Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Today the 18th Feb, I looked at a financial newspaper and saw the photo of an electric car, that looks like an egg, parked some place in a parking lot next to an SUV and I thought, FINALLY!! Some sort of physical 3d evidence of what the channelers have been calling soon, soon soooooooon. Next, I look at Mark H's this guy has some info that resonates with me I tell ya...and he says the stock markets are at 7500 or something like that and reminds me that the stock markets will be devinely stopped when the stocks are at 7200. He says that it could be any time this next week. Am waiting for that. If it does happen, then my spirits are even higher because that will represent evidence that I can see, that the dark has actually agreed or been forced to let go of our financial system. I also hear that the ZPMs are now at 98 point something percent, where Ashtar gives them the final push and then KZAAASK! no body can throw explosives at another. There n then, peace would have to be declared and Nesara with it, along with first contact. Tell ya what, we were almost getting tired of the soon soon sooon, but I think I see something happening peeps. It's true, it's here.

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Quick question on the stock market issue:

Which one?

The most likely candidate I can see is the Dow Jones industrial average, which has lost a bit over 1500 points in the last two months, and is dipping further and further down each day. Just before Christmas it was at a 'worrying' 8889.10 points, where it is now at 7552.60. Two days ago, after dipping to 7700 points, there was an obvious rally by a major investor to get back to the 8000 point level, but that has all been for naught. At the current level of decline, 7500 points may be reached either today or tomorrow, depending on how the markets will respond to the new GM/Chrysler drama.

Interesting to note, though, that the Nasdaq technology index seems to be pretty much stable.
This events are so meaningful, and yes your are right, we are almost right there, I just rather to give time to time, because I know it will happen, or maybe is because I am so sure about it that I see it like part of my reality, but still, it is exiting, these lasts years had been like a roller coaster.
Love & light

Ullan, yes, I believe it's the Dow Jones. Rocanon, we are waiting with batted breath for this. I mean, we have won, am already celebrating when I imagine getting a break from being a slave. It was a challenge, but I don't think I like being a slave...i.e if that is what the lesson here was.
my only problem is mark h, NOTHING this guy says comes true, stop listening to him, he is a sharlatan
LOLOLOL actually am with you Andy, but let's see with the markets and the ZPMs because the figures are now where he said they would be for us to see some action. Let's give it a small while.
they got me when the new moon and its unusual hologram-like projections said 'hi'
"Is soon finally here?"
Hmm… How soon is too soon? How far is too far? LOL

18th February 2037: You've got mail!

Click. Inbox.

Message from: Dove Of Oneness
Subject: Breaking News!!!!!!

Dear White Knights and Light Workers,
We really need your help to keep working toward Nesara's announcement! PayPal info below.
Nesara now!

PS. Remember Dove is only a pen-name that I use for security reasons. Nesara now!"

The guy glances at his display, puts down his coffee. Grabs his cellphone and dials a number.
Someone picks up.
— Hello?
— Hello, Mark H?
— Yea…
— Hold on just a sec…
— Ok…

The guy opens the drawer next to him and pulls out a gun.

— Mark H, you still there?
— Yea…

PAW! PAW! The guy blows his goddamn display.

— Mark H?
— Yea… What the hell was that?
— You're next!

I also hear that the ZPMs are now at 98 point something percent, where Ashtar gives them the final push and then KZAAASK! no body can throw explosives at another

Sorry may have missed it somewhere along the way..but what does ZPM stand for??

Dom..i love ya and your humor..but sometimes your a little freaky
Kihanyaking said:
Ullan, yes, I believe it's the Dow Jones. Rocanon, we are waiting with batted breath for this. I mean, we have won, am already celebrating when I imagine getting a break from being a slave. It was a challenge, but I don't think I like being a slave...i.e if that is what the lesson here was.

You are totally right, it was a lesson, and when I learned that I it was my decision to live this times it became more valuable, because to be living this years of change, will leave a big amount of knowledge and love.
Love and Light to you my brother

I will be the first one jumping for joy when first contact roles around but for god shakes why are we waiting for E.T.s to come down when we can get up and do all the positive changes we need ourselves right now?
Did you hear that Germany has made it official that they are nationalising their banks????. Gosh things are moving. Am thinking that has a Gesara angle but what do you guys think?
My own thoughts on the matter are that the longer bail outs continue, the more inflated funds get drawn into a dying structure, which poisons the structure further, and at the same time cleans up the bloated bubble that is the folly of credit.

The idea of bail-outs and emergency credit is based on the 'New Deal' from the 1930's, where the governments indeed spent their way out of recession. But in those days they spent their money on new infrastructure, sustainable businesses and industry. The difference is thus that these days all the value reserved to save the economy is going straight to the banks, who do nothing with it.

In future, this will be seen as the greatest delusion in human history.

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