. You have 900 of us here from all around the globe. You have millions over the world. Even the people who just believe, you have all of them on your side. If you were to show up, We would not let you down because all of us are longing for more than a 9 to 5 day!
Why dont you come before more people die in riots, or more people get killed for oil so the rich can have their fancy cigars. before more people die of curable diseases that have been suppressed, before we kill our planet because they have got us suckling off the tit of black gold! Would really miss the boat just cause some people wont be happy of your arrival!
Not so much a huge release. More my feelings on the matter. I could elaborate further. Much much further
I also feel like my progress toward ascension has so far ceased, Im not able to do alot of thing many here can, And i think its cause my mission, The reason i am here is to help ease the masses into acceptance. ive allready convinced everyone i know that it ridiculous and impossible for us to be the only life that exists in the universe. And these are people who think im crazy. I got even them to admit to the possibility of life outside our planet.
I have two missions, ease acceptance and help create a new society. Then im out.
Im still not following. It made sence, i get it, that these people dont have their own individuality. But what context does this have in this discussion. I thought that it was suppost to be our response for their decision now or never.
I think they need to make a decision and stop leading us on. If they have the power to assist us, Then they should, cause its right. case closed
So many people have been disappointed with them before, And know that they are building are hopes again, could they really go for a second blow?
Federation of light, Its time to walk the walk, Or forever be a shameful memory of earthlings everywhere that was out of our grasp. You cant just tell us of all these magnificent things you could assist us with and then just leave. That would be absolutely no help at all. Thats pretty much like holding a chew toy in front of a dog then throwing it out of reach.

Kerrie i also dont agree with your win win comment above. In no way will it contribute to soul growth. People have allways wanted the world t be a better place for millenia, and the FOL can give us a huge chance to make it happen. In fact i recently watched a speach by chalrlie chaplin, He had the exact same ideas we have now, and that was allmost 100 years ago. How dissapointed must he have been knowing exactly what was wrong with the world with no way of fixing it? Its the same with everyone here. We all know whats wrong with the world But unless the ball gets rolling we have no way of fixing it. No amount of peaceful petitioning blogging or protests will convince the elite to give up their game. I for one do not think living in this world of fear is soul growth.
I swear if their decision is never im purchasing a solar panel and moving to a hut in the mountains, I'll be done with humanity and all this drama.

Kerrie said:
I got this out of snapshot Blossom’s ebook (remember the Feds said that by the time this is published they would have shown themselves) that’s why I was so surprised when she said to them she was thinking of publishing it after the no show and they said if you think it nessacery but we say there is more.
How many times have you wished
another would conduct their life in the same way you
do? How many times have you wished that another
did a certain task the same way you do? It must be
understood of the individuality of each soul. Each one
of you upon this planet has a unique formula that it
must comply to in order to be itself and carry out its
own agenda. It would not suit for another to do things
your way. For it is not in their makeup.
Think of it in this way. Just suppose you lived on a
planet where there were many individuals. Each
individual ‘appeared’ to be individual. Yet this was
not so. For each single unit was connected to the
whole. As if shall we say, that the one mind lived
within all the individual units. How then could one
become impatient with another? How could one judge
another? They could not for they would be judging
only themselves. Imagine for a time how that would
be. Go into the depths of that scenario. Imagine that
everything you did was also being done by another.
Every thought you had was also another’s thought.
How ‘un-individual’ would you feel? Truly think of
Now we ask you to APPRECIATE WHO YOU
ARE. How special you are as individuals on this
planet that is named Earth. For my friends, we say to
you that in Truth there are many, many planets that
exist in the way that we have just expressed. Do not
misunderstand. It is not that these worlds are of a
miserable nature. Far from it. But it is certainly very
different from your understanding.
Upon these planets one cannot decide for the self to
think in a certain way about a certain thing for it is a
group decision. A group consciousness. Do you see
now how privileged you are to be as separate as you
are? And yet you have taken this gift to its extreme.
You have allowed this gift to turn upon itself and
cause all sorts of mayhem and havoc.
PEOPLE OF EARTH … Return your gift to the
essence of giving that it once was. Display to each
other the joy of this essence. Do not be afraid to be
who you are for Truly we say to you…. YOU ARE
WHO YOU ARE … and who you are is a GIFT from
the Divine Source from which you evolved.
PRESENT this gift in all its glory to yourselves, to
each other and to your Mother Earth. Be your gift, for
you are it! YOU are the gift that is offered to this
planet. Try to understand this. It is your individuality
that is so precious and do you see … rare?
Never underestimate the power of this gift. It was
given to you, by you, and you accepted. It is an
honour for you to ‘be’ this gift. How sad it can make
us to watch the display of your humanness abuse this
affluent flow of abundance. Above all, how it
destroys atoms of Love when you disturb the natural

creation that you were designed to unfold.
Think this way. If given the choice, would you live on
a planet as an individual with but one consciousness
or a planet as an individual with an individual mind?
You have chosen to be here … and here is where we
confuse you… yes, you have individual concepts.
You are separate beings and yet the consciousness
from which you are is at the True core of where you
originate from, therefore making you the One
consciousness and therefore the same as on another
I think at this juncture I need a cup of tea. Does this
mean that everybody on the planet will be putting the
kettle on? Whoa Neddy … I don’t know if I even want
to read that paragraph back. Will it make any sense at
all I wonder?
Why don’t you try?
Because to be really honest with you I don’t feel I
have the energy tonight to continue. Perhaps we could
pick up from here the next time we converse. I hope
this is suitable?
And if we said no?
You’d have to write it yourself. I’m off to bed my
friends. As always thank you. Until we commune
again I send Golden Rays your way.
It is now a few days later, I read it back and yep, it
makes sense. Hoping you’re here for another session.
Many thanks.
Intriguing is it not that the more one’s senses become
attuned to possibilities that once seemed so far
beyond belief, so far out of reach, that here you all
are, on this Earth dimension that was created for just
that, at last beginning to pick up once more, those
seeds that were planted yesteryear in order to be
found in the days of your tomorrows.
Ooooh ‘ello! I feel a ‘splurge coming on!
It is for you to understand that many life times ago
each one of you left seeds for yourselves to be ‘picked
up’ in lifetimes ahead. When your souls were in a
place that could retrieve the benefits that were once its
own. When the Truth of who you once were is in a
position to reveal itself once more to itself … and
when we say ‘in a position’ we mean in more ways
than one.

Matt Wilkinson said:
I am the same way, my soul is eager to leave the atmosphere, it doesnt want to be trapped on this earth. All I want to do is meet my ET brothers and experience their company and technology. I want to LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to MEET!!!!!!!! I AM READY AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN READY I WILL STAND BELOW THE SHIP LIKE INDEPENDENCE DAY EMBRACING EVERY MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vaddix said:
Message to the federationof light.
DONT miss the boat! Dont dare miss the boat and condemn us to a life of mediocrity. Unfortunately i for some incredibly dumb reason decided to incarnate on this hunk of crap rock. I love the earth in general but i despise the corruption cuased by the little asshole fragments of sorce. Ever since i can remember Ive always looked up at the stars and wanted to go home. This is not my home! Ive always read my sci fi and envied how my life will never be close to that. Its maddening being stuck here. How the best i can hope for is to find love, and hopefully seed a few baby's then die. I was meant to live for more, we all were and we are being robbed of it, by corruption lies and greed.
I still go by the spiderman quote" With great power comes great responsibility".
All you have to do is say hey dudes we exist. Thats all. just showing up will be a huge service for humanity. Its ridiculous to not think there is life out there in the universe, but people still don't believe in it cause they are so dependent on the system to keep them safe they will believe any lie they throw at us. But these lies are getting sloppy, Everybody on some level knows politicians are no good. I dont know a person who doesn't. They've already forced another depression on us, and i dont know how long people will take it anymore. There has already been mass riots worldwide. Showing up will prove to us that they have been lying for over 70 years. And once that starts so does a chain reaction where the lies of the rich expose themselves and the power will return to the people.
You see you have the power to do immense good just by saying hello.

I'll tell you what if i was in the federation of light i woulda jacked one of your ships a LONG time ago and landed in the center park! And with a smile i would laugh at your non interference rule, And speed off through the stars. You'd have to catch me. Cause I for one believe that if its within your power to save a race, There is no dithering around, there is no questioning. There is litrally NOTHING, nothing more important that it. YOU DO IT, and you do it cause its the right thing to do!

Think of the greater good! So what if some people cant accept it, That is just a lesson they will have to learn. And you know you have us. ALL OF US! if you were to announce yourself, every single lightworker on the planet will be spreading the good news. You have 900 of us here from all around the globe. You have millions over the world. Even the people who just believe, you have all of them on your side. If you were to show up, We would not let you down because all of us are longing for more than a 9 to 5 day!
Why dont you come before more people die in riots, or more people get killed for oil so the rich can have their fancy cigars. before more people die of curable diseases that have been suppressed, before we kill our planet because they have got us suckling off the tit of black gold! Would really miss the boat just cause some people wont be happy of your arrival!
what did they mean mind would turn? What would happen to the minds of the people who cant let go of fear? If its discomforting i personally welcome it if it will do great good afterward.
Kerrie said:
Are you ready yet? since the harmonic convergence in 1987 beings have been comunicating through channelers through inspired books trying to get us to raise our vibrations so have you got it? Do you realise what will happen to your mind if your vibration is low if you haven't let go of control, judgement and fear. The Feds have said when they come in they bring with them a very high vibration and they fear some minds will turn as they won't be able to intergate the light energy (light is information) if they are too stuck in the dark (ignorance)

KigreThe"Something"Viking said:
"Yawns" are they here yet? I got brownies.

Love brownies that is.

-L&L- :)
Ok i can see how we are all broken in a sence. But if this is true then they know they cannot show up. Im sorry but i don't think its possible to wake up the general masses from just us telling them this information. Im sorry but its just not possible to do without a major event. I dnt know if you relised but they arnt exactly popular due to their no show on oct 14th. Wich discredits them even more and none of the masses will believe a single word from them, unless they show.
If its true that we wont be able to comprehend the love eminating from them then they shouldnt have teased us with this in the first place. cause its impossible to wake the masses up to these frequencies without giving solid evidence, aka showing up.
I will also gladly help the people who's minds are confused by these new frequencies. Thats our jobs as lightworkers.
Kerrie said:
This is what I am trying to say Vaddix I want you to let go of being saved, let go of judging, love the earth and understand our individuality and how precious we are, you are, if you don't know that, don't love you how will you be able to comprehend the love energy that they will be coming in on, it WILL throw you, your mind will not be able to handel it. Have you heard of pavlofs dogs he trained them oneway and praised them for obeying and then changed the rules this confused them and blew their minds.FOL are trying to get us to understand how we work and why we are broken.

Vaddix said:
what did they mean mind would turn? What would happen to the minds of the people who cant let go of fear? If its discomforting i personally welcome it if it will do great good afterward.
Kerrie said:
Are you ready yet? since the harmonic convergence in 1987 beings have been comunicating through channelers through inspired books trying to get us to raise our vibrations so have you got it? Do you realise what will happen to your mind if your vibration is low if you haven't let go of control, judgement and fear. The Feds have said when they come in they bring with them a very high vibration and they fear some minds will turn as they won't be able to intergate the light energy (light is information) if they are too stuck in the dark (ignorance)

KigreThe"Something"Viking said:
"Yawns" are they here yet? I got brownies.

Love brownies that is.

-L&L- :)

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